Short awnser is that you need one license per domain. If its a "multi lang" site we could solve this but if 4 different sites/brands you would need one license per brand/site.
Yes, no problems! Just make the order and put in as many domains as you can. Then send me an email with your our-account and the domains that you need to add. My email is markus [at sign]
License, multiple domains
If we have a umb. solution with 4 domains, do we then need to purchase a license for each domain?
Also on the same server, with have a umb. solution for staging, to test on.
This solution uses subdomains.
Can we use the same license here?
Short awnser is that you need one license per domain. If its a "multi lang" site we could solve this but if 4 different sites/brands you would need one license per brand/site.
hi, thanks for you answer.
The main, live site is a multi-lang site.
So if i purchase one license, you can then extend this ,to cover all the 4 domains in the same umb. solution?
Yes, no problems! Just make the order and put in as many domains as you can. Then send me an email with your our-account and the domains that you need to add. My email is markus [at sign]
// m
is working on a reply...