It seems strange that newsletter studio is compatible by 100% with U versions 4.6.0 all the way to 6.0 except for 4.7.2 which has 50% compatibility. Obviously I have 4.7.2! Is it that bad that I have to upgrade U?
I'm not sure who voted that Newsletter Studio dosent work with Umbraco 4.7.2 but the it should run just fine. I run Newsletter Studio on two different installs of 4.7.1 and there is no major changes betweeen these versions so no worries.
BUT. Please make a backup or try to install in a testing enviroment - you never know =D
Hi! How do do you mean with integrate? There is no connection between the packages but i quess that Courier handles dependencies in terms of binaries and so on but I'm quite sure that the newsletters and any mailing lists won't be synced.
Yes, courier will sync pretty much everything that it knows about relating to the content i.e. documents, media and all other dependencies macros, js, css files etc. Maybe I can tweek it to make it "know" about the mailing lists and newsletters. I'll let u know.
Hi Markus, I went ahead with the installation on our staging server via the Umbraco - Developer - Package install UI. It has hung and displays the "Installing Package, please wait" message. An hour later I rechecked the progress and still the same. I've opened another browser instance and it seems that it has installed, however I am not sure. The event viewer of the server has an error : The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required. StackTrace: at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse(). Since the server is internal and there is no open interent access except to the domain *umbraco* was the installation package trying to hit some other Url in order to complete? Also I have pasted some relevant errors from the umbracoLog table. Can I consider the installation successful?
You should not need an internet connection to install the package. Could you e-mail me the errors? As the html is stripped here its hard to read. markus [at sign goes here]
Compatibility with 4.7.2
It seems strange that newsletter studio is compatible by 100% with U versions 4.6.0 all the way to 6.0 except for 4.7.2 which has 50% compatibility. Obviously I have 4.7.2! Is it that bad that I have to upgrade U?
I'm not sure who voted that Newsletter Studio dosent work with Umbraco 4.7.2 but the it should run just fine. I run Newsletter Studio on two different installs of 4.7.1 and there is no major changes betweeen these versions so no worries.
BUT. Please make a backup or try to install in a testing enviroment - you never know =D
I'll give it a shot without upgrading and I'll let you know.
=D Do it!
I have another question. Does newsletter studio integrate with courier? We have a staging - live setup here.
How do do you mean with integrate? There is no connection between the packages but i quess that Courier handles dependencies in terms of binaries and so on but I'm quite sure that the newsletters and any mailing lists won't be synced.
Yes, courier will sync pretty much everything that it knows about relating to the content i.e. documents, media and all other dependencies macros, js, css files etc. Maybe I can tweek it to make it "know" about the mailing lists and newsletters. I'll let u know.
Hi Markus, I went ahead with the installation on our staging server via the Umbraco - Developer - Package install UI. It has hung and displays the "Installing Package, please wait" message. An hour later I rechecked the progress and still the same. I've opened another browser instance and it seems that it has installed, however I am not sure. The event viewer of the server has an error : The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required. StackTrace: at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse(). Since the server is internal and there is no open interent access except to the domain *umbraco* was the installation package trying to hit some other Url in order to complete? Also I have pasted some relevant errors from the umbracoLog table. Can I consider the installation successful?
