Been running for a while but just setting up in a new environemnt. This was just a straight db copy from our prelive environment back to dev. After enquiring here there is in fact a possibitly that files in prelive could have changed from what we have in dev - ie Courier could have been installed apparently. I'll get the chance to do a file compare on Monday.
Macro-parameter-save fails and leaves blank area - no error
Hi all
Umbraco V 4.11.8
When I try to save a macro parameter, the following happens but no error in Umbraco log and no ysod... and no parameter is saved.
Can anybody help?
Hi Jules
Do you get any error messages in your browser console log?
Is this happening on a clean installation or has it been running for a while? In which environment does it happen?
In fact I do
I get these:
Hi Jules
Ok, is it a clean installation or an installation that has been running for a while?
Did you make any changes before you tried to add the parameter? Like installing a package or something?
Been running for a while but just setting up in a new environemnt. This was just a straight db copy from our prelive environment back to dev. After enquiring here there is in fact a possibitly that files in prelive could have changed from what we have in dev - ie Courier could have been installed apparently. I'll get the chance to do a file compare on Monday.
Thanks for your help so far.
J :)
is working on a reply...