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  • gpolitis 9 posts 25 karma points
    Feb 04, 2013 @ 15:36

    Compatibility with 4.7.2

    It seems strange that newsletter studio is compatible by 100% with U versions 4.6.0 all the way to 6.0 except for 4.7.2 which has 50% compatibility. Obviously I have 4.7.2! Is it that bad that I have to upgrade U?

  • Markus Johansson 1945 posts 5896 karma points MVP 2x c-trib
    Feb 04, 2013 @ 15:42
    Markus Johansson


    I'm not sure who voted that Newsletter Studio dosent work with Umbraco 4.7.2 but the it should run just fine. I run Newsletter Studio on two different installs of 4.7.1 and there is no major changes betweeen these versions so no worries.

    BUT. Please make a backup or try to install in a testing enviroment - you never know =D

  • gpolitis 9 posts 25 karma points
    Feb 04, 2013 @ 15:47

    I'll give it a shot without upgrading and I'll let you know.

  • Markus Johansson 1945 posts 5896 karma points MVP 2x c-trib
    Feb 04, 2013 @ 15:58
    Markus Johansson

    =D Do it!


  • gpolitis 9 posts 25 karma points
    Feb 05, 2013 @ 10:06

    I have another question. Does newsletter studio integrate with courier? We have a staging - live setup here.

  • Markus Johansson 1945 posts 5896 karma points MVP 2x c-trib
    Feb 05, 2013 @ 10:54
    Markus Johansson

    How do do you mean with integrate? There is no connection between the packages but i quess that Courier handles dependencies in terms of binaries and so on but I'm quite sure that the newsletters and any mailing lists won't be synced.

  • gpolitis 9 posts 25 karma points
    Feb 05, 2013 @ 11:55

    Yes, courier will sync pretty much everything that it knows about relating to the content i.e. documents, media and all other dependencies macros, js, css files etc.  Maybe I can tweek it to make it "know" about the mailing lists and newsletters. I'll let u know. 

  • gpolitis 9 posts 25 karma points
    Feb 08, 2013 @ 13:20

    Hi Markus, I went ahead with the installation on our staging server via the Umbraco - Developer - Package install UI. It has hung and displays the "Installing Package, please wait" message. An hour later I rechecked the progress and still the same. I've opened another browser instance and it seems that it has installed, however I am not sure. The event viewer of the server has an error : The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required. StackTrace: at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse(). Since the server is internal and there is no open interent access except to the domain *umbraco* was the installation package trying to hit some other Url in order to complete? Also I have pasted some relevant errors from the umbracoLog table. Can I consider the installation successful?

