How can you restore accidently deleted data types?
I was getting ready to follow the video tutorial about Ultimate Picker. I saw in the video that the default settings were being changed. I thought that I might want to keep the default settings on Ultimate Picker but set up a second Ultimate Picker data type to test with using the changed settings in the video. I set up an Ultimate Picker 2 data type, but it didn't have the same elements to it in what was set up. So I wanted to delete my newly created Ultimate Picker 2 data type, but accidently deleted the real Ultimate Picker instead.
Is there any way to restore this easily?
Help! ;)
Now I can't do the tutorial to learn this feature and I'll lose this functionality on the site I'm trying to build while learning Umbraco if I can't figure out a way to restore this without having to do a reinstallation.
Adding a new data type won't work as far as I can tell because it doesn't have the same settings as Ultimate Picker had within it when I try to add a new one. That's why I decided to delete my effort at creating a second one, but accidently deleted the real one. If there's a way to change what settings appear when you add a new data type, I could probably rebuild it that way if someone can tell me what settings to add and how to add them. That's what I was going to look for next before I accidently deleted the wrong one.
I don't have the documents, but my IT admin has everything. I'll forward what you posted here to her after I see what she says about it.
How can you restore accidently deleted data types?
I was getting ready to follow the video tutorial about Ultimate Picker. I saw in the video that the default settings were being changed. I thought that I might want to keep the default settings on Ultimate Picker but set up a second Ultimate Picker data type to test with using the changed settings in the video. I set up an Ultimate Picker 2 data type, but it didn't have the same elements to it in what was set up. So I wanted to delete my newly created Ultimate Picker 2 data type, but accidently deleted the real Ultimate Picker instead.
Is there any way to restore this easily?
Help! ;)
Now I can't do the tutorial to learn this feature and I'll lose this functionality on the site I'm trying to build while learning Umbraco if I can't figure out a way to restore this without having to do a reinstallation.
I'm assuming you have existing documents using the default ultimate picker ? (if not then just add new datatype)
I've looked on a couple of installs and it seems that the default UltimatePicker data type is of node Id 1039.
Perhaps you can restore it by ensuring you have the following rows:
pk nodeId controlId dbType
36 1039 CDBF0B5D-5CB2-445F-BC12-FCAAEC07CF2C Ntext
id trashed parentID nodeUser level path sortOrder uniqueID text nodeObjectType createDate
1039 0 -1 0 1 -1,1039 2 06F349A9-C949-4B6A-8660-59C10451AF42 Ultimate Picker 30A2A501-1978-4DDB-A57B-F7EFED43BA3C 2006-01-03 13:07:55.250
Adding a new data type won't work as far as I can tell because it doesn't have the same settings as Ultimate Picker had within it when I try to add a new one. That's why I decided to delete my effort at creating a second one, but accidently deleted the real one. If there's a way to change what settings appear when you add a new data type, I could probably rebuild it that way if someone can tell me what settings to add and how to add them. That's what I was going to look for next before I accidently deleted the wrong one.
I don't have the documents, but my IT admin has everything. I'll forward what you posted here to her after I see what she says about it.
Adding the new data type did work once I saw that Ultimate Picker was still present in the render control dropdown box.
is working on a reply...