Can't use SEOChecker on doc type located under a folder in Umbraco 7.4.1
Umbraco 7.4.1 now allows you to create a folder under Settings - Document Types. However, if you add SEOChecker to a document type nested under a folder then it doesn't work. For example, given this document type structure:
Adding a content node of type "Test Page" results in this (with an associated angularJS type error "Cannot read property 'seoTitle' of null" thrown in the developer console):
Attempting to save and publish results in this exception:
If the document type is created at the root then all is well.
If this is a known issue then can you confirm if there is a workaround to get this working, otherwise this could be a new bug.
Propably caching. This is not the same issue. Increase version number in /config/clientdependency.config and clear browser cache. Then it should be solved.
2017-02-01 15:12:14,663 [P1528/D2/T18] ERROR SEOChecker.DataTypes.PropertyEditors.PropertyEditorWrappers.SEOCheckerPropertyWrapper - SEOChecker: Error converting DB values to editor values
Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.RuntimeBinderException: 'System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject' does not contain a definition for 'alias'
at CallSite.Target(Closure , CallSite , Object )
at System.Dynamic.UpdateDelegates.UpdateAndExecute1[T0,TRet](CallSite site, T0 arg0)
at umbraco.cms.businesslogic.propertytype.PropertyType..ctor(Int32 id)
at property)
at umbraco.cms.businesslogic.Content.<InitializeProperties>b__f(Property x)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectEnumerableIterator`2.MoveNext()
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.InsertRange(Int32 index, IEnumerable`1 collection)
at umbraco.cms.businesslogic.Content.InitializeProperties()
at SEOChecker.Core.Umbraco.DocumentWrappers.UmbracoDocument..ctor(Document doc, IContextInfo info)
at SEOChecker.DataTypes.PropertyEditors.PropertyEditorWrappers.SEOCheckerPropertyWrapper.ConvertDbToEditor(Property property, PropertyType propertyType, IDataTypeService dataTypeService)
2017-02-01 14:16:54,570 [P19620/D3/T13] ERROR SEOChecker.DataTypes.Events.SetSEOValuesFromMappedProperties - Error saving mapped meta data
Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.RuntimeBinderException: 'System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject' does not contain a definition for 'alias'
at Umbraco.Core.Cache.HttpRuntimeCacheProvider.GetCacheItem(String cacheKey, Func`1 getCacheItem, Nullable`1 timeout, Boolean isSliding, CacheItemPriority priority, CacheItemRemovedCallback removedCallback, CacheDependency dependency)
at Umbraco.Core.Cache.HttpRuntimeCacheProvider.GetCacheItem(String cacheKey, Func`1 getCacheItem, Nullable`1 timeout, Boolean isSliding, CacheItemPriority priority, CacheItemRemovedCallback removedCallback, String[] dependentFiles)
at Umbraco.Core.Cache.DeepCloneRuntimeCacheProvider.GetCacheItem(String cacheKey, Func`1 getCacheItem, Nullable`1 timeout, Boolean isSliding, CacheItemPriority priority, CacheItemRemovedCallback removedCallback, String[] dependentFiles)
at umbraco.cms.businesslogic.ContentType.get_PropertyTypes()
at SEOChecker.Core.Helpers.UmbracoDocumentHelper.GetPropertyAliasByDataType(String doctype, Guid dataTypeId)
at SEOChecker.DataTypes.Events.SetSEOValuesFromMappedProperties.(IContentService , SaveEventArgs`1 )
Can't use SEOChecker on doc type located under a folder in Umbraco 7.4.1
Umbraco 7.4.1 now allows you to create a folder under Settings - Document Types. However, if you add SEOChecker to a document type nested under a folder then it doesn't work. For example, given this document type structure:
Adding a content node of type "Test Page" results in this (with an associated angularJS type error "Cannot read property 'seoTitle' of null" thrown in the developer console):
Attempting to save and publish results in this exception:
If the document type is created at the root then all is well.
If this is a known issue then can you confirm if there is a workaround to get this working, otherwise this could be a new bug.
Hi. Just wondered if anyone had any ideas on this?
Sorry didn't see this one, but it's fixed in SEOChecker 1.9.4 (latest version).
Hope this helps.
Great, I'll check it out. Thanks for your reply.
We have kinda the same problem. It looks exactly the same, but we have it no matter where we add the document typ.
I set up a clean umbraco 7.5.8 without any starterkit, installed the SEOChecker Package.
Then i added a documenttype with the seo checker.
And now I have the same problem.
In angular model.value never gets a value and is always undefined.
Best regards Nils
Hi Nils,
Propably caching. This is not the same issue. Increase version number in /config/clientdependency.config and clear browser cache. Then it should be solved.
Hope this helps,
Hi Richard,
I tried that, both with Chrome and Firefox, but no difference.
Best regards Nils
Maybe there is a dll missing, can you check the umbraco log file for errors?
The log file has the following error:
That error comes from the propertyeditor converter
Make sure that you have the correct syntax in the template
I had nothing in my template.
Now i added your lines, but still the same error.
Visual Studio shows the exception now:
really weird, works fine here and have not heard anyone with the same problem :-(. The issue you are posting is was something completely different..
If you can share your environment I can have a look in debug mode?
Sure, i'm gonna zip the solution and put it on dropbox.
I'll send you the link in the mail.
Best regards Nils
Thanks, will have a look tomorrow.
Hi Richard,
i've the same issue, did you found the solution for this?
is working on a reply...