I'm unable to find any documentation or advice on adding an extra field to send through to SagePay.
I need to be able to add in extra fields like "BillingAddress2" - I've added these into the UI but when it comes to sending this information through to SagePay I dont know where to add the field.
Any help from someone who has been through this would be much appreciated.
I've taken a look at the file and I can see that the variables are hard coded in. I was hoping that I could add a key and my form value into the admin screen and send it through that way :(
If I want to modify the sagepay.cs file I am assuming that I'd need the source code versions of everything and would need to compile? As it stands I downloaded the demo store and have been modifying that. Please could you cofirm (and thank for the speedy response, I'm right up against it here)
If you need to add fields that the standard SagePay provider doesn't support - yes you will have to download the source code for the payment provider project. Change the code and compile and replace the TeaCommerce.PaymentProviders.dll file at the website
I've sent you my modded file as I still cant get this data through to SagePay. The defaults are loading up ok as you can see below.
I've got billingAddress1 & billingAddress2 set up as fields and added to the form variables in step 2 of the checkout so the data is defintley available.
I'm unable to find any documentation or advice on adding an extra field to send through to SagePay.
I need to be able to add in extra fields like "BillingAddress2" - I've added these into the UI but when it comes to sending this information through to SagePay I dont know where to add the field.
Any help from someone who has been through this would be much appreciated.
Hi Ben
Sorry for not having the documentation for this. If you look at the source code you will see that we have a lot of other properties that the provider support. Like BillingAddress1 (2 is not supported) - https://bitbucket.org/teasolutions/tea-commerce-tea-commerce-payment-providers/src/702da6a0115b/Source/TeaCommerce.PaymentProviders/SagePay.cs
You specify the properties named in line 52 - 80 - like streetAddressPropertyAlias, cityPropertyAlias, statePropertyAlias etc.
Kind regards
Hi Anders,
I've taken a look at the file and I can see that the variables are hard coded in. I was hoping that I could add a key and my form value into the admin screen and send it through that way :(
If I want to modify the sagepay.cs file I am assuming that I'd need the source code versions of everything and would need to compile? As it stands I downloaded the demo store and have been modifying that. Please could you cofirm (and thank for the speedy response, I'm right up against it here)
If you need to add fields that the standard SagePay provider doesn't support - yes you will have to download the source code for the payment provider project. Change the code and compile and replace the TeaCommerce.PaymentProviders.dll file at the website
Hi Anders,
I've sent you my modded file as I still cant get this data through to SagePay. The defaults are loading up ok as you can see below.
I've got billingAddress1 & billingAddress2 set up as fields and added to the form variables in step 2 of the checkout so the data is defintley available.
Hi Anders,
It working!!!!!!! Not sure whether something had cached or not, I rebooted and it worked.
is working on a reply...