This is the main Umbraco download, generally you won't need anything else.
Downloaded 7632 times - uploaded 29 September
Downloaded 1430 times - uploaded 29 September 2015Release notes
This release of Umbraco features an upgrade to MVC5 and WebApi 2 and a much improved method of load balancing your Umbraco site
Check the release blog post for more details.
Follow the normal installation guidelines.
There are a few minor breaking changes in this release, listed below. Make sure to go through them before you upgrade.
Upgrading manually
For upgrades make sure to follow the general upgrade guide AND the version specific upgrade guide when upgrading manually.
Upgrading through NuGet
NuGet upgrades will handle everything for you automatically, so you only need to follow the general upgrade guide.
Related changes from the issue tracker
- U4-337 - Restore option in recycle bin
- U4-4808 - Allow custom backoffice authentication - ASP.Net Identity
- U4-5423 - Library/Dependency upgrades
- U4-5777 - Allow Localization of Plugins without having to edit core language files
- U4-5781 - Update to latest codemirror
- U4-5829 - UI Updates
- U4-5830 - Service & Repository updates
- U4-5831 - Back Office Updates
- U4-5832 - Property Editor updates
- U4-5853 - Create interfaces for umbracohelper parts
- U4-5874 - Add option to turn off V7 Login page messages
- U4-6153 - Service/Repository to manage 'Task' data
- U4-6534 - add DebuggerDisplay attributes
- U4-6562 - Embedded media only supports XML services, request to add support for JSON
- U4-6619 - Remove MVC dependencies from Umbraco.Core
- U4-6736 - Log "logout" from Umbraco
- U4-6782 - ContentTypeService should support getByKey(Guid)
- U4-6834 - Add TagService.GetTagsForEntity(Guid key) method
- U4-6866 - getDescendants of template
- U4-6902 - ThumbnailFinderResolver public like ContentFinderResolver?
- U4-6903 - Make MVC5 the default that Umbraco ships with
- U4-6977 - Update the Our screenshot to show off the new design
Breaking Changes
- U4-114 - Remove database requirement for Stylesheets and associated database tables
- U4-4669 - Required checkbox is overruled by regex on document type
- U4-4808 - Allow custom backoffice authentication - ASP.Net Identity
- U4-5781 - Update to latest codemirror
- U4-5846 - Remove cmsTemplate.master column and transfer those values over to umbracoNode.parentId
- U4-6099 - cmsLanguageText.languageId needs to be a foreign key to the umbracoLanguage table & cmsDictionary.parent needs to be a foreign key to
- U4-6148 - Grid values should not store meta data/grid configuration, the grid config should be accessed globally for use in rendering the grid
- U4-6163 - Remove LanguageLocale column from cmsContentVersion
- U4-6174 - Remove cmsPropertyType.helpText column
- U4-6363 - Expose Dictionary item access on UmbracoHelper
- U4-6590 - Upgrade to latest WebApi version
- U4-6619 - Remove MVC dependencies from Umbraco.Core
- U4-6631 - A physically nonexistent template results to an empty ContentResult and http status 200
- U4-6756 - Don't ship or generate unnecessary folders
- U4-6871 - CoreBootManager.CreateApplicationContext & CoreBootManager.CreateApplicationCache returns the instance instead of setting the singleton
- U4-6903 - Make MVC5 the default that Umbraco ships with
- U4-7045 - Bootstrap tabs with Angular in back office has CPU/performance issues
- U4-7053 - Update ImageProcessor dependency for core
- U4-7157 - remove ~/umbraco/webservice.asmx
Issues & Tasks
- U4-1898 - UmbracoExamine Rebuild index should not affect live site
- U4-1979 - Some legacy business logic APIs do not wrap the new Service APIs
- U4-2037 - AsynchronousRollingFileAppender keeps a thread alive at all times, we should only have a thread run when necessary
