Can see that you need to mark the answer in this post as well as another one. You mark it as solved by clicking the tick to the right of the guy answering.
e.g. here:
It makes it much easier for the next person to find the correct answer :)
I've too have been struggling to see see how setting a default currency for a country will set the currency for the site.
The only way I can imagine that it works is this.
The 'en' node has been assigned a language via the hostnames. From this language setting the country is determined. From the country the currency is determined.
Is this how it works? If it is then it is the relationship between the language and country that was not immediately obvious to me.
Default Currency
Is there any way I can set a default currency?
The demo defaults to $ even though I have removed all the currencies and countries except GBP.
I have also removed the ProductpriceUSD etc from the products doctype.
You can set the default currence on the countries. The selected country will then deside the currency, if no specific currency have been seelcted.
Yes figured that 2 minutes after I posted. Apologies.
I'll wait for 2 minutes longer before posting the next time.
Super :)
Can see that you need to mark the answer in this post as well as another one. You mark it as solved by clicking the tick to the right of the guy answering.
e.g. here:
It makes it much easier for the next person to find the correct answer :)
I've too have been struggling to see see how setting a default currency for a country will set the currency for the site.
The only way I can imagine that it works is this.
The 'en' node has been assigned a language via the hostnames.
From this language setting the country is determined.
From the country the currency is determined.
Is this how it works?
If it is then it is the relationship between the language and country that was not immediately obvious to me.
Hi Matt,
Not entirely correct (really need to get the blogpost on this written). Here is some rules on how the curency and country works:
Have just written a blog post on the subject of Languages, countries and currencies.
How lame... Neither ol nor ul lists are styled correctly on this forum :(
Thanks Rune, that explains a lot.
is working on a reply...