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  • Jeavon Leopold 3074 posts 13631 karma points MVP 11x admin c-trib
    Jun 06, 2013 @ 12:42
    Jeavon Leopold

    Razor TeaCommerce Google analytics e-commerce Tracking Sample

    Hi All,

    Does anyone have a Razor sample for generating Google analytics e-commerce tracking sample they would care to share?

    If not, I will create one :-)



  • Anders Burla 2560 posts 8256 karma points
    Jun 06, 2013 @ 13:06
    Anders Burla

    Download the starter kit. See in the Scripts (Razor)/tea-commerce/EcommerceTracking.cshtml

    That should be it :)

  • Jeavon Leopold 3074 posts 13631 karma points MVP 11x admin c-trib
    Jun 06, 2013 @ 13:59
    Jeavon Leopold

    Awesome, I only had v3.0 of the stater kit and this didn't exist.

    I would recommend one tweak though:


    string sku = orderLine.ProductIdentifier;


    string sku = orderLine.Sku;


  • Anders Burla 2560 posts 8256 karma points
    Jun 06, 2013 @ 14:27
    Anders Burla

    Thanks!! Corrected :)

  • Anders Burla 2560 posts 8256 karma points
    Jun 06, 2013 @ 15:00
    Anders Burla

    Here is the optimized and refactored code:

    @using umbraco.MacroEngines
    @using TeaCommerce.Umbraco.Web
    @using TeaCommerce.Api.Models
    @inherits umbraco.MacroEngines.DynamicNodeContext

    long storeId = long.Parse(Model._store);
    Order finalizedOrder = TC.GetCurrentFinalizedOrder(storeId);

    <script type="text/javascript">
    _gaq.push(['_set', 'currencyCode', '@TC.GetCurrency(storeId, finalizedOrder.CurrencyId).IsoCode']);
    '@finalizedOrder.OrderNumber', // transaction ID - required
    '@TC.GetStore(storeId).Name', // affiliation or store name
    '@finalizedOrder.TotalPrice.WithVatFormattedWithoutSymbol', // total - required
    '@finalizedOrder.TotalPrice.VatFormattedWithoutSymbol', // tax
    '@finalizedOrder.ShipmentInformation.TotalPrice.WithVatFormattedWithoutSymbol', // shipping
    '@finalizedOrder.Properties["city"]', // city
    '@(finalizedOrder.PaymentInformation.CountryRegionId != null ? TC.GetCountryRegion(storeId, finalizedOrder.PaymentInformation.CountryRegionId.Value).Name : "")', // state or province
    '@TC.GetCountry(storeId, finalizedOrder.PaymentInformation.CountryId).Name' // country
    @foreach ( OrderLine orderLine in finalizedOrder.OrderLines ) {
    '@finalizedOrder.OrderNumber', // transaction ID
    '@orderLine.Sku', // SKU
    '@orderLine.Name', // product name
    '@Library.NodeById( orderLine.ProductIdentifier ).AncestorOrSelf( "ProductCategory" ).Name', // category
    '@orderLine.UnitPrice.WithVatFormattedWithoutSymbol', // price
    '@orderLine.Quantity' // quantity
  • Jeavon Leopold 3074 posts 13631 karma points MVP 11x admin c-trib
    Jun 06, 2013 @ 15:37
    Jeavon Leopold

    Even better! Thanks

  • Jeavon Leopold 3074 posts 13631 karma points MVP 11x admin c-trib
    Jun 21, 2013 @ 12:18
    Jeavon Leopold

    Just discovered that the currencyCode need to be set after the addTrans otherwise it doesn't work, here is revised version

        long storeId = long.Parse(Model._store);
        Order finalizedOrder = TC.GetCurrentFinalizedOrder(storeId);
    <script type="text/javascript">
        '@finalizedOrder.OrderNumber',           // transaction ID - required
        '@TC.GetStore(storeId).Name',  // affiliation or store name
        '@finalizedOrder.TotalPrice.WithVatFormattedWithoutSymbol',          // total - required
        '@finalizedOrder.TotalPrice.VatFormattedWithoutSymbol',           // tax
        '@finalizedOrder.ShipmentInformation.TotalPrice.WithVatFormattedWithoutSymbol',              // shipping
        '@finalizedOrder.Properties["city"]',       // city
        '@(finalizedOrder.PaymentInformation.CountryRegionId != null ? TC.GetCountryRegion(storeId, finalizedOrder.PaymentInformation.CountryRegionId.Value).Name : "")',     // state or province
        '@TC.GetCountry(storeId, finalizedOrder.PaymentInformation.CountryId).Name'             // country
    @foreach ( OrderLine orderLine in finalizedOrder.OrderLines ) {
        '@finalizedOrder.OrderNumber', // transaction ID
        '@orderLine.Sku', // SKU
        '@orderLine.Name', // product name
        '@Library.NodeById( orderLine.ProductIdentifier ).AncestorOrSelf( "ProductCategory" ).Name', // category
        '@orderLine.UnitPrice.WithVatFormattedWithoutSymbol', // price
        '@orderLine.Quantity' // quantity
    _gaq.push(['_set', 'currencyCode', '@TC.GetCurrency(storeId, finalizedOrder.CurrencyId).IsoCode']); 



  • Anders Burla 2560 posts 8256 karma points
    Jun 21, 2013 @ 12:26
    Anders Burla

    Thanks for sharing! Have updated the starter kit - so in next release it will be fixed :)

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