I'm running a 6.0.3 site and I am having some trouble with permission inheritance.
The default permission for the user type Writer does not permit Publish. We do however have a Node where we want specific users with the Writer permissions to be able to create child nodes and publish these.
In order to make that happen I have under 'Users > User Permissions > Some Specific User > Node in question' added Publish, and also selected to Replace child node permissions. That works fine for the actual Node and any existing child nodes, but as soon as a new child node is created the specific users who should have Publish permission are missing it for that new node.
Have i misunderstood how it's supposed to work, or might this be a bug?
Please let us know in here if youc create an issue so others can go and vote it up - remember to double check that it has not already been reported by another Umbracian :)
Permission inheritance
I'm running a 6.0.3 site and I am having some trouble with permission inheritance.
The default permission for the user type Writer does not permit Publish. We do however have a Node where we want specific users with the Writer permissions to be able to create child nodes and publish these.
In order to make that happen I have under 'Users > User Permissions > Some Specific User > Node in question' added Publish, and also selected to Replace child node permissions. That works fine for the actual Node and any existing child nodes, but as soon as a new child node is created the specific users who should have Publish permission are missing it for that new node.
Have i misunderstood how it's supposed to work, or might this be a bug?
Hi Mikko
From your explanation it sounds to me like you have understood the concept correctly.
I suggest you report this as an issue on the issue tracker here http://issues.umbraco.org/issues/U4
Please let us know in here if youc create an issue so others can go and vote it up - remember to double check that it has not already been reported by another Umbracian :)
Thanks Jan!
I searched for similar reported issues but found none, so I've gone ahead and created one: U4-2161Permission inheritance is failing
is working on a reply...