Make sure Mediaprotect httpmodule is running by browsing to
/app_plugins/mediaprotect/mediaprotect.txt. This should return true
...meaning, how do I process this file to show me true? When I add this to the root of my web site in the browser, it just prints out the text on the given page.
httpmodule set to true
What does the following mean...
...meaning, how do I process this file to show me true? When I add this to the root of my web site in the browser, it just prints out the text on the given page.
Thanks for any assistance
Then the httpmodule is not configured (correctly) Check the manual to add this to the web.config.
Hope this helps,
It works! wooo!! Thanks for the heads up on the documentation. The steps noted helped me in getting this package fully functional on Umbraco 7.6.6
is working on a reply...