- U4-2276 - IFileService and ITemplate is not complete and doesn't create/update template files properly
- U4-2277 - New Template API incomplete - no inheritance support
- U4-2793 - There doesn't seem to be a way to un-assign a template from a content item with the new API
- U4-3170 - Proxy legacy relations API through the new RelationService
- U4-4000 - Get the date fields working for the user membership provider
- U4-4043 - Migrate Domain API to PetaPoco
- U4-4216 - Create Public Access Service/Repository in the Core project, migrate logic from the legacy Access class and store in Database
- U4-4231 - remove umbracoUserLogins table
- U4-4622 - Image Cropper should be clearer what crop you are editing
- U4-5153 - Upgrade to latest versions of MVC
- U4-5171 - Update IFileService to deal with Partial Views
- U4-5180 - 7.1.4 - publish/save notification email - highlighting is incorrect
- U4-5231 - LogHelper violates DIP - new ILogger interface
- U4-5308 - Umbraco 7 Content Tree Width not resizable or scrollable
- U4-5374 - Cleanup constructors on services/repositories
- U4-5591 - Error Change premissions on many nodes. 500 - The server supports a maximum of 2100 parameters
- U4-5618 - Repository level performance enhancements - N+1 queries
- U4-5689 - update to latest TinyMCE 4.x version
- U4-5721 - If grid has only one layout, switch straight to row edit interface
- U4-5741 - [7.2] CodeMirror in RTE has issues in IE11
- U4-5749 - Unable to multiple delete members when in groups
- U4-5814 - Apply MVC security update
- U4-5847 - Ensure the path is set correctly for templates in the db
- U4-5881 - Horizontal scrollbar for tree missing
- U4-5927 - Umbraco 7: Create Notifications from C# events - ClientTools.ShowSpeechBubble
- U4-6007 - Add a close button to the preview window
- U4-6043 - Error parsing package.manifest value Path line 0 position 0
- U4-6058 - Listview - move search field out of table header
- U4-6063 - Increase Log Queue Size
- U4-6110 - Cleanup the Audit trail code - this should be a service, remove all internal statics
- U4-6113 - Cannot delete member with upload field
- U4-6120 - Ensure stylesheet, stylesheet service and repository are 100% working and perform the required logic
- U4-6128 - Grid does not reflect custom columns number (not 12)
- U4-6162 - Create Domain repository and service
- U4-6179 - Highlight recycle bin tree node when chosen
- U4-6187 - umbracoNode.uniqueID needs a Unique index - currently it is a non-unique index
- U4-6188 - umbracoNode.uniqueId needs to be changed to not allow nulls
- U4-6193 - Inserting an image into grid layout ignores alternative text
- U4-6245 - Feature Request 7.2.1 Update to AutoMapper version 3.3.0
- U4-6375 - cannot sort prevalues of DropdownlistMultiplePublishKeys - umbraco 7.2.1
- U4-6484 - Don't cast to specific Examine types - only interfaces like ISearcher/IIndexer
- U4-6569 - Grid UI Issue
- U4-6579 - error deleting media item in umbraco 7
- U4-6582 - RTE "Link To File" missing rel="nodeId" attribute
- U4-6599 - TinyMCE autoresize plugin has a bug and needs to be updated
- U4-6614 - Styling issue in row configuration for the Umbraco.Grid datatype
- U4-6624 - Sensitive form field has not disabled autocomplete
- U4-6629 - User section labels (missing update in da.xml)
- U4-6642 - Sort order messing up after deleting a node
- U4-6673 - Xml data integrity dashboard
- U4-6675 - Media cache needs to be optimized
- U4-6679 - Missing ng-cloak in login screen
- U4-6683 - Cannot upgrade from 7.2 to 7.3
- U4-6696 - UmbracoHelper.GetPreValueAsString fires exception with invalid integer
- U4-6699 - Uppercase on first letter in every word in modals