    /* umbracoLog records

    id userId NodeId Datestamp logHeader logComment
    37193 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:32.553 Debug <Action runat="uninstall" undo="true" alias="RemoveXmlFragment" file="~/config/tinyMceConfig.config" xpath="//tinymceConfig/customConfig/config[@key='newsletterstudioContentTemplates']" position="end" />
    37192 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:32.550 Debug <Action runat="uninstall" undo="true" alias="RemoveXmlFragment" file="~/config/tinyMceConfig.config" xpath="//tinymceConfig/plugins/plugin[text() = 'template']" position="end" />
    37190 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:32.543 Debug <Action runat="uninstall" undo="true" alias="RemoveXmlFragment" file="~/config/tinyMceConfig.config" xpath="//tinymceConfig/plugins/plugin[text() = 'newsletterstudio']" position="end" />
    37191 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:32.543 Debug <Action runat="uninstall" undo="true" alias="RemoveXmlFragment" file="~/config/tinyMceConfig.config" xpath="//tinymceConfig/commands/command [umbracoAlias = 'template']" position="end" />
    37187 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:32.540 Debug <Action runat="uninstall" undo="true" alias="RemoveXmlFragment" file="~/config/tinyMceConfig.config" xpath="//tinymceConfig/commands/command [umbracoAlias = 'newsletterstudioPlugin']" position="end" />
    37188 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:32.540 Debug <Action runat="uninstall" undo="true" alias="RemoveXmlFragment" file="~/config/tinyMceConfig.config" xpath="//tinymceConfig/commands/command [umbracoAlias = 'newsletterstudiourlcontent']" position="end" />
    37189 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:32.540 Debug <Action runat="uninstall" undo="true" alias="RemoveXmlFragment" file="~/config/tinyMceConfig.config" xpath="//tinymceConfig/plugins/plugin[text() = 'newsletterstudiourlcontent']" position="end" />
    37186 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:29.230 Debug <Action runat="install" undo="true" alias="NewsletterStudio" />
    37185 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:29.223 Debug <Action runat="install" undo="true" alias="AddXmlFragment" file="~/config/tinymceConfig.config" xpath="//tinymceConfig/customConfig" position="end"><config key="newsletterstudioContentTemplates"><![CDATA[',                  template_templates:[                  {                      title : "Two columns",                      src : "/umbraco/newsletterstudio/templates/two-column.html",                      description : "Header, two columns"                  },                   {                      title : "Three columns and sidebar",                      src : "/umbraco/newsletterstudio/templates/three-coloumn-sidebar.html",                      description : "Header, two columns and a sidebar"                  },                  {                      title : "Three columns and sidebar + divider",                      src : "/umbraco/newsletterstudio/templates/three-coloumn-sidebar-divider.html",                      description : "Header, two columns, sidebar and a divider image"                  }                  ],                  template_popup_height : '500]]></config></Action>
    37184 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:29.220 Debug <Action runat="install" undo="true" alias="AddXmlFragment" file="~/config/tinyMceConfig.config" xpath="//tinymceConfig/plugins" position="end"><plugin loadOnFrontend="false">template</plugin></Action>
    37183 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:29.213 Debug <Action runat="install" undo="true" alias="AddXmlFragment" file="~/config/tinyMceConfig.config" xpath="//tinymceConfig/plugins" position="end"><plugin loadOnFrontend="true">newsletterstudiourlcontent</plugin></Action>
    37182 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:29.210 Debug <Action runat="install" undo="true" alias="AddXmlFragment" file="~/config/tinyMceConfig.config" xpath="//tinymceConfig/plugins" position="end"><plugin loadOnFrontend="true">newsletterstudio</plugin></Action>
    37181 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:29.203 Debug <Action runat="install" undo="true" alias="AddXmlFragment" file="~/config/tinyMceConfig.config" xpath="//tinymceConfig/commands" position="end"><command><umbracoAlias>newsletterstudiourlcontent</umbracoAlias><icon>newsletterstudio/images/internet-btn.gif</icon><tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="" frontendCommand="">newsletterstudiourlcontent</tinyMceCommand><priority>1102</priority></command></Action>
    37180 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:29.200 Debug <Action runat="install" undo="true" alias="AddXmlFragment" file="~/config/tinyMceConfig.config" xpath="//tinymceConfig/commands" position="end"><command><umbracoAlias>template</umbracoAlias><icon>images/editor/template.png</icon><tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="" frontendCommand="">template</tinyMceCommand><priority>1101</priority></command></Action>
