Problem getting blog4umbraco to work (urn:tagsLib not found)
I suspect I'm probably missing something obvious, since no one else seems to be having problems with the package... but after having googled it, and ploved through a lot of forum posts I still can't get it working.
After installing the blog4umbraco package I get XSLT parsing errors.
System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransformException: Cannot find the script or external object that implements prefix 'urn:tagsLib'.
In the comments on the package info on Tims blog someone else also mentions it, and one of the replys mention:
[snip] caused by the xsltextensions file not being updated during install [/snip]
And after that
[snip] I have been searching for ages, allmost gave up….. this did the trick [/snip]
Does anyone know how to update the xsltextensions file? Or is that a different problem? I have tried it on two different systems, both nearly fresh installs (only some runway and CWS packages installed).
You can update it in the /Config/XsltExtensions.config file, Below you find a copy of my file that is using the Blog4Umbraco package. Hope this helps you,
Problem getting blog4umbraco to work (urn:tagsLib not found)
I suspect I'm probably missing something obvious, since no one else seems to be having problems with the package... but after having googled it, and ploved through a lot of forum posts I still can't get it working.
After installing the blog4umbraco package I get XSLT parsing errors.
In the comments on the package info on Tims blog someone else also mentions it, and one of the replys mention:
[snip] caused by the xsltextensions file not being updated during install [/snip]
And after that
[snip] I have been searching for ages, allmost gave up….. this did the trick [/snip]
Does anyone know how to update the xsltextensions file? Or is that a different problem?
I have tried it on two different systems, both nearly fresh installs (only some runway and CWS packages installed).
You can update it in the /Config/XsltExtensions.config file, Below you find a copy of my file that is using the Blog4Umbraco package. Hope this helps you,
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ext assembly="/bin/name-of-dll-without-dll-extension" type="Fully.Qualified.Name.Of.Type.Including.Namespace" alias="Prefix-to-use-in-xslt" />
<ext assembly="\bin\umbraco.editorControls" type="umbraco.editorControls.tags.library" alias="tagsLib">
<ext assembly="\bin\Umlaut.Umb.Blog" type="Umlaut.Umb.Blog.BlogLibrary" alias="BlogLibrary">
"Hope this helps you"
Yes, that did the trick. I was looking for a DLL that was missing/wrong. Thanks :-)
Yup, helped me too.. thanks :)
is working on a reply...