/* umbracoLog records
id userId NodeId Datestamp logHeader logComment
37193 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:32.553 Debug <Action runat="uninstall" undo="true" alias="RemoveXmlFragment" file="~/config/tinyMceConfig.config" xpath="//tinymceConfig/customConfig/config[@key='newsletterstudioContentTemplates']" position="end" />
37192 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:32.550 Debug <Action runat="uninstall" undo="true" alias="RemoveXmlFragment" file="~/config/tinyMceConfig.config" xpath="//tinymceConfig/plugins/plugin[text() = 'template']" position="end" />
37190 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:32.543 Debug <Action runat="uninstall" undo="true" alias="RemoveXmlFragment" file="~/config/tinyMceConfig.config" xpath="//tinymceConfig/plugins/plugin[text() = 'newsletterstudio']" position="end" />
37191 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:32.543 Debug <Action runat="uninstall" undo="true" alias="RemoveXmlFragment" file="~/config/tinyMceConfig.config" xpath="//tinymceConfig/commands/command [umbracoAlias = 'template']" position="end" />
37187 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:32.540 Debug <Action runat="uninstall" undo="true" alias="RemoveXmlFragment" file="~/config/tinyMceConfig.config" xpath="//tinymceConfig/commands/command [umbracoAlias = 'newsletterstudioPlugin']" position="end" />
37188 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:32.540 Debug <Action runat="uninstall" undo="true" alias="RemoveXmlFragment" file="~/config/tinyMceConfig.config" xpath="//tinymceConfig/commands/command [umbracoAlias = 'newsletterstudiourlcontent']" position="end" />
37189 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:32.540 Debug <Action runat="uninstall" undo="true" alias="RemoveXmlFragment" file="~/config/tinyMceConfig.config" xpath="//tinymceConfig/plugins/plugin[text() = 'newsletterstudiourlcontent']" position="end" />
37186 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:29.230 Debug <Action runat="install" undo="true" alias="NewsletterStudio" />
37185 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:29.223 Debug <Action runat="install" undo="true" alias="AddXmlFragment" file="~/config/tinymceConfig.config" xpath="//tinymceConfig/customConfig" position="end"><config key="newsletterstudioContentTemplates"><![CDATA[', template_templates:[ { title : "Two columns", src : "/umbraco/newsletterstudio/templates/two-column.html", description : "Header, two columns" }, { title : "Three columns and sidebar", src : "/umbraco/newsletterstudio/templates/three-coloumn-sidebar.html", description : "Header, two columns and a sidebar" }, { title : "Three columns and sidebar + divider", src : "/umbraco/newsletterstudio/templates/three-coloumn-sidebar-divider.html", description : "Header, two columns, sidebar and a divider image" } ], template_popup_height : '500]]></config></Action>
37184 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:29.220 Debug <Action runat="install" undo="true" alias="AddXmlFragment" file="~/config/tinyMceConfig.config" xpath="//tinymceConfig/plugins" position="end"><plugin loadOnFrontend="false">template</plugin></Action>
37183 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:29.213 Debug <Action runat="install" undo="true" alias="AddXmlFragment" file="~/config/tinyMceConfig.config" xpath="//tinymceConfig/plugins" position="end"><plugin loadOnFrontend="true">newsletterstudiourlcontent</plugin></Action>
37182 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:29.210 Debug <Action runat="install" undo="true" alias="AddXmlFragment" file="~/config/tinyMceConfig.config" xpath="//tinymceConfig/plugins" position="end"><plugin loadOnFrontend="true">newsletterstudio</plugin></Action>
37181 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:29.203 Debug <Action runat="install" undo="true" alias="AddXmlFragment" file="~/config/tinyMceConfig.config" xpath="//tinymceConfig/commands" position="end"><command><umbracoAlias>newsletterstudiourlcontent</umbracoAlias><icon>newsletterstudio/images/internet-btn.gif</icon><tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="" frontendCommand="">newsletterstudiourlcontent</tinyMceCommand><priority>1102</priority></command></Action>
37180 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:29.200 Debug <Action runat="install" undo="true" alias="AddXmlFragment" file="~/config/tinyMceConfig.config" xpath="//tinymceConfig/commands" position="end"><command><umbracoAlias>template</umbracoAlias><icon>images/editor/template.png</icon><tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="" frontendCommand="">template</tinyMceCommand><priority>1101</priority></command></Action>
