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  • ewuski 99 posts 287 karma points
    Nov 10, 2023 @ 11:49

    Google Analytics tracking issues

    We are testing GA4 analytics tracking and testing UTM values.

    1. utm_name

    I can see that the utm_name is added to the links within the email. However, there is no such a UTM parameter. Shouldn't it be utm_campaign instead?

    Available UTM paremeters are descibed here:

    2. Values mismatch

    Also - as per the serttings field:

    Name value should translate to utm_name, Content - to utm_content

    It looks like the opposite happens:

    • We set Name as aaa and it resolves to utm_content=aaa
    • We set Content as bbb and it resolves toutm_name=bbb

    NewsletterStudio 10.0.4 we have

  • Markus Johansson 1939 posts 5867 karma points MVP 2x c-trib
    Nov 10, 2023 @ 18:14
    Markus Johansson


    I see, it sounds like these are optimized for the old universal analytics. Thanks for making me aware.

    I will make sure to update this in upcoming versions!

    You could fix this with a custom render task if it's really urgent.

    I'll keep you posted here about the progress.

    // m

  • Markus Johansson 1939 posts 5867 karma points MVP 2x c-trib
    Nov 11, 2023 @ 09:14
    Markus Johansson


    Just following up on this one, I was a little off and you are totally right. There is a bug in the code that append these querystrings to the URLs.

    • The name and content-values are added on the wrong parameter.
    • The utm_content should be utm_campaign, this is a typo/bug.

    This only happens when you explicitly set a value in the settings, the "idea" is to only set utm_source and utm_medium manually and then let the package set the utm_campaign and utm_content dynamically based on the current campaign.

    However, I will for sure include a fix for this asap.

    Thank you for making me aware, I'll keep you posted here when the issue is resolved.

  • Markus Johansson 1939 posts 5867 karma points MVP 2x c-trib
    Nov 12, 2023 @ 15:11
    Markus Johansson


    This has been solved in the latest patch-release and the fix is included in Newsletter Studio 10.0.8.

    Please upgrade and let me know if you still have any issues.


  • ewuski 99 posts 287 karma points
    Nov 15, 2023 @ 00:08

    Brilliant!!! Thanks Markus.

    It is working well now :)

  • Markus Johansson 1939 posts 5867 karma points MVP 2x c-trib
    Nov 15, 2023 @ 17:21
    Markus Johansson

    Very happy to hear that!

    Thank you very much for making me aware of the issue!

    // Markus

  • ewuski 99 posts 287 karma points
    Dec 03, 2023 @ 17:39

    A feedback on GA tracking:

    Currently the utm values need to be provided for the workspace as a whole in Settings or are given default values. This is ok for utm_source and utm_medium.

    However, utm_campaign name is always changing and utm_content even more.

    My suggestion is to move setting utm_campaign to per newsletter basis, maybe in the Information screen of a campaign? Utm_content is more tricky as it really should be different for each link or button in the email content.

    We have roughly tested a scenario when we add a link in the email body with a query string containing utm_content parameter. This is getting replaced by the utm_content value from the Settings.

    I think the above should not happen, eg. the custom set utm_content should remain as set in the email body (not replaced by Settings value or default value).

    If utm_content is set the same for the entire email it is becoming useless because eventually in GA it is not possible to follow where the click came from (from which link or section within the email body).

    I leave it for consideration. Or maybe someone else have a better idea?

  • Markus Johansson 1939 posts 5867 karma points MVP 2x c-trib
    Dec 11, 2023 @ 08:14
    Markus Johansson


    Thank you for the feedback! I think that there are a couple of interesting points here that we need to address.

    1. The default configuration of the UTM tags is more or less something to make this automatic and something that works for the average user. I will consider if adding settings on the campaign level might make sense but I think that we will never add it as a setting on each and every type of link (´utm_content`) - this would just make things too complicated for the majority of users where this is not used or important.

    1. This is the real issue to me - as my answer to point 1 would be "just add them to your links" - but if we replace the tags (as you pointed out) that's a blocker.

    I will make sure to add a backlog item to ensure that we never remove or overwrite any existing UTM-tags on links.

    Thanks for reporting this issue!

  • ewuski 99 posts 287 karma points
    Dec 13, 2023 @ 14:59

    There is no need to add a separate utm_campaign value for every link in a template :)

    Only utm_content should be dfferent for each link but that could be easily achieved if utm_content param did not get replaced by default Settings value.

