Is there a way to export member data to a csv file from Umbraco Admin side.. i can export by writing usercontrols.. but it would be nice if there is a tool to export member data from the admin side
Unfortunately, there is no way to export member data from the Umbraco admin back-office. If you already have a way of doing it via a user-control, then that's currently the best way of doing it.
You could always package up your user-control and release it here? Might help out other users in future? (just an idea)
I wrote some kind of simple member export/import script using /base, therefore wanted to share.. However, it is a bit slow as it is using exporting to xml file and then loading back using umbraco API, so if anyone has any ideas how the script could be improved, you are more then welcome to share :)
public static void exportMembers()
String path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/xml/members.xml"); //Upload a file somewhere to reachable place
TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(path);
foreach (Member m in Member.GetAllAsList())
tw.WriteLine("<nodeid><![CDATA[" + m.Id + "]]></nodeid>");
tw.WriteLine("<name><![CDATA[" + m.Text + "]]></name>");
tw.WriteLine("<username><![CDATA[" + m.LoginName + "]]></username>");
tw.WriteLine("<password><![CDATA[" + m.Password + "]]></password>");
tw.WriteLine("<email><![CDATA[" + m.Email + "]]></email>");
foreach (String group in Roles.GetRolesForUser(m.LoginName))
tw.WriteLine("<group><![CDATA[" + group + "]]></group>");
foreach (Property p in m.GenericProperties)
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(p.Value.ToString()))
Type t = p.PropertyType.GetType();
tw.WriteLine("<" + p.PropertyType.Alias + " type=\"" + p.Value.GetType().ToString() + "\">");
tw.WriteLine("<![CDATA[" + p.Value.ToString() + "]]>");
tw.WriteLine("</" + p.PropertyType.Alias + ">");
public static String importMembers()
String output = "";
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
String path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("App_Data/xml/members.xml"); //Upload a file somewhere to reachable place
FileStream stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open);
XmlReader r = XmlReader.Create(stream);
XmlNode root = doc.SelectSingleNode("/members");
if (root.HasChildNodes)
foreach (XmlNode memberNode in root.ChildNodes)
output += importMember(memberNode);
return output;
private static String importMember(XmlNode mn)
String output = "";
int nodeId = Int32.Parse(mn.SelectSingleNode("./nodeid").InnerText);
String name = mn.SelectSingleNode("./name").InnerText;
String username = mn.SelectSingleNode("./username").InnerText;
String password = mn.SelectSingleNode("./password").InnerText;
String email = mn.SelectSingleNode("./email").InnerText.Trim();
if ((email != "" && String.IsNullOrEmpty(Membership.GetUserNameByEmail(email))) || Membership.GetUser(username) == null)
MemberType memberType = MemberType.GetByAlias("Basic");
Member m = Member.MakeNew(name, username, email, memberType, new umbraco.BusinessLogic.User(0));
XmlNode groupsNode = mn.SelectSingleNode("./groups");
if (groupsNode.HasChildNodes)
foreach (XmlNode groupNode in groupsNode.ChildNodes)
Roles.AddUserToRole(username, groupNode.InnerText);
XmlNode propertiesNode = mn.SelectSingleNode("./properties");
if (propertiesNode.HasChildNodes)
foreach (XmlNode propertyNode in propertiesNode.ChildNodes)
Type propertyType = Type.GetType(propertyNode.Attributes["type"].Value);
MemberHelper.setProperty(m, propertyNode.Name, Convert.ChangeType(propertyNode.InnerText, propertyType));
//srvc.setHashedPassword(m.Id, password); //update password in cmsmeber table
output += "bad email " + email + " " + username + " ";
return output;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using umbraco.cms.businesslogic.member;
public class MemberHelper
public static T getProperty<T>(Member m, String alias, T defaultValue)
if (m.getProperty(alias).Value.ToString() == String.Empty)
return defaultValue;
return (T)Convert.ChangeType(m.getProperty(alias).Value, typeof(T));
public static void setProperty<T>(Member m, String alias, T value)
m.getProperty(alias).Value = value;
Well I had 10.000 members in my system and used the script I shared to move members from one system to another. The work took like 10 minutes and didn't cost anything :-)
Hi Julius sorry not familiar with restextensionmethods.. how would i make use of your code in umbraco? or would i just create a user control macro and call your code?