- U4-6702 - Culture not being set correctly using UmbracoVirtualNodeHandler (wildcard domains not handled correctly)
- U4-6705 - Add migrations db table
- U4-6721 - Error when submitting Macros, Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute. (after project has been updated to MVC5)
- U4-6723 - User timeout in the back office is an issue with new ASP.Net identity implementation
- U4-6724 - Moving content with JSON Tags adds extra characters
- U4-6733 - Adding dictionary item (7.3): No parent dictionary item was found with id 41c7638d-f529-4bff-853e-59a0c2fb1bde
- U4-6734 - Fix: Tweaks to TreePicker pre-value dialog for better entity support
- U4-6737 - Add unique id (guid) column to property type
- U4-6748 - Examine Management dashboard - same id occurs multiple times for Text Search/Lucene Search labels
- U4-6753 - Identity support must have an option to enable auto-linked accounts
- U4-6754 - Resizing image in RTE passes invalid dimension parameters to ImageProcessor
- U4-6762 - 7.3 beta: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.Mvc, Version=
- U4-6770 - When creating editorstyles: No stylesheet property found with name when creating headingstyles with capitals
- U4-6771 - Sorting editorstyles is not possible
- U4-6773 - create property - available properties are not sorted a-z
- U4-6775 - PropertyEditor Attributes - View doesn't support virtual paths
- U4-6783 - Grid Layout media editor alternative text doesn't work.
- U4-6784 - 7.2.2 Multiple Media Picker - Failed to retrieve entity data for ids
- U4-6785 - Texbox multiple linebreaks change from \n to \r\n after republish
- U4-6786 - Update to latest CDF
- U4-6789 - Core.Models.Macro is internal
- U4-6798 - Rollback Dialog Displays Incorrect Author
- U4-6804 - Update logging functionality to include tokenized Process and App Domain ID
- U4-6808 - u.7.2.6 Bug on umbraco.service.js
- U4-6810 - Need to parameterize SQL query in NewRelationType.aspx.cs
- U4-6831 - Add {machinename} to ExamineIndex.config by default
- U4-6840 - Examine indexing queue needs to be lazy
- U4-6844 - Potential perf issue with new Domain service
- U4-6855 - ITag does not expose the property it belongs to
- U4-6856 - Member editor doesn't save login name if e-mail address is changed at the same time
- U4-6858 - add localizationService.GetDictionaryItemDescendants
- U4-6859 - get membertype by key
- U4-6865 - not possible to change FileService root directory when running outside webcontext
- U4-6867 - UmbracoLog wrongfully logs unPublish event with user ID 0
- U4-6869 - contentService + domainService is slow outside Umbraco App Context
- U4-6879 - Validation issues when creating new content and cancelling save event.
- U4-6891 - Can't get to the "Rebuild" button when Lucene index folder is empty
- U4-6898 - Tree icons do not have same position from left
- U4-6907 - Bootstrap tab drop has memory leaks
- U4-6908 - Umbraco's 'detect-fold' directive has memory leaks
- U4-6914 - TypeAhead minified bundle is not in 7.3.0 download
- U4-6915 - Txt Starter Kit install fails on 7.3.0 beta3
- U4-6917 - ContentTypeService.GetContentType( GUID) throws exception
- U4-6918 - App_Plugins folder referenced on startup causes YSOD if it doesn't exist
- U4-6926 - HTML tag in nodeName renders as HTML in tree
- U4-6932 - Bulk processing in list view doesn't increment the counter
- U4-6934 - v7.3.0-beta3 ListView sorting by updateDate throws exception
- U4-6937 - Update all web.configs in all subfolders to use MVC4 / Razor 3
- U4-6938 - While upgrading, delete dlls that shouldn't be there after upgrade
- U4-6939 - 'html code' button is missing in the Rich Text Editor
- U4-6941 - Can't edit masterpages templates in 7.3.0 beta3
- U4-6942 - During upgrade MUST make sure that the new Property Type GUIDs are consistent