    But utm_campaign really should be editable per campaign. Right now we need to update the utm_campaign value in the Settings before sending each campaign because setting it as the NS campaign name (which is done by default) does not really work for us (can be too long, not readable well in GA or in reports or simply can have no logic at all depending on a marketer).

    t is actually the same issue in transactional emails.

  • Markus Johansson 1939 posts 5867 karma points MVP 2x c-trib
    Dec 15, 2023 @ 01:11
    Markus Johansson

    Hi again!

    Just so that I understand you right here:

    1. If we make sure to not replace any utm_x parameters in the query string then you think that the "unique link"-thing would be solved? So that you can manually add these to the URL when creating the email?

    2. You would like a way to add a custom utm_campaign value per campaign and probably also per transactional email?

    I will make sure that we never replace any existing values in the links - this is straight up just a bug. However, adding the utm_campaign-setting on the campaign level is something that I need to think a little bit more about - it's not an easy "fix" but more a new feature that I would need to think though.

    So, do expect the replacement issue to be fixed in the next release and please bear with me while I'm thinking more about how to address the utm_campaign-issue.

    Just for my testing, how are you adding the utm_content parameters that get's replaced? Are you using buttons, text-links or something else? It would be very valuable to understand so that I can test your exact scenario.

    Also: What version of the package are you running?

  • ewuski 99 posts 287 karma points
    Mar 18, 2024 @ 11:59

    Hi Markus, I can't tell you now as I do not remember but most likely I was adding a query param to the link picker, we hardly use buttons for current emails.

    1. Yes, that's correct. utm_campaign should be an optional field on the Information tab when setting other parameters like email, subject and campaign name.

    If you leave it to add as a param for each link/ button then that can lead to other issues.

    • For example the editor can only edit the params of the content links, he cannot add the params to the email footer or header links. utm_campaign should really be the same for each CTA in the email.

    • Also adding the same param to each link/ button (that can be many) can be prone to mistakes/ forgets or simply a hassle if there are many of CTAs.

    Just to name some obvious potential issues.

    The fact we cannot set the utm_campaign per each email is a real problem for us and we already forgot to change it in Settings a few times. That leads to incorrect reports in analytics :(

  • Markus Johansson 1939 posts 5867 karma points MVP 2x c-trib
    Mar 21, 2024 @ 09:46
    Markus Johansson


    I've noticed this request and I do feel the pain it causes.

    We're working on updates for the new Umbraco backoffice (Bellissima) and I'm keeping this in mind for the upcoming version.

    I'm thinking / guessing that a good solution is to be able to set these on a "per email"-level on in the "Information"-step and then it would be applied to all links inside the email.

    Reg. setting the properties on each type of control i still need to think about this. Do you see a real need for that?

  • ewuski 99 posts 287 karma points
    Mar 25, 2024 @ 14:23

    Hi, If the utm_camapaign field could be added to the Information step that'll be perfect.

    Not sure what you mean by setting properties on each type of control though?

  • Markus Johansson 1939 posts 5867 karma points MVP 2x c-trib
    Mar 25, 2024 @ 14:28
    Markus Johansson


    We'll take this into account for upcoming versions, specifically the Umbraco 14-version but I can't promise that it will be backported.

    Each control means things like the button-control, the image or inside the text control - in the editor.

  • ewuski 99 posts 287 karma points
    Mar 26, 2024 @ 13:19


    There is no need to set utm_campaign for each control. The utm_campaign is set per campaign (as the name suggests), the same for every email in the campaign. We already agreed it can be done on the Information tab.


    I think you confuse utm_content, this can be set manually as a qs for each link inserted in the email. As long as the query string is not overridden by NS's tracked links it is fine - no action is needed.

  • ewuski 99 posts 287 karma points
    Nov 15, 2024 @ 20:03

    Hi Markus, Just wanted to check if there is any potential in the upcoming versions (or even backporting to the existing versions) for the utm_campaign to be customisable for each campaign as discussed above.

  • Markus Johansson 1939 posts 5867 karma points MVP 2x c-trib
    Apr 29, 2024 @ 13:21
    Markus Johansson


    Just so that we are on the same track, the issue with existing query string values being replaced by the link click tracker has been solved and released for all currently supported versions of the package (e.g. in v10.0.9 (issue #2706)).

    Details here:

    I'm working to address the request to be able to set utm_campaign on the campaign (or transactional) level in the upcoming v14-release of the package targeting the new backoffice.

  • ewuski 99 posts 287 karma points
    May 01, 2024 @ 22:51

    Brilliant! Thanks for the update!

    We will upgrade to 10.0.9 and see the fix in action.

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