Possibility for cooperation/sponsoring media preview functionality?
Hi Sasha
We are really enjoying working with the Embedded Content – it is super developer friendly. Unfortunately a current client of ours doesn’t have the same warm feelings. The problem is that when they have chosen an image, they have no way of seeing chosen image from the Umbraco backend.
I’m imagining that this could be fixed in the UI by adding basic preview functionality to the media picker UI. It could be placed at the spot marked in this screen shot:
What are the possibilities for some kind of cooperation for adding this functionality to Embedded Content data type? We could create a patch or perhaps sponsor the development?
great to hear that you like the control. :) A preview of the image would be a nice feature, totally agree, and it's probably not too hard to achieve (I am already retrieving the name of the image via a separate call, so we'd just have to add to it so it returns the url of the image as well to be displayed).
Unfortunately it looks like I am not going to have the time to do much development on the package myself over the next couple of month, which is why we've pretty much decided to open the project up for collaboration, I'll have a look on the weekend how that can be set up (e.g. using Bitbucket). It would be absolutely fantastic if you want to contribute to it, please let me know what your thoughts are.
It sounds really great to open the project for collaboration. As you say it shouldn’t be that difficult to add the preview functionality, and at the moment it seems as our client is very keen on getting this feature, so I believe we could take on the task our self.
Using Bitbucket seems like a reasonable way to get the development effort coordinated.
Actually I never got a response from Sascha. I was meaning to nag him again, but I haven't come around to it. We are still very much interested in doing this feature!
Time to ask you guys again where we are on this. I'm in a similar position to Emil: would love/need to be able to preview the image somehow.
I was thinking that it would also be good to do that when you're choosing the media. Note that in the regular Media Picker, once you click on a file, the preview is shown in the top right corner:
However, when using the Media Picker through Embedded Content, there is no preview:
If someone need to have the patch for 4.7.1 and the preview functionallity, they need to merge both forked branches (the one from Reboot and the one from Thomasedk).
Possibility for cooperation/sponsoring media preview functionality?
Hi Sasha
We are really enjoying working with the Embedded Content – it is super developer friendly. Unfortunately a current client of ours doesn’t have the same warm feelings. The problem is that when they have chosen an image, they have no way of seeing chosen image from the Umbraco backend.
I’m imagining that this could be fixed in the UI by adding basic preview functionality to the media picker UI. It could be placed at the spot marked in this screen shot:
What are the possibilities for some kind of cooperation for adding this functionality to Embedded Content data type? We could create a patch or perhaps sponsor the development?
Let me hear your thoughts.
Best regards
Hi Emil,
great to hear that you like the control. :) A preview of the image would be a nice feature, totally agree, and it's probably not too hard to achieve (I am already retrieving the name of the image via a separate call, so we'd just have to add to it so it returns the url of the image as well to be displayed).
Unfortunately it looks like I am not going to have the time to do much development on the package myself over the next couple of month, which is why we've pretty much decided to open the project up for collaboration, I'll have a look on the weekend how that can be set up (e.g. using Bitbucket). It would be absolutely fantastic if you want to contribute to it, please let me know what your thoughts are.
Hi Sascha
It sounds really great to open the project for collaboration. As you say it shouldn’t be that difficult to add the preview functionality, and at the moment it seems as our client is very keen on getting this feature, so I believe we could take on the task our self.
Using Bitbucket seems like a reasonable way to get the development effort coordinated.
Looking forward to contribute.
Best regards
hello guys,
anything progressed on this front. I also require this preview feature for Media Picker for this control.
Please keep the forum updated on this.
Actually I never got a response from Sascha. I was meaning to nag him again, but I haven't come around to it. We are still very much interested in doing this feature!
Best regards
Thank you for the update Emil.
Time to ask you guys again where we are on this. I'm in a similar position to Emil: would love/need to be able to preview the image somehow.
I was thinking that it would also be good to do that when you're choosing the media. Note that in the regular Media Picker, once you click on a file, the preview is shown in the top right corner:

However, when using the Media Picker through Embedded Content, there is no preview:

Any thoughts on that?
Today I have some good news. The source code is available on BitBucket: https://bitbucket.org/repo/all?name=embedded+content
Best regards
Thanks Emil. Is this the source code for the project as it stands without the image preview fix, or does it include the image preview feature?
Without the preview feature. There will properly we 2-3 weeks before we get to that - but priorities could shift.
Any news?
Nope. Priorities have shifted. I don't have a timeline - at least not one I want to say in public :-)
Keep checking back and leaving comments!
Best regards
We have finally added preview support. You can find it on BitBucket: https://bitbucket.org/thomasedk/embedded-content-umbraco/overview
If someone need to have the patch for 4.7.1 and the preview functionallity, they need to merge both forked branches (the one from Reboot and the one from Thomasedk).
Best regards
many thanks!
is working on a reply...