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  • Liam Dilley 172 posts 402 karma points
    Feb 15, 2019 @ 01:24
    Liam Dilley

    Opened stats appear to be same as Clicked

    Hi, We are seeing that the people who have clicked in a campaign is exactly the same as the open rate in all campaigns for a client.

    Is this a bug or?

    enter image description here

  • Markus Johansson 1944 posts 5875 karma points MVP 2x c-trib
    Feb 18, 2019 @ 15:42
    Markus Johansson


    We track the "opening" using a image/pixel that is embedded in the email.

    This might not be triggered if the user opens the email in a client that is blocking these requests, as a fallback we're also tracking a opening of the e-mail when someone clicks on a link (since they for sure had opened the email if they click on a link).

    I do agree that there might be something wrong with this, either that you configuration is not correct or that the opening tracking might be disabled?

    Compare your newsletterStudio.config with this file:

    Do you have the "AddTrackingPixelRenderTask" in the list of render tasks?

    If you send a email to your self, do you see if the tracking pixel is included? And what happens if you load this image in a browser?

    All the best!

    // m

  • Liam Dilley 172 posts 402 karma points
    Feb 19, 2019 @ 04:17
    Liam Dilley

    Hi Markus, The AddTrackingPixelRenderTask is there and on a newsletter I am seeing the pixel there. It just looks like your stats are just the same pulled from the clicks though for us. We do also have the google analytics in there and wondering if there is a conflict?

    Rendering tasks below:

      <clear />
      <task name="AddTrackingPixelRenderTask" type="NewsletterStudio.Services.RenderTasks.Tasks.AddTrackingPixelRenderTask, NewsletterStudio" />
      <task name="FitIntoTemplateRenderTask" type="NewsletterStudio.Services.RenderTasks.Tasks.FitIntoTemplateRenderTask, NewsletterStudio" />
      <task name="RenderUrlRenderTask" type="NewsletterStudio.Services.RenderTasks.Tasks.RenderUrlRenderTask, NewsletterStudio" />
      <task name="ReplaceUnsubscribeRenderTask" type="NewsletterStudio.Services.RenderTasks.Tasks.ReplaceUnsubscribeRenderTask, NewsletterStudio" />
      <task name="ReadOnlineRenderTask" type="NewsletterStudio.Services.RenderTasks.Tasks.ReadOnlineRenderTask, NewsletterStudio" />
      <task name="ReplaceLocalLinksRenderTask" type="NewsletterStudio.Services.RenderTasks.Tasks.ReplaceLocalLinksRenderTask, NewsletterStudio" />
      <task name="AddFullDomainToRelativeSrcsRenderTask" type="NewsletterStudio.Services.RenderTasks.Tasks.AddFullDomainToRelativeSrcsRenderTask, NewsletterStudio" />
      <task name="ReplaceRelativeLinksRenderTask" type="NewsletterStudio.Services.RenderTasks.Tasks.ReplaceRelativeLinksRenderTask, NewsletterStudio" />
      <task name="GoogleAnalyticsRenderTask" type="NewsletterStudio.Services.RenderTasks.Tasks.GoogleAnalyticsRenderTask, NewsletterStudio" />
      <task name="AddClickTagsRenderTask" type="NewsletterStudio.Services.RenderTasks.Tasks.AddClickTagsRenderTask, NewsletterStudio" />
      <task name="ReplaceUniqMergeFieldsRenderTask" type="NewsletterStudio.Services.RenderTasks.Tasks.ReplaceUniqMergeFieldsRenderTask, NewsletterStudio" />
      <task name="InsertCustomDataRenderTask" type="NewsletterStudio.Services.RenderTasks.Tasks.InsertCustomDataRenderTask, NewsletterStudio" />
      <task name="PreMailer" type="NewsletterStudio.Services.RenderTasks.Tasks.CssPremailerRenderTask, NewsletterStudio" />

  • Markus Johansson 1944 posts 5875 karma points MVP 2x c-trib
    Feb 22, 2019 @ 09:44
    Markus Johansson


    What version of Newsletter Studio are you running on?

    The GA-querystrings should not have any impact on this, what if you go to the URL of a tracking pixel - do you get any errors?

    // m

  • Liam Dilley 172 posts 402 karma points
    Feb 25, 2019 @ 01:50
    Liam Dilley

    I got some campaigns forwarded to me. What should the pixel format be. I am not finding it in the code of the emails.

    All the options are there for it to appear. Email Campaign content come from page document types with the component used and sent from there if that is helpful or not.

    What will you need from me to help track down why it is not going in. There is nothing in any logs to indicate there is any errors with Newsletter Studio.

