This is a bit strange. When i try to send a single test email,it works. The email is received, but when i try to send the newsletter using a mailinglist that contains the same email address (and only that single email) it fails.
I receive a confirmation "Email has been sent" followed by an error message.
Now the email on the mailinglist is set to status "bounced".
This is from the tracelog
016-03-21 09:10:05,412 [P5288/D8/T24] INFO umbraco.BusinessLogic.Log - Redirected log call (please use Umbraco.Core.Logging.LogHelper instead of umbraco.BusinessLogic.Log) | Type: Error | User: 0 | NodeId: 0 | Comment: Filen 'C:\Projects\vindenergi-danmark\VindenergiDk.Umbraco\macroscripts\NewsletterSubscribe.cshtml' findes allerede. ved System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
ved System.IO.File.InternalCopy(String sourceFileName, String destFileName, Boolean overwrite, Boolean checkHost)
ved System.IO.FileInfo.CopyTo(String destFileName, Boolean overwrite)
ved NewsletterStudio.Bootstrapping.FolderSynchronizer.DirectoryCopy(String sourceDirName, String destDirName, Boolean copySubDirs, Boolean overwriteFiles)
ved NewsletterStudio.Bootstrapping.FolderSynchronizer.Synchronize(String sourceFolder, String destinationFolder, Boolean copySubDirs, Boolean overwrite)
Mail isn't send, receiverstatus set to bounced
This is a bit strange. When i try to send a single test email,it works. The email is received, but when i try to send the newsletter using a mailinglist that contains the same email address (and only that single email) it fails.
I receive a confirmation "Email has been sent" followed by an error message.
Now the email on the mailinglist is set to status "bounced".
This is from the tracelog
is working on a reply...