Malthe Petersen

Malthe Petersen

Malthe Petersen works at Novicell and has 68 posts and 383 karma points


Richard Ockerby

Custom NuCache types

Reply by Richard Ockerby Feb 16, 2023 @ 17:58

Malthe Petersen

Publish one Culture picks up all cultures in ContentService.Published

Reply by Malthe Petersen Mar 19, 2021 @ 19:48

Malthe Petersen

Capture event when publishing Page with all its child pages

Reply by Malthe Petersen Mar 18, 2021 @ 10:50

Malthe Petersen

Get Page URL in ContentService.Moving Event

Reply by Malthe Petersen Feb 08, 2021 @ 17:49

Malthe Petersen

ContentService.Published - Get culture language of published page

Reply by Malthe Petersen Feb 08, 2021 @ 17:46

Malthe Petersen

Custom property editor not validating nested content

Reply by Malthe Petersen Jan 26, 2021 @ 19:17

Malthe Petersen

nothing on the product updates!

Reply by Malthe Petersen Jan 01, 2021 @ 16:53

Malthe Petersen

ContentPublishedEventArgs - get which Language Variant is being published

Reply by Malthe Petersen Nov 12, 2020 @ 12:51

Malthe Petersen

Newly created nodes gets sort order 0

Reply by Malthe Petersen Aug 21, 2020 @ 05:19

Malthe Petersen

Get unpublished page as IPublishedContent

Reply by Malthe Petersen Jul 30, 2020 @ 15:58

Malthe Petersen

How to have access to Backoffice Umbraco

Reply by Malthe Petersen Jun 04, 2020 @ 18:32

Malthe Petersen

How to get all unpublished nodes?

Reply by Malthe Petersen May 03, 2020 @ 18:50

Søren Gregersen

Replace linkpicker in tinymce or add custom plugin

Reply by Søren Gregersen Apr 24, 2020 @ 07:00

Malthe Petersen

How to get all pages by document type using Umbraco API and spit out data into Json?

Reply by Malthe Petersen Apr 08, 2020 @ 19:51

Malthe Petersen

Architecture tips

Reply by Malthe Petersen Mar 18, 2020 @ 19:59

Malthe Petersen

Content Cache Refresher - knowing what has changed

Reply by Malthe Petersen Mar 08, 2020 @ 15:15

Malthe Petersen

No dashboard

Reply by Malthe Petersen Feb 18, 2020 @ 16:04

Malthe Petersen

Traversing extentsion methods are missing from Umbraco.Core.Models.IPublishedContent

Reply by Malthe Petersen Feb 01, 2020 @ 20:49

Malthe Petersen

Generic url lod from specific page

Reply by Malthe Petersen Jan 17, 2020 @ 19:30

Malthe Petersen

Request Cookies Null reference

Reply by Malthe Petersen Oct 12, 2019 @ 11:38

Malthe Petersen

Redirect Service events

Reply by Malthe Petersen Sep 30, 2019 @ 16:47

Malthe Petersen

Umbraco 8 Dependency Injection override/proxy

Reply by Malthe Petersen Aug 24, 2019 @ 06:51

Malthe Petersen

Events - knowing what variants are being saved/published

Reply by Malthe Petersen Aug 23, 2019 @ 19:20

David Zweben

Custom application started events

Reply by David Zweben Apr 12, 2019 @ 20:15

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