  • Markus Johansson 1944 posts 5875 karma points MVP 2x c-trib
    Feb 25, 2019 @ 14:56
    Markus Johansson



    Hmm, could you send me the emails that you are referring to?

    And also a copy of how your template look.

    To: markus [at sign here]

    All the best!

    / m

  • Liam Dilley 172 posts 402 karma points
    Mar 07, 2019 @ 00:32
    Liam Dilley

    Hi Markus, I sent you an email. It did not bounce. Did you get it?

  • Markus Johansson 1944 posts 5875 karma points MVP 2x c-trib
    Mar 07, 2019 @ 06:04
    Markus Johansson

    It ended up in my ”spam”-box thats probably why I missed it. I’ll make sure to get back during the day.

  • Liam Dilley 172 posts 402 karma points
    Mar 17, 2019 @ 23:39
    Liam Dilley

    Hey Markus, Our client is hitting up as another campaign had the same thing. As I noted in my email the tracking does not appear to be in the HTML despite everything configured as required.

    Any thoughts?

  • Markus Johansson 1944 posts 5875 karma points MVP 2x c-trib
    Mar 20, 2019 @ 14:47
    Markus Johansson


    The pixel should be inserted if everything goes fine, do you know if there is any entries in the log files when the sending is started?

    // m

  • Liam Dilley 172 posts 402 karma points
    Mar 20, 2019 @ 23:41
    Liam Dilley

    No Pixel seems present in any of the emails (which I sent the code to you) and there is no indication in the logs that there is open or any errors for that matter. I have not gone through what I can with the package but it just always looks like that it just pulls the clicks. It is the same value every time.

    I have re-installed and also tested on our staging server for the client but it also does the same thing.

  • Markus Johansson 1944 posts 5875 karma points MVP 2x c-trib
    Mar 21, 2019 @ 08:34
    Markus Johansson


    I can’t reproduce the issue in my environment at the moment. I’m wondering if you could send a copy of your newsletterStudio.config-file? Please remove any sensitive information before.

    It might be something with the order of the render tasks.

    / m

  • Liam Dilley 172 posts 402 karma points
    Mar 21, 2019 @ 22:54
    Liam Dilley
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <newsletterStudio senderDefaultName="Excen" senderDefaultEmail="EMAIL"
       senderDefaultSettingsForced="false" unsubscribeConfirmUrl=""
       tinyMCEDataTypeId="1429" sendFailuresBeforeUnsubscribingSubscriber="4"
       settingsOnlyForAdmins="false" allowUseOfSendOutPropertyEditorWithoutApplicationAccess="true"
       forceUnsubscribeFooter="true" activateCustomDataCollection="true"
       activateCssInliner="true" enableGoogleAnalyticsTracking="true"
       googleAnalyticsMedium="email" allowedTemplatesForRenderUrl=""
       googleAnalyticsSource="NewsletterStudio" googleAnalyticsName=""
       googleAnalyticsContent="" lastInstalledVersion="">
       <outgoingEmail sendConnectionTestEmailsTo="EMAIL"
          throttlingEnabled="true" throttlingMessagesPerBatch="150" throttlingSecondsBetweenBatches="10"
             <clear />
             <add name="SERVER"
                port="PORT" username="USERNAME" password="PASSWORD"
                enableSsl="true" />
       <bounceManagement enabled="false" email="" host="" port="0" username=""
          password="" />
          <clear />
          <task name="AddTrackingPixelRenderTask" type="NewsletterStudio.Services.RenderTasks.Tasks.AddTrackingPixelRenderTask, NewsletterStudio" />
          <task name="FitIntoTemplateRenderTask" type="NewsletterStudio.Services.RenderTasks.Tasks.FitIntoTemplateRenderTask, NewsletterStudio" />
          <task name="RenderUrlRenderTask" type="NewsletterStudio.Services.RenderTasks.Tasks.RenderUrlRenderTask, NewsletterStudio" />
          <task name="ReplaceUnsubscribeRenderTask" type="NewsletterStudio.Services.RenderTasks.Tasks.ReplaceUnsubscribeRenderTask, NewsletterStudio" />
          <task name="ReadOnlineRenderTask" type="NewsletterStudio.Services.RenderTasks.Tasks.ReadOnlineRenderTask, NewsletterStudio" />
          <task name="ReplaceLocalLinksRenderTask" type="NewsletterStudio.Services.RenderTasks.Tasks.ReplaceLocalLinksRenderTask, NewsletterStudio" />
          <task name="AddFullDomainToRelativeSrcsRenderTask" type="NewsletterStudio.Services.RenderTasks.Tasks.AddFullDomainToRelativeSrcsRenderTask, NewsletterStudio" />
          <task name="ReplaceRelativeLinksRenderTask" type="NewsletterStudio.Services.RenderTasks.Tasks.ReplaceRelativeLinksRenderTask, NewsletterStudio" />
          <task name="GoogleAnalyticsRenderTask" type="NewsletterStudio.Services.RenderTasks.Tasks.GoogleAnalyticsRenderTask, NewsletterStudio" />
          <task name="AddClickTagsRenderTask" type="NewsletterStudio.Services.RenderTasks.Tasks.AddClickTagsRenderTask, NewsletterStudio" />
          <task name="ReplaceUniqMergeFieldsRenderTask" type="NewsletterStudio.Services.RenderTasks.Tasks.ReplaceUniqMergeFieldsRenderTask, NewsletterStudio" />
          <task name="InsertCustomDataRenderTask" type="NewsletterStudio.Services.RenderTasks.Tasks.InsertCustomDataRenderTask, NewsletterStudio" />
          <task name="PreMailer" type="NewsletterStudio.Services.RenderTasks.Tasks.CssPremailerRenderTask, NewsletterStudio" />
          <clear />
          <provider name="NewsletterStudioSubscriptionProvider" type="NewsletterStudio.Bll.Providers.NewsletterStudioSubscriptionProvider, NewsletterStudio" />
          <provider name="UmbracoNewSubscriptionProvider" type="NewsletterStudio.Bll.Providers.UmbracoNewSubscriptionProvider, NewsletterStudio" />
  • Markus Johansson 1944 posts 5875 karma points MVP 2x c-trib
    Mar 23, 2019 @ 22:18
    Markus Johansson