I needed to export all members on a daily basis to Excel, and have tried out several solutions
I wouldn't recommend using Member.GetAll and other API methods since these seems to rely heavily on multiple queries do some SQL profiling on an page with several controls retrieving member properties and you'll be impressed by the number of queries on the database
so as soon as you reach thousands of members, and you need say +10 properties in your export, exporting with the API is really not a good idea
altough direct sql queries could potentially be broken by future upgrades of the CMS, they still are the best solution in terms of performance
like for the API, a query with subqueries will soon hit its limits:
select (select ...) as propertyname from ...
the MemberExport package uses an inner join solution to fetch all the properties
I'm not sure if this is less suitable in terms of performance, but i implemented a solution with a pivot tabel (which requires at least SQL 2005 I believe) allowing me to swap the property rows into columns; pivot is meant to be used for aggregation, but with the max it can be tricked into normal row swapping
based on my experience it is fast (2 secs on a +13K member base with +10 properties)
you can implement it as a stored procedure with a temp table (as shown here) or in two parts with an indexed view (use the schemabinding clause and then create indexes) + a text query, the latter offers you more flexibility an indexed view of course causes slight overhead, because the server needs to update its indexes; however, I haven't come across speed differences so far (after the initial execution & compilation)
this example is just for two properties and works with integer, boolean and varchar fields
create procedure sp_GetMemberProperties as begin set nocount on; create table #MemberData ( Id int, Alias nvarchar(255) NOT NULL, DataValue nvarchar(500) NULL ) insert into #MemberData select dbo.cmsPropertyData.contentNodeId, dbo.cmsPropertyType.Alias, IsNull(dbo.cmsPropertyData.dataNvarchar, dbo.cmsPropertyData.dataInt) from dbo.cmsPropertyData inner join dbo.cmsPropertyType on = dbo.cmsPropertyData.propertytypeid inner join dbo.cmsMember on dbo.cmsMember.nodeId = dbo.cmsPropertyData.contentNodeId select Id as MemberId, firstName as FirstName, name as Name from #MemberData pivot (max(datavalue) for Alias in (firstName, name)) p order by Id asc drop table #MemberData end go
Might be nice to know that I'm currently working on native export to excel for MemberExport PRO. And indeed using direct SQL in Memberexport. Reason for this is that it's really fast, depending on the amount of properties it exports thousands of members in milliseconds. I'm not that afraid that the DB schema will change since there will not be new functionality in Umbraco V4.x. And it's a commercial package so when something breaks on a supported version expect a new release within a few days.
Export Member Data
Hi all,
Is there a way to export member data to a csv file from Umbraco Admin side.. i can export by writing usercontrols.. but it would be nice if there is a tool to export member data from the admin side
Hi Naren,
Unfortunately, there is no way to export member data from the Umbraco admin back-office. If you already have a way of doing it via a user-control, then that's currently the best way of doing it.
You could always package up your user-control and release it here? Might help out other users in future? (just an idea)
Cheers, Lee.
I wrote some kind of simple member export/import script using /base, therefore wanted to share.. However, it is a bit slow as it is using exporting to xml file and then loading back using umbraco API, so if anyone has any ideas how the script could be improved, you are more then welcome to share :)
Julius Bartkus
Julius, I'm trying to use your code in a umbraco 4.6.2 installation. However I cannot find the MemberHelper used by your code class?
Any ideas?
sorry, forgot to put it on:
Thanks for a very fast and helpful answer!
