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  • Sascha Wolter 615 posts 1101 karma points
    Mar 09, 2011 @ 08:26
    Sascha Wolter

    Auto Sort version 1.0 released! More translations needed

    I am very happy to announce the release of version 1.0 of the Auto Sort package grown here at TheFARM. In short the package adds another item to the context menu for both content and media nodes, the popup window enables the editor then to define sort criteria (the field to sort by, the direction, if child nodes and unpublished nodes should be included) which will then be used to sort the child nodes.

    The package is stable in our system(s), yet we first want to see what the community says before we declare the package stable.

    Auto Sort is currently avaialable in English and German. If you would like to see the package translated to one of the other languages for which the Umbraco backend is available please feel free to post a translation of the following here in the forum, we'd really appreciate it :)

            <key alias="AutoSort">Auto sort</key>
            <key alias="SortSubNodesOf">Sort sub nodes of</key>
            <key alias="FieldToSortBy">Field to sort by</key>
            <key alias="Direction">Direction</key>
            <key alias="ascending">ascending</key>
            <key alias="descending">descending</key>
            <key alias="Name">Name</key>
            <key alias="Id">Id</key>
            <key alias="CreationDate">Creation date</key>
            <key alias="NodeTypeAlias">Node type alias</key>
            <key alias="UpdateDate">Update date</key>
            <key alias="ReleaseDate">Release date</key>
            <key alias="ExpiryDate">Expiry date</key>
            <key alias="CreatorName">Creator name</key>
            <key alias="CustomField">Custom field</key>
            <key alias="IncludeGrandChildren">Include grand-children</key>
            <key alias="IncludeUnpublishedNodes">Include unpublished nodes</key>
            <key alias="PlaceUnpublishedNodesAt">Place unpublished nodes at</key>
            <key alias="Top">top</key>
            <key alias="Bottom">bottom</key>
            <key alias="Sort">Sort</key>
            <key alias="Sorting">Sorting...</key>

    Hope you enjoy using the package. :D


  • kows 81 posts 151 karma points c-trib
    Mar 09, 2011 @ 09:57





    <key alias="AutoSort">Automatisch sorteren</key>
            <key alias="SortSubNodesOf">Sorteer sub nodes van</key>
            <key alias="FieldToSortBy">Sorteren op</key>
            <key alias="Direction">Richting</key>
            <key alias="ascending">Stijgend</key>
            <key alias="descending">Dalend</key>
            <key alias="Name">Naam</key>
            <key alias="Id">Id</key>
            <key alias="CreationDate">Aanmaakdatum</key>
            <key alias="NodeTypeAlias">Node type alias</key>
            <key alias="UpdateDate">Update datum</key>
            <key alias="ReleaseDate">Release datum</key>
            <key alias="ExpiryDate">Vervaldatum</key>
            <key alias="CreatorName">Auteursnaam</key>
            <key alias="CustomField">Custom veld</key>
            <key alias="IncludeGrandChildren">Inclusief kleinkinderen</key>
            <key alias="IncludeUnpublishedNodes">Inclusief ongepubliceerde nodes</key>
            <key alias="PlaceUnpublishedNodesAt">Positie ongepubliceerde nodes</key>
            <key alias="Top">Bovenaan</key>
            <key alias="Bottom">Onderaan</key>
            <key alias="Sort">Sorteer</key>
            <key alias="Sorting">Aan het sorteren...</key>

  • Patrik Wibron 40 posts 67 karma points
    Mar 09, 2011 @ 10:08
    Patrik Wibron


