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  • Nigel Wilson 945 posts 2077 karma points
    Oct 10, 2012 @ 21:39
    Nigel Wilson

    Custom Reporting Feedback

    Hi there

    Am about to launch a teacommerce install, but have one aspect causing me to scratch my head...

    I need add a custom user control to the dashboard of the site to facilitate some custom reporting.

    The reportnig requirements are 2 fold:

    1. Download a CSV file of orders within a given date range (date pickers within the user control) and for a given region (dropdown list within the user control).

    2 Create PDF files of all orders (as matched above) and download as a single ZIP file. 

    To facilitate the above I have 2 custom properties recorded on each order - a date completed and a region ID (node from the content tree).

    For now the only way I have been able to make progress in getting some reporting working is a follows:

    XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
    XmlNodeList orders = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("/orders/order[string(properties/orderInvoiced) != '' and <<<more  filtering to go in here>>>]");
    foreach (XmlNode n in orders) 

    Can anyone suggest a better way ?

    The prime consideration is being able to check the custom date property against the selected date range.




  • Rune Grønkjær 1372 posts 3103 karma points
    Oct 11, 2012 @ 09:28
    Rune Grønkjær

    Hi Nigel,

    I have done both csv generation of orders and pdf generation of order information. It's pretty easy, when you know how to do it.

    CSV generation

    I used the Macro Service package to expose a macro as an url. It's easy to set it up to returning a csv file to the user. If you make it with an xslt macro you can use the teacommerce:GetFinalizedOrdersXml()method to get all orders and then just run through your orders. Easy as pie :)

    PDF generation

    For that we bought a license to ABC pdf, which is brilliant and very easy to use. I then created the pdf content as a regular page in umbraco, which is easy to debug. Then I used ABC pdf to create a pdf from the contents of that page.

    Hope that helps a bit


  • Nigel Wilson 945 posts 2077 karma points
    Oct 11, 2012 @ 22:41
    Nigel Wilson

    Hi Rune

    Thanks for the feedback - very much appreciated.

    I had madfe progress yesterdau but am still stuck on how to use XPATH with dates.

    I was not aware of the Macro Service Package. I have previously done somehting similar with hidden iframes and xslt files that return a file stream output. It worked but was a bit clunky from a setup perspective.

    This package looks nice and should provide a solution to the XPATH / date issue I have.

    Re PDF's - we have bought a licence for PDF Creator and I intend building a wrapper to stream the output and save to disk. For this to work I only need the order ID which is easy to "grab".

    Then once complete will zip the files and download. This part is "under control" - at least in my head. Once I get started on it, things may change. ;-)

    Cheers again - appreciate it.


  • Rune Grønkjær 1372 posts 3103 karma points
    Oct 12, 2012 @ 08:15
    Rune Grønkjær

    Hi Nigel,

    Dates and xpath... Heres how I get all orders in a specific date range:

    <xsl:variable name="orders" select="teacommerce:GetFinalizedOrdersXml()//order [(string($fromDate) = '' or umbraco.library:DateGreaterThanOrEqual(@orderDate,$fromDate)) and (string($toDate) = '' or umbraco.library:DateGreaterThanOrEqual($toDate,@orderDate))]"/>

    It takes into account that the dates may be empty.

    You can also get all orders belonging to a specific member group. That will require a small xslt extension method:

    public static XPathNodeIterator GetMembersByMemberGroup( string memberGroupName ) {
          XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();
          XElement root = new XElement"members" );
          if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( memberGroupName ) ) {
            string[] usernames = Roles.GetUsersInRole( memberGroupName );
            foreach ( string username in usernames ) {
              MembershipUser user = Membership.GetUser( username );
              Member member = new Member( (int)user.ProviderUserKey );
              root.Add( member.ToXml( xml, true ).GetXElement() );
          return root.CreateNavigator().Select( "/" );

    <xsl:variable name="members" select="lange:GetMembersByMemberGroup($memberGroup)/node"/>
    <xsl:variable name="ordersForMemberGroup" select="$orders [@memberId = $members/@id]" />

    That was some bonus information and just for kicks, let us get all unique order lines. Unique on their product number that is:

    <xsl:variable name="orderLines" select="$ordersForMemberGroup/orderLine" />
    <xsl:variable name="uniqueOrderLines" select="$orderLines [not(properties/productNumber = preceding::orderLine/properties/productNumber)]" /> 

    That will give you, and everyone else some fun ways to display Tea Commerce orders.



  • Nigel Wilson 945 posts 2077 karma points
    Oct 12, 2012 @ 08:22
    Nigel Wilson

    Hi Rune

    Thanks for the code - up until now I have been attempting to code in c# / API using XPATH and not getting anywhere.

    So reverting to your valuable input in the above posts is what I'll be working on next.

    Cheers, Nigel

  • Nigel Wilson 945 posts 2077 karma points
    Oct 12, 2012 @ 20:25
    Nigel Wilson

    Hi Rune

    Just installed the Macro Service package and initially was not "getting it"...

    But yes, the package is perfect.

    As an overview - I have a user control being displayed on the dashboard of the content section - the user selects 2 dates and a region (drop down list) and then using jquery I am submitting the selections to a hidden iframe. The URL for the iframe the URL exposed by the macro.

    Now coding the desired output will be an absolute cinch...

    Wicked wicked wicked.. It is only 7:30am but this has absolutely made my day...

    Cheers, Nigel

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