    37179 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:29.183 Debug <Action runat="install" undo="true" alias="AddXmlFragment" file="~/config/tinyMceConfig.config" xpath="//tinymceConfig/commands" position="end"><command><umbracoAlias>newsletterstudioPlugin</umbracoAlias><icon>newsletterstudio/images/newsletterstudio-add.gif</icon><tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="" frontendCommand="">newsletterstudio</tinyMceCommand><priority>1100</priority></command></Action>
    37178 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:29.177 Debug <Action runat="install" undo="true" alias="AddScheduledTask" scheduledTaskAlias="newsletterstudioSendout" log="true" interval="300" url="/umbraco/newsletterstudio/pages/NewsletterCheckForScheduledSendOut.aspx" />
    37177 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:29.123 Debug <Action runat="install" undo="true" alias="AddScheduledTask" scheduledTaskAlias="newsletterstudioBounces" log="true" interval="840" url="/umbraco/newsletterstudio/pages/HandleBounces.aspx" />
    37176 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:29.103 Debug <Action runat="install" undo="true" alias="addDashboardSection" dashboardAlias="NewsletterStudioDashboard"><section alias="newletterstudioalias"><areas><area>newsletterstudio</area></areas><tab caption="Newsletter Studio"><control showOnce="true" addPanel="true" panelCaption="">                  /umbraco/newsletterstudio/usercontrols/dashboard.ascx              </control></tab></section></Action>
    37175 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:29.083 Debug <Action runat="install" undo="true" alias="AddTreeNodeType"><nodeType alias="newsletterstudio_newsletters"><header>Create newsletter</header><usercontrol>/newsletterstudio/usercontrols/CreateNewsletter.ascx</usercontrol><tasks /></nodeType><nodeType alias="newsletterstudio_subscriptions"><header>Create subscription</header><usercontrol>/newsletterstudio/usercontrols/CreateSubscription.ascx</usercontrol><tasks /></nodeType><nodeType alias="newsletter"><header>Remove a newsletter</header><usercontrol /><tasks><delete assembly="NewsletterStudio" type="Umbraco.NewsletterTypeTask" /></tasks></nodeType><nodeType alias="subscription"><header>Remove a subscription</header><usercontrol /><tasks><delete assembly="NewsletterStudio" type="Umbraco.SubscriptionTypeTask" /></tasks></nodeType></Action>
    37174 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:29.070 Debug <Action runat="install" undo="true" alias="AddMacroProperty" macroPropertyTypeAlias="NewsletterStudioMailinglistsPicker" macroPropertyTypeRenderAssembly="NewsletterStudio" macroPropertyTypeRenderType="DataTypes.MailingListMacroPropertyType" macroPropertyTypeBaseType="String" />
    37173 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:29.060 Debug <Action runat="install" undo="true" alias="addApplicationTree" silent="false" initialize="true" sortOrder="2" applicationAlias="newsletterstudio" treeAlias="newsletterstudio_subscriptions" treeTitle="Subscriptions" iconOpened="group.png" iconClosed="group.png" assemblyName="NewsletterStudio" treeHandlerType="Umbraco.loadSubscriptions" action="" />
    37172 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:29.053 Debug <Action runat="install" undo="true" alias="addApplicationTree" silent="false" initialize="true" sortOrder="3" applicationAlias="newsletterstudio" treeAlias="newsletterstudio_settings" treeTitle="Settings" iconOpened="settingMasterDatatype.gif" iconClosed="settingMasterDatatype.gif" assemblyName="NewsletterStudio" treeHandlerType="Umbraco.loadSettings" action="" />
    37171 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:29.040 Debug <Action runat="install" undo="true" alias="addApplicationTree" silent="false" initialize="true" sortOrder="1" applicationAlias="newsletterstudio" treeAlias="newsletterstudio_letter" treeTitle="Newsletters" iconOpened="folder_table.png" iconClosed="folder_table.png" assemblyName="NewsletterStudio" treeHandlerType="Umbraco.loadNewsletters" action="" />
    37170 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:28.210 Debug <Action runat="install" undo="true" alias="addApplication" appName="NewsletterStudio" appAlias="newsletterstudio" appIcon="newsletterstudio.gif" />
    37169 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:27.420 Error Error creating macro property: System.ArgumentException: No macro property type found with the id specified     at umbraco.cms.businesslogic.macro.MacroPropertyType.setup()     at umbraco.cms.businesslogic.macro.Macro.Import(XmlNode n)


  • Markus Johansson 1945 posts 5896 karma points MVP 2x c-trib
    Feb 08, 2013 @ 14:16
    Markus Johansson

    Hi gpolitis!

    You should not need an internet connection to install the package. Could you e-mail me the errors? As the html is stripped here its hard to read. markus [at sign goes here]


    // m 

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