    <key alias="AutoSort">Autosortering</key>
    <key alias="SortSubNodesOf">Sortera underliggande noder av</key>
    <key alias="FieldToSortBy">Fält att sortera efter</key>
    <key alias="Direction">Riktning</key>
    <key alias="ascending">stigande</key>
    <key alias="descending">fallande</key>
    <key alias="Name">Namn</key>
    <key alias="Id">Id</key>
    <key alias="CreationDate">Publiceringsdatum</key>
    <key alias="NodeTypeAlias">Alias för innehållstyp</key>
    <key alias="UpdateDate">Uppdateringsdatumn</key>
    <key alias="ReleaseDate">Release date</key>
    <key alias="ExpiryDate">Utgångsdatum</key>
    <key alias="CreatorName">Skaparens namn</key>
    <key alias="CustomField">Anpassat fält</key>
    <key alias="IncludeGrandChildren">Inkludera barnbarn</key>
    <key alias="IncludeUnpublishedNodes">Inkludera opublicerade noder</key>
    <key alias="PlaceUnpublishedNodesAt">Placera opublicera noder i</key>
    <key alias="Top">toppen</key>
    <key alias="Bottom">botten</key>
    <key alias="Sort">Sortera</key>
    <key alias="Sorting">Sorterar...</key>
  • Michael Latouche 504 posts 819 karma points MVP 4x c-trib
    Mar 09, 2011 @ 10:10
    Michael Latouche


            <key alias="AutoSort">Tri automatique</key>
            <key alias="SortSubNodesOf">Trier les noeuds sous</key>
            <key alias="FieldToSortBy">Trier par</key>
            <key alias="Direction">Ordre</key>
            <key alias="ascending">croissant</key>
            <key alias="descending">décroissant</key>
            <key alias="Name">Nom</key>
            <key alias="Id">Id</key>
            <key alias="CreationDate">Date de création</key>
            <key alias="NodeTypeAlias">Node type alias</key>
            <key alias="UpdateDate">Date de mise à jour</key>
            <key alias="ReleaseDate">Date de publication</key>
            <key alias="ExpiryDate">Date d'expiration</key>
            <key alias="CreatorName">Nom du créateur</key>
            <key alias="CustomField">Champ particulier</key>
            <key alias="IncludeGrandChildren">Inclure les petits-enfants</key>
            <key alias="IncludeUnpublishedNodes">Inclure les noeuds non publiés</key>
            <key alias="PlaceUnpublishedNodesAt">Placer les noeuds non publiés en</key>
            <key alias="Top">haut</key>
            <key alias="Bottom">bas</key>
            <key alias="Sort">Trier</key>
            <key alias="Sorting">Tri en cours...</key>

  • Morten Balle 38 posts 129 karma points
    Mar 09, 2011 @ 10:59
    Morten Balle


           <key alias="AutoSort">Autosortering</key>
            <key alias="SortSubNodesOf">Sorter sub noder under</key>
            <key alias="FieldToSortBy">Felt der skal sorteres efter</key>
            <key alias="Direction">Orden</key>
            <key alias="ascending">stigende</key>
            <key alias="descending">faldende</key>
            <key alias="Name">Navn</key>
            <key alias="Id">Id</key>
            <key alias="CreationDate">Oprettet dato</key>
            <key alias="NodeTypeAlias">Node type alias</key>
            <key alias="UpdateDate">Opdateret dato</key>
            <key alias="ReleaseDate">Udgivelses dato</key>
            <key alias="ExpiryDate">Udløbs dato</key>
            <key alias="CreatorName">Forfatter navn</key>
            <key alias="CustomField">Tilpasset felt</key>
            <key alias="IncludeGrandChildren">Inkludér grand-children</key>
            <key alias="IncludeUnpublishedNodes">Inkludér ikke publicerede sider</key>
            <key alias="PlaceUnpublishedNodesAt">Placer ikke publicerede sider</key>
            <key alias="Top">øverst</key>
            <key alias="Bottom">nederst</key>
            <key alias="Sort">Sorter</key>
            <key alias="Sorting">Sorterer...</key>