- U4-6947 - Don't ship unnecessary js files
- U4-6953 - DatePicker (with time?) seems to be misbehaving since 7.2.8 in Firefox
- U4-6955 - Styles of Umbraco.Grid data type fails to load when the modifier property for the style has no characters after the placeholder
- U4-6969 - Property label localization in 7.3 always uses en-US locale
- U4-6973 - Given custom permissions user can create, but cannot save
- U4-6982 - TAG Group not working as it's expected, when there's more than 2 sets of tag group
- U4-6983 - Localize text in help dialog
- U4-6986 - PublishedContentExtensions.FirstChild() throws exception
- U4-6990 - Error when using Umbraco task scheduler
- U4-6992 - Need to figure out the best way for scheduled tasks to run with new Database server messenger
- U4-6995 - Image Cropper does not use predefined crop ratio when only width or height is supplied
- U4-6997 - Updating Public Access settings on a node should trigger a re-render of the tree
- U4-6998 - User language drop down is incorrect when default language is used
- U4-7002 - Virtual path issue - Umbraco.Web.UriUtility.ToAppRelative() too greedy
- U4-7008 - Localization of member trees and heading
- U4-7029 - Upgrading Umbraco will remove owin:startup key if configured differently
- U4-7038 - Create IPublishedContentWithKey and include the GUID (Key) in the umbraco.config file
- U4-7041 - Creating a Courier revision gives a reference not set error (7.3)
- U4-7042 - Use the FileService when saving/creating/updating Scripts in the back office
- U4-7046 - Cannot create content - due to transaction changes/master/slave/scheduled tasks
- U4-7048 - Umbraco 7.3 RC. Templates not read from disk.
- U4-7055 - Examine dashboard lucene query does not URL encode the parameters resulting in incorrect searches
- U4-7056 - In BatchedDatabaseServerMessenger.UmbracoModule_RouteAttempt the Sync method is not being executed when using Virtual Nodes (custom routes)
- U4-7059 - SQL problem upgrading from 7.2.8 to 7.3.0 RC
- U4-7060 - Enable non-recursive copy in IContentService
- U4-7061 - DatePicker (without time) subtracts a date on each Save and Publish submission
- U4-7063 - Umbraco.TypedContent(IEnumerable<int>) returns NULLs
- U4-7076 - Content publish issue - invalid/corrupt xml cache after publish for the descendant nodes
- U4-7078 - Cannot empty recyle bin when content item with public access is in there
- U4-7083 - File system discrepancies
- U4-7084 - Publishing a package throws an error
- U4-7087 - Make PageId private field on RedirectToUmbracoPageResult available for unit testing
- U4-7090 - Upgrade error with dates
- U4-7091 - Unsupported SQLCE query during upgrade
- U4-7097 - Content or Media can be created at root when allow at root is not yes.
- U4-7100 - Upgrading from 6.x to 7.3.0 fails due to missing UniqueID field on cmsPropertyType table
- U4-7108 - Calling ContentTypeService.GetMediaType(id) with a guid that isn't in umbraco results in a SQL error
- U4-7120 - SQL Fail upgrading om 7.2.4 to 7.3 due to index on master template column
- U4-7124 - Install initial migrations data as part of BaseDataCreation instead of in DatabaseSchemaHelper
- U4-7129 - Allow cache refreshers to run on a background thread even when batched messaging is on
- U4-7131 - The database failed to upgrade: 7.2.2 to 7.3.0-RC
- U4-7135 - Umbraco 7.3-RC Creating multiple forms on Form save
- U4-7158 - Fix OrderBy query string parameter which can allow SQL Injection
- U4-7159 - XSS issue with EditMacro.aspx
- U4-7171 - Member List: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid column name 'updateDate'.
- U4-3562 - Cannot preview when no template is assigned
- U4-6479 - GetCulture Helper Bug