    Your configuration looks good, the task "AddTrackingPixelRenderTask" should be the one that adds the tracking pixel.

    I've tried once again to reproduce this by sending a newsletter from the content-section, I can't understand why you're tracking pixel is not added.

    The AddTrackingPixelRenderTask adds the pixel (see example below) could you have a look at the rendered output in one of your e-mail when you perform as send out?

    A tip is to create a list of recipients thats only for testing (ie with your own email in it) and send to this list.

    If you see the pixel in the end of the email, try to open it in the browser, in the example below:

    Do you get any kind of error in this case?

    <img src=";e=193066199085130227074126132166069156214202228141120201093188122227185173243184150172233222192185" width="1" height="1">
  • Nora 28 posts 97 karma points
    Jun 11, 2019 @ 07:15

    We see exactly the same problem. Is there any solution for this issue? Did you find out something more?

    Umbraco 7.12.4, Sending from the content section

    Thanks a lot.

    Kind regards, Nora

  • Nora 28 posts 97 karma points
    Jun 11, 2019 @ 07:48

    I can't find the pixel in the source code of the newsletter.

    Apart from that - is it normal, that the "open in browser link" looks like that:


    In an Umbraco 7.3.2 installation with a working version of NL-Studio it looks like this:


    Or is this correct for the new version and you refactored some parts here?

    Thanks a lot. Kind regards, Nora

  • Markus Johansson 1944 posts 5875 karma points MVP 2x c-trib
    Jun 11, 2019 @ 14:12
    Markus Johansson

    Hi Nora!

    I'm not sure if you are talking about the tracking pixel for the opening of an email or the click tracking for links in the emails?

    Or maybe both?

    In short there are to "Render Tasks" that should take care of this:

    AddTrackingPixelRenderTask This task adds (or at least should add) a img element to the very end of the HTML. Something like this:

    <img src=";e=193066199085130227074126132166069156214202228141120201093188122227185173243184150172233222192185" width="1" height="1">

    AddClickTagsRenderTask This task changes the URL of all links in the email and prepends a tracking-proxy. Looks a lot like the example you posted:


    This will count the click in the email and redirect the visitor to the original url of the link.

    Please let me know more in detail what does not work and I'll try to help you out.

    All the best!

    // m

  • Nora 28 posts 97 karma points
    Jun 11, 2019 @ 14:28

    Hi Markus,

    it seems like we have an issue with both. We checked the config file ... both - the

     <task name="AddTrackingPixelRenderTask" type="NewsletterStudio.Services.RenderTasks.Tasks.AddTrackingPixelRenderTask, NewsletterStudio" />

    and the

    <task name="AddClickTagsRenderTask" type="NewsletterStudio.Services.RenderTasks.Tasks.AddClickTagsRenderTask, NewsletterStudio" />

    are there and seem to be configured correctly - but there is no pixel added and the links are like the sample I posted.

    We are using Newsletter Studio v2.1.9.5.

    Thanks a lot for your help. Kind regards, Nora

  • Nora 28 posts 97 karma points
    Jun 11, 2019 @ 14:29

    We also checked the logs. There was no error related to the issue we could identify...

