I had tried to move to sunday variable to the end of the variables, which changes the order of the days in calendar, but the dates don't match the weekdays then.. something need to be done ?
Addition to that, how can I add a class to the current day/today? so I can style that cell in table...
Change startday of week to monday and add class to current day
What is the best way to change the startday of week to monday.. it have also been posted as question here: http://our.umbraco.org/projects/starter-kits/business-website-starter-pack/general-(bugs,-feedback,-feature-requests)/20129-How-do-I-change-the-startday-of-the-calendar-from-sunday-to-monday
I had tried to move to sunday variable to the end of the variables, which changes the order of the days in calendar, but the dates don't match the weekdays then.. something need to be done ?
Addition to that, how can I add a class to the current day/today? so I can style that cell in table...
is working on a reply...