What version of Umbraco did you install it on? And have you tried adding ?umbdebugshowtrace=1 to the url to see if you get any error message in the trace stack that could point you in the right direction?
I installed it on the latest version, 4.7.1. I did the trace thing, but it didn't indicate any errors. I have since installed the Razor package, because XSLT is not really my thing (last time I had to use it was 2004...)
Hmm, ok...could be that the .dll was not registered properly or the xslt was wrong or something like that. But good to hear you managed to move on with a language you prefer :)
Error parsing XSLT file: \xslt\CultivSearchEngineSitemap.xslt
Just installed it and browsed to /cultivsearchenginesitemap.aspx
Hi Michiel
What version of Umbraco did you install it on? And have you tried adding ?umbdebugshowtrace=1 to the url to see if you get any error message in the trace stack that could point you in the right direction?
I installed it on the latest version, 4.7.1. I did the trace thing, but it didn't indicate any errors. I have since installed the Razor package, because XSLT is not really my thing (last time I had to use it was 2004...)
Hmm, ok...could be that the .dll was not registered properly or the xslt was wrong or something like that. But good to hear you managed to move on with a language you prefer :)
Well, if the XSLT is wrong then nobody should be able to use this plugin right now. Maybe the author will comment on this.
is working on a reply...