Now the site compiles, but when I try to access this I get an error:
p.p1 {margin: 5.0px 0.0px 5.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px 'Times New Roman'}
Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.
I have never used base before, so I am clueless...
Any ideas? Or any other suggestions on how to transfer members from 4.0 to 4.6.2?
Well, I just used your class from a template instead. Seems to work, haven't tried importing yet though.
Thanks a lot for sharing your code! :)
Well, strangely enough now I get an error
umbraco.cms.businesslogic.member.Member' does not contain a definition for 'GetAllAsList'
But it does, doesn't it?
No, not in 4.1....
Why not use MemberExport?
Well, searched this site but did not find that package.
Have used it now, worked great!
Now I guess I'll have to tweak Julius code above to do the import from that file.
Thanks! :)
2 Jeroen Breuer:
MemberExport is not free.
If you want to import that file you can use CMSImport :).
@Julius MemberExport is free up to the export of 200 members.
@Daniel indeed you can use CMSImport to import the members again. Also free up to 500 records.
Well I had 10.000 members in my system and used the script I shared to move members from one system to another.
The work took like 10 minutes and didn't cost anything :-)
Hi Julius sorry not familiar with restextensionmethods.. how would i make use of your code in umbraco? or would i just create a user control macro and call your code?
I needed to export all members on a daily basis to Excel, and have tried out several solutions
I wouldn't recommend using Member.GetAll and other API methods since these seems to rely heavily on multiple queries
do some SQL profiling on an page with several controls retrieving member properties and you'll be impressed by the number of queries on the database
so as soon as you reach thousands of members, and you need say +10 properties in your export, exporting with the API is really not a good idea
altough direct sql queries could potentially be broken by future upgrades of the CMS, they still are the best solution in terms of performance
like for the API, a query with subqueries will soon hit its limits:
the MemberExport package uses an inner join solution to fetch all the properties
I'm not sure if this is less suitable in terms of performance, but i implemented a solution with a pivot tabel (which requires at least SQL 2005 I believe) allowing me to swap the property rows into columns; pivot is meant to be used for aggregation, but with the max it can be tricked into normal row swapping
based on my experience it is fast (2 secs on a +13K member base with +10 properties)
you can implement it as a stored procedure with a temp table (as shown here) or in two parts with an indexed view (use the schemabinding clause and then create indexes) + a text query, the latter offers you more flexibility
an indexed view of course causes slight overhead, because the server needs to update its indexes; however, I haven't come across speed differences so far (after the initial execution & compilation)
this example is just for two properties and works with integer, boolean and varchar fields
create procedure sp_GetMemberProperties as begin set nocount on; create table #MemberData ( Id int, Alias nvarchar(255) NOT NULL, DataValue nvarchar(500) NULL ) insert into #MemberData select dbo.cmsPropertyData.contentNodeId, dbo.cmsPropertyType.Alias, IsNull(dbo.cmsPropertyData.dataNvarchar, dbo.cmsPropertyData.dataInt) from dbo.cmsPropertyData inner join dbo.cmsPropertyType on = dbo.cmsPropertyData.propertytypeid inner join dbo.cmsMember on dbo.cmsMember.nodeId = dbo.cmsPropertyData.contentNodeId select Id as MemberId, firstName as FirstName, name as Name from #MemberData pivot (max(datavalue) for Alias in (firstName, name)) p order by Id asc drop table #MemberData end go
Might be nice to know that I'm currently working on native export to excel for MemberExport PRO. And indeed using direct SQL in Memberexport. Reason for this is that it's really fast, depending on the amount of properties it exports thousands of members in milliseconds. I'm not that afraid that the DB schema will change since there will not be new functionality in Umbraco V4.x. And it's a commercial package so when something breaks on a supported version expect a new release within a few days.
Great news, hopefully this will address the issue of Excel dropping leading zeros on phone numbers (not a fault of the package).
Yes it will, in fact that triggered me to update the package :). Hopefully done by next week, I will ping you for a test.
is working on a reply...
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