Get all templates from ns_Template table and create an HTML file for each of them
Add each of these templates to the App_Plugins/NewsletterStudio/Skins folder
Run the following SQL:
ALTER TABLE ns_EmailTrackingItems
ALTER TABLE ns_EmailTrackingItems
ADD [CustomData] nvarchar(max) NULL;
ALTER TABLE ns_Newsletters
ADD SkinAlias nvarchar(255) NULL;
ALTER TABLE ns_Newsletters
ADD [CreatedByUserId] [int] NOT NULL default(0);
ALTER TABLE ns_Newsletters
ADD [ErrorMessage] [nvarchar](max) NULL;
ALTER TABLE ns_Newsletters
ADD [Initialized] [bit] NOT NULL default('False');
ALTER TABLE ns_Newsletters
DROP COLUMN [Template_Id];
DROP TABLE ns_Templates;
--COMMIT TRAN --remove this to commit your changes (there's no going back from this)
Update NewsletterStudio Settings for tinyMCEDataTypeId attribute to a correct one:
go to the developer section and find the RichTextEditor NewsletterStudio DataType
Make a minor change and Save it
get the id from the URL and update the NewsletterStudio Settings
These steps seemed to do the trick for me (so far)
Upgrade Newsletter Studio from V1(something) to v2.1.7
Just had to go through this process so I'd like to share this for others or future me!
From Umbraco v6.2.6 to umbraco v7.5.7
From Newsletter Studio v1(something don't know) to v2.1.7
First of all install NewsletterStudio Package into Umbraco
If the tree doesn't render try to go through the steps in this thread
Get all templates from ns_Template table and create an HTML file for each of them
Add each of these templates to the App_Plugins/NewsletterStudio/Skins folder
Run the following SQL:
Update NewsletterStudio Settings for tinyMCEDataTypeId attribute to a correct one:
These steps seemed to do the trick for me (so far)
Great stuff! Thanks for sharing!
is working on a reply...