The current implementation tracks all links (in other words even mailtos). I think we'll have to include a fix in the next release (comming up in the beginning of next week).
Are we talking the same installation but with different host names? If you buy one license and send us the other domains we'll make sure to include them as well.
Please send me a list with all the other domains and I'll enable them. markus [an at sign here] enkelmedia. It's importent to logon to Umbraco at the right domain when sending the newsletter. The current used domain/host will be used as the root of all relative paht etc. Ie. If you have one english site and one site in swedish. When sending the swedish newsletter, logon to and when sending the english one logon to
is it possible to insert a mailto-link (or other link) and don't track it?
my mailto-link is not working cause it's converted into a tracking-url and by clicking it fails...
cheers Sandro
That's a good point!
The current implementation tracks all links (in other words even mailtos). I think we'll have to include a fix in the next release (comming up in the beginning of next week).
// Markus
Hi again!
We're gonna exclude mailto from tracking and #bookmars as well. Is there anything else that should be excluded?
Thanks for the fast answer. That would be great.
I've got a short question about the license.
We use umbraco and the same website with 5 domains (,, ....)
Is ist possible to use 1 license for all these domains?
Hi Bettin!
Are we talking the same installation but with different host names? If you buy one license and send us the other domains we'll make sure to include them as well.
/ M
Yes exactly..thanks, so I'm gonna buy one!
so how can I send you the other domains?
I bought one license...and have to configure it with one domain...
cheers Bettin
Please send me a list with all the other domains and I'll enable them. markus [an at sign here] enkelmedia. It's importent to logon to Umbraco at the right domain when sending the newsletter. The current used domain/host will be used as the root of all relative paht etc. Ie. If you have one english site and one site in swedish. When sending the swedish newsletter, logon to and when sending the english one logon to
// Markus
is working on a reply...