1. There is a way to unsubscribe a user from all the lists using the Api but there is no extra list that holds all the unsubscribed emails.
2. Nope. They are keept in the database but theire status are change from active to unsbuscribed, therefore we don't need to keep another list of who unsubscribed or not.
Global unsubscribe / suppression list
We're trying to work out how to handle unsubscribers and I think it breaks down into 2 questions:
1) Is there a global suppression list so we can ensure a user is unsubscribed from all lists?
2) What happens when a user unsubscribes? Are they just deleted from the mailing list? What happens if we re-import/refresh the list?
1. There is a way to unsubscribe a user from all the lists using the Api but there is no extra list that holds all the unsubscribed emails.
2. Nope. They are keept in the database but theire status are change from active to unsbuscribed, therefore we don't need to keep another list of who unsubscribed or not.
Great thanks.
Thank you Sam for looking at the package! Just let me know if I can help you in any other way!
is working on a reply...