Is it at all possible to cancel a form post (ajaxForm) for AddOrUpdateOrderLine to prevent lines being added to an order?
Basically, I want to limit the max quantity of items in a basket, and max quantity of individual order lines in a basket. I'm thinking if it is possible, then to do it from
TC.bind('beforeAddOrUpdateOrderLine', function (data, jQForm) {});
but I'm not convinced it will be possible..
If not, then not to worry, I am working on a way to reverse the AddOrUpdate.. based on current order totals, but that does mean 2 calls to AddOrUpdate.. which seems a little messy.
If it is a formpost then you could probabilly add your own submit function to handle the logic, returning 0 from a formpost function will ensure that the form is not posted to Tea Commerce. This logic could ensure that you only call AddOrUpdate if there is something to add or update, however it will not catch sneaky users who use the javascript api directly on your website. So this approach wouldn't be good if this is a concern.
If it where me I would use the .net api to hook into the Tea Commerce events. For example "OnOrderLinesAdding" and "OnOrderLinesUpdating" events to enforce orderline quantity limitations.
I was actually going to update this in a bit to say that's what I've ended up doing. I ended up setting a custom order property to echo back the the customer that a limit had been reached. To add confusion, of course when I saved the order having updated quantities etc, it fires the even again, clearing my message. So I had to set an orderline property on submit so that it would only clear my client message on a basket update initiated by the user.
Javascript was then able to read the order property and echo it back to the user. Easy in the end, took a while working out all my logic though for various limits and messages and when to clear them!
Javascript api, prevent form post
Is it at all possible to cancel a form post (ajaxForm) for AddOrUpdateOrderLine to prevent lines being added to an order?
Basically, I want to limit the max quantity of items in a basket, and max quantity of individual order lines in a basket. I'm thinking if it is possible, then to do it from
but I'm not convinced it will be possible..
If not, then not to worry, I am working on a way to reverse the AddOrUpdate.. based on current order totals, but that does mean 2 calls to AddOrUpdate.. which seems a little messy.
Any thoughts would be appreciated!
If it is a formpost then you could probabilly add your own submit function to handle the logic, returning 0 from a formpost function will ensure that the form is not posted to Tea Commerce. This logic could ensure that you only call AddOrUpdate if there is something to add or update, however it will not catch sneaky users who use the javascript api directly on your website. So this approach wouldn't be good if this is a concern.
If it where me I would use the .net api to hook into the Tea Commerce events. For example "OnOrderLinesAdding" and "OnOrderLinesUpdating" events to enforce orderline quantity limitations.
Hey Kim,
I was actually going to update this in a bit to say that's what I've ended up doing. I ended up setting a custom order property to echo back the the customer that a limit had been reached. To add confusion, of course when I saved the order having updated quantities etc, it fires the even again, clearing my message. So I had to set an orderline property on submit so that it would only clear my client message on a basket update initiated by the user.
Javascript was then able to read the order property and echo it back to the user. Easy in the end, took a while working out all my logic though for various limits and messages and when to clear them!
Thanks for the pointer though :-)
is working on a reply...