If you have used a credit card to purchase the order - you can capture the amount from the Tea Commerce interface instead of logging in to a seperate system to do it.
If I'm using their standard or pro offerings then it's of no use right, but used when taking payments over the phone with their virtual terminal offering?
If people doesnt have a paypal account and pay by credit card though the paypal API you can use the capture button to capture the money from the credit card.
Orders - Capture Payment button
In the Tea Commerce 'Order' section, what is the 'Capture Payment' button for and why might I use it?
If you have used a credit card to purchase the order - you can capture the amount from the Tea Commerce interface instead of logging in to a seperate system to do it.
Ah, OK. It's not used for a payment gateway solution like PayPal then.
It works with paypal as well
If I'm using their standard or pro offerings then it's of no use right, but used when taking payments over the phone with their virtual terminal offering?
If people doesnt have a paypal account and pay by credit card though the paypal API you can use the capture button to capture the money from the credit card.
is working on a reply...