37179 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:29.183 Debug <Action runat="install" undo="true" alias="AddXmlFragment" file="~/config/tinyMceConfig.config" xpath="//tinymceConfig/commands" position="end"><command><umbracoAlias>newsletterstudioPlugin</umbracoAlias><icon>newsletterstudio/images/newsletterstudio-add.gif</icon><tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="" frontendCommand="">newsletterstudio</tinyMceCommand><priority>1100</priority></command></Action>
37178 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:29.177 Debug <Action runat="install" undo="true" alias="AddScheduledTask" scheduledTaskAlias="newsletterstudioSendout" log="true" interval="300" url="/umbraco/newsletterstudio/pages/NewsletterCheckForScheduledSendOut.aspx" />
37177 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:29.123 Debug <Action runat="install" undo="true" alias="AddScheduledTask" scheduledTaskAlias="newsletterstudioBounces" log="true" interval="840" url="/umbraco/newsletterstudio/pages/HandleBounces.aspx" />
37176 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:29.103 Debug <Action runat="install" undo="true" alias="addDashboardSection" dashboardAlias="NewsletterStudioDashboard"><section alias="newletterstudioalias"><areas><area>newsletterstudio</area></areas><tab caption="Newsletter Studio"><control showOnce="true" addPanel="true" panelCaption=""> /umbraco/newsletterstudio/usercontrols/dashboard.ascx </control></tab></section></Action>
37175 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:29.083 Debug <Action runat="install" undo="true" alias="AddTreeNodeType"><nodeType alias="newsletterstudio_newsletters"><header>Create newsletter</header><usercontrol>/newsletterstudio/usercontrols/CreateNewsletter.ascx</usercontrol><tasks /></nodeType><nodeType alias="newsletterstudio_subscriptions"><header>Create subscription</header><usercontrol>/newsletterstudio/usercontrols/CreateSubscription.ascx</usercontrol><tasks /></nodeType><nodeType alias="newsletter"><header>Remove a newsletter</header><usercontrol /><tasks><delete assembly="NewsletterStudio" type="Umbraco.NewsletterTypeTask" /></tasks></nodeType><nodeType alias="subscription"><header>Remove a subscription</header><usercontrol /><tasks><delete assembly="NewsletterStudio" type="Umbraco.SubscriptionTypeTask" /></tasks></nodeType></Action>
37174 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:29.070 Debug <Action runat="install" undo="true" alias="AddMacroProperty" macroPropertyTypeAlias="NewsletterStudioMailinglistsPicker" macroPropertyTypeRenderAssembly="NewsletterStudio" macroPropertyTypeRenderType="DataTypes.MailingListMacroPropertyType" macroPropertyTypeBaseType="String" />
37173 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:29.060 Debug <Action runat="install" undo="true" alias="addApplicationTree" silent="false" initialize="true" sortOrder="2" applicationAlias="newsletterstudio" treeAlias="newsletterstudio_subscriptions" treeTitle="Subscriptions" iconOpened="group.png" iconClosed="group.png" assemblyName="NewsletterStudio" treeHandlerType="Umbraco.loadSubscriptions" action="" />
37172 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:29.053 Debug <Action runat="install" undo="true" alias="addApplicationTree" silent="false" initialize="true" sortOrder="3" applicationAlias="newsletterstudio" treeAlias="newsletterstudio_settings" treeTitle="Settings" iconOpened="settingMasterDatatype.gif" iconClosed="settingMasterDatatype.gif" assemblyName="NewsletterStudio" treeHandlerType="Umbraco.loadSettings" action="" />
37171 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:29.040 Debug <Action runat="install" undo="true" alias="addApplicationTree" silent="false" initialize="true" sortOrder="1" applicationAlias="newsletterstudio" treeAlias="newsletterstudio_letter" treeTitle="Newsletters" iconOpened="folder_table.png" iconClosed="folder_table.png" assemblyName="NewsletterStudio" treeHandlerType="Umbraco.loadNewsletters" action="" />
37170 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:28.210 Debug <Action runat="install" undo="true" alias="addApplication" appName="NewsletterStudio" appAlias="newsletterstudio" appIcon="newsletterstudio.gif" />
37169 0 -1 2013-02-08 13:30:27.420 Error Error creating macro property: System.ArgumentException: No macro property type found with the id specified at umbraco.cms.businesslogic.macro.MacroPropertyType.setup() at umbraco.cms.businesslogic.macro.Macro.Import(XmlNode n)
Hi gpolitis!
You should not need an internet connection to install the package. Could you e-mail me the errors? As the html is stripped here its hard to read. markus [at sign goes here]
// m
is working on a reply...