I'm coding a data import and creating my content nodes programmatically. I has this simple data type using the embedded content data type. it has 2 textstring values "Text" and "Telephone", it's a list of phone numbers.
Now I'm getting my nodes like this :
var newNode = Document.MakeNew(nom, DocumentType.GetByAlias("SomeCoolType"), User.GetCurrent(), 5481);
Programmatically creating embedded content values
I'm coding a data import and creating my content nodes programmatically. I has this simple data type using the embedded content data type. it has 2 textstring values "Text" and "Telephone", it's a list of phone numbers.
Now I'm getting my nodes like this :
var newNode = Document.MakeNew(nom, DocumentType.GetByAlias("SomeCoolType"), User.GetCurrent(), 5481);
Then I can set normal values :
newNode.getProperty("adresse").Value = formatedAddress;
But for embedded content I can't get it to work :
Has anyone done this before?
I've tried with "<listeDeNumerosDeTelephone" and without.
Ok, I only had to close my item tag... nice typo seb :)
is working on a reply...