It is the Model.MediaById part that is not working, and I cannot find the correct way to get to the media properties that the html helper function needs. If I create an old style macro, it works fine, but Umbraco are planning to remove macroscripts in the future, so I need to get this working in views.
Alternative to Model.MediaById in Partial View Macros in Umbraco 6
I am porting over the image cropper from a marcosript to a partial view macro in Umbraco 6, and not able to access the media property.
The HTML Helper for the image cropper looks like this:
@using System.Xml
@using System.Xml.Linq
@using umbraco.MacroEngines
@functions {
public static string GetImageCropperUrl(umbraco.MacroEngines.DynamicXml cropText, string cropName)
string cropUrl = string.Empty;
XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); xmlDocument.LoadXml(cropText.BaseElement.ToString());
XmlNode cropNode = xmlDocument.SelectSingleNode("descendant::crops/crop[@name='" + cropName + "']");
if (cropNode != null)
cropUrl = cropNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("url").InnerText;
return cropUrl;
In the Partial view I am using var articles = Model.Content.Descendants() to iterate through the content pages to build a list of sub pages.
when it comes to access in the image crop I am using the following code:
imagePath = @Helpers.ImageHelpers.GetImageCropperUrl(Model.MediaById(art.articleMainImage).crops, "ArticleImage-Main");
It is the Model.MediaById part that is not working, and I cannot find the correct way to get to the media properties that the html helper function needs. If I create an old style macro, it works fine, but Umbraco are planning to remove macroscripts in the future, so I need to get this working in views.
Any help would be very appreciated,
Kind regards,
is working on a reply...