  • Ricardo 4 posts 26 karma points
    Mar 09, 2011 @ 12:05


            <key alias="AutoSort">Ordinamento automatico</key>
    <key alias="SortSubNodesOf">Ordina sub nodi di</key>
    <key alias="FieldToSortBy">Campo da ordinare per</key>
    <key alias="Direction">Direzione</key>
    <key alias="ascending">Ascendente</key>
    <key alias="descending">Decrescente</key>
    <key alias="Name">Nome</key>
    <key alias="Id">Identificatore</key>
    <key alias="CreationDate">Data creazione</key>
    <key alias="NodeTypeAlias">Alias tipo di nodo</key>
    <key alias="UpdateDate">Data aggiornamento</key>
    <key alias="ReleaseDate">Data rilascio</key>
    <key alias="ExpiryDate">Data scadenza</key>
    <key alias="CreatorName">Nome creatore</key>
    <key alias="CustomField">Campo personalizzato</key>
    <key alias="IncludeGrandChildren">Includi nodi nipoti</key>
    <key alias="IncludeUnpublishedNodes">Includi nodi non pubblicati</key>
    <key alias="PlaceUnpublishedNodesAt">Posiziona nodi non pubblicati in</key>
    <key alias="Top">primo</key>
    <key alias="Bottom">ultimo</key>
    <key alias="Sort">Ordinamento</key>
    <key alias="Sorting">Ordinando...</key>
  • Sascha Wolter 615 posts 1101 karma points
    Mar 09, 2011 @ 12:47
    Sascha Wolter

    Absolutely amazing, thanks everybody for the translations. I'll publish them in a bit and let know. :)

    Anybody up for some Spanish, Korean or Norwegian translations?

  • Ricardo 4 posts 26 karma points
    Mar 09, 2011 @ 13:16


            <key alias="AutoSort">Orden automatico</key>
    <key alias="SortSubNodesOf">Ordena sub nudos de</key>
    <key alias="FieldToSortBy">Campo para ordenar por</key>
    <key alias="Direction">Orden/dirección</key>
    <key alias="ascending">ascendente</key>
    <key alias="descending">decreciente</key>
    <key alias="Name">Nombre</key>
    <key alias="Id">Identificador</key>
    <key alias="CreationDate">Fecha de creación</key>
    <key alias="NodeTypeAlias">Alias del tipo de nudo</key>
    <key alias="UpdateDate">Fecha versión actualizada</key>
    <key alias="ReleaseDate">Fecha de publicación</key>
    <key alias="ExpiryDate">Fecha de terminación</key>
    <key alias="CreatorName">Nombre creador</key>
    <key alias="CustomField">Campo personalizado</key>
    <key alias="IncludeGrandChildren">Incluya nudos nietos</key>
    <key alias="IncludeUnpublishedNodes">Incluya nudos no publicados</key>
    <key alias="PlaceUnpublishedNodesAt">Coloque los nudos no publicados en</key>
    <key alias="Top">primero</key>
    <key alias="Bottom">ultimo</key>
    <key alias="Sort">Orden</key>
    <key alias="Sorting">Ordenando...</key>
  • Sascha Wolter 615 posts 1101 karma points
    Mar 16, 2011 @ 05:35
    Sascha Wolter

    Thanks everyone for the lovely translations, I have finally found some time and uploaded a new version (1.1) with your work included.

    High five to all of you! :)


  • Berto 105 posts 177 karma points
    Apr 21, 2011 @ 18:10

    Here's the transaltion for portuguese (pt-PT)

    <key alias="AutoSort">Ordenar automaticamente</key>
    <key alias="SortSubNodesOf">Ordenar sub nós de</key>
    <key alias="FieldToSortBy">Ordenar pelo campo</key>
    <key alias="Direction">Ordem/Direcção</key>
    <key alias="ascending">ascendente</key>
    <key alias="descending">descendente</key>
    <key alias="Name">Nome</key>
    <key alias="Id">Identificador</key>
    <key alias="CreationDate">Data de criação</key>
    <key alias="NodeTypeAlias">Alias do Tipo de Nó</key>
    <key alias="UpdateDate">Data de actualização</key>
    <key alias="ReleaseDate">Data de publicação</key>
    <key alias="ExpiryDate">Data de Expiração</key>
    <key alias="CreatorName">Nome do criador</key>
    <key alias="CustomField">Campo personalizado</key>
    <key alias="IncludeGrandChildren">Incluir nós netos</key>
    <key alias="IncludeUnpublishedNodes">Incluir nós não publicados</key>
    <key alias="PlaceUnpublishedNodesAt">Colocar nós não publicados em</key>
    <key alias="Top">primeiro</key>
    <key alias="Bottom">último</key>
    <key alias="Sort">Ordenar</key>
    <key alias="Sorting">A Ordenar...</key>
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