  • Markus Johansson 1944 posts 5875 karma points MVP 2x c-trib
    Jun 11, 2019 @ 14:33
    Markus Johansson

    Hi Nora!

    I played around with this even more and I think that I've found the issue.

    If the template for the newsletter (the Umbraco template for the newsletter sending from the content section) contains html and body tags the opening tracking pixel will be prepended to after the html-tag.

    <h2>Hallo from Newsletter</h2>
        Lorem Ipsum - Hallo World! Version 2
    </html><img src="" width="1" height="1" alt="sdfsdf" />

    But. The CSS Inliner will remove the img-element when it inlines the css for the template. So I think I've found the problem here.

    I'll add this to the backlog and try to fix it asap,

    But the problem with the links that you are refering to is not related to this. And your examples looks like they should, or do you mean that the links are not converted to start with app_plugins/newsletterstudio/pages/tracking/trackclick.aspx ?

  • Liam Dilley 172 posts 402 karma points
    Jun 11, 2019 @ 23:45
    Liam Dilley

    Could this be our issue as well Markus? I have emailed you directly 3 times in the last month or so and you have not responded or updated anything for me here :(

  • Liam Dilley 172 posts 402 karma points
    Jun 11, 2019 @ 23:58
    Liam Dilley

    I validated the html of the EDM and no issues. What is the rule you have to insert the pixel? is the very last element in the template (sent you a while ago) So will this come in the next updates and solve it for us as well?

  • Markus Johansson 1944 posts 5875 karma points MVP 2x c-trib
    Jun 12, 2019 @ 05:06
    Markus Johansson


    Liam, I really tried hard to reproduce the issue when you reached out but could not understand what went wrong but yesterday the idea of why this happens came to my mind.

    The pixel is just “appended” to the message body, in the pipeline for a newsletter sent from the newsletter section the pixel is added before the the content is wrapped in the “skin”. But when sending from the content section and having html/body tags the pixel is added after the closing html-tag.

    The problem is that the CSS Inliner will stripp everything outside the html-tag - so the pixel was removed if the template for a “content section newsletter” contains these tags.

    The solution is on its way and will be included in a bug fix-release the coming days.

    Have you tried to remove the wrapping html atag in a template? Do you see the pixel after this?

  • Nora 28 posts 97 karma points
    Jun 11, 2019 @ 14:44

    Hi Markus,

    thanks a lot! This seems to be the issue. We have html- and body- tags in the template. Can we simply remove these tags from the template and newsletter studio will automatically add them together with the tracking-pixel?

    And with the other issue - it seems like the problem was sitting in front of the PC ;) ... I've found these "buggy tracking links" in the Newsletter I've sent to my mail address with the "Send test newsletter" function. If I use the standard send out function with the list everything is fine. So there is no issue - sorry for that.

    Thanks a lot for your help and the quick response! Kind regards, Nora

  • Markus Johansson 1944 posts 5875 karma points MVP 2x c-trib
    Jun 11, 2019 @ 15:41
    Markus Johansson


    Yes, you should be able to remove them as a “quick fix”, the CSS Inliner will add them when processing the newsletter.

    I’m working on a bug fix for this as well so for upcoming versions this issue will be solved. I’ll ping you here when it’s released.

    Hehe :) That explains the issue, we can’t perform tracking when the letter is not actually sent :)

    Please let me know if you have any other issues or questions.

    / m

  • Kevin Cann 5 posts 62 karma points
    Jul 25, 2019 @ 12:11
    Kevin Cann

    Hi Markus,

    Do you have a date for when the bug fix will be released?



  • Liam Dilley 172 posts 402 karma points
    Jul 25, 2019 @ 23:34
    Liam Dilley

    Yeah, pretty keen for this and better V8 Compatibility too.

  • Nora 28 posts 97 karma points
    Jun 12, 2019 @ 08:26

    Hi Markus,

    thanks a lot for the quick help. I'll try to remove them as a quick fix, but would be very happy to get the new version.

    Another question: we would like to translate the Dashboard / Statistics - are there any language files that can be translated?

    Thanks a lot. Regards, Nora

  • Markus Johansson 1944 posts 5875 karma points MVP 2x c-trib
    Jun 13, 2019 @ 08:26
    Markus Johansson

    Hi Nora!

    Have a look in: \App_Plugins\NewsletterStudio\Langs

    There you can find language files for all views, if something is missing in a language specific file we will fallback to english. What language are you looking to translate to?

    // m

  • Markus Johansson 1944 posts 5875 karma points MVP 2x c-trib
    Oct 07, 2019 @ 16:15
    Markus Johansson

    Just wanted to update on this, the new release of Newsletter Studio (v solved the issue with the tracking pixel outside of the html-root.

    It can be downloaded here:

    Please let me know if there is any other issues or feedback.


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