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Packages for Umbraco 8+ have a new home. Go to marketplace.umbraco.com for an up-to-date overview.
If you want to get your package listed on the new marketplace please refer to the documentation.

Browse Packages for Umbraco


Diplo Media Download

Diplo Media Downloader is an Umbraco 8 package...

8.0.0 - 8.18.0
1 2.5K

Dominant Colour Picker Data Type

An Umbraco Data Type to fetch the dominant colo...

5 6.4K

MBran Sitemap Xml

MBran SitemapXml is a package to auto-generate...

7.7.0 - 7.9.0
4 6.1K


Summary DocType creation done Ruby style! We...

4.5.0 - 6.1.0
36 4.5K


Umbraco package that allows to restrict ip-base...

7.5.0 - 7.7.0
3 5.9K

Sir Trevor

A SirTrevor editor plugin for Umbraco 7 that in...

7.0.0 - 7.1.0
24 2.3K

Usergroup Permissions

Usergroup permissions helps you set node pe...

4.1.0 - 4.11.0
24 2.7K

Media Content Usage

Media Content Usage is an Event Handler and Pro...

7.1.0 - 7.15.0
23 1.4K

Color Palettes

Color Palettes is a simple property editor that...

7.1.0 - 7.4.0
22 2K

v7 Dialog Expander

This package is a simple UI enhancement to the...

7.0.0 - 7.7.0
20 1.9K

U7 Grid Data Type

This is an Umbraco 7 data type (property editor...

7.0.0 - 7.2.0
23 5.9K


Siteimprove Plugin - Your Insights Always Withi...

7.1.0 - 8.18.0
6 4.3K


XPathFinder is a tool to quickly find / test xp...

8.5.0 - 8.6.0
4 6.5K

PerplexMail for Umbraco

Nowadays it is almost unthinkable to have a web...

16 4K

Link Picker

This is a simple backoffice extension to add a...

7.6.0 - 7.13.0
20 5.3K

Color Pickr

A simple color picker property editor for Umbra...

8.4.0 - 8.6.0
0 3.3K

Import Media

This package allows you to import large files t...

4.0.0 - 4.5.0
19 5.6K

nuPickers Flickr Pickers

Requires: nuPickers 1.2.1 or later nuPickers F...

5 7.3K

Mr N Picker

Mr N Picker is a Multi-Root Node Picker for Umb...

7.0.0 - 7.2.0
21 908


A simple dashboard for displaying environment s...

8.1.0 - 8.5.0
1 3.5K

Skybrud Separator

Skybrud.Separator is a small package for Umbrac...

8.1.0 - 9+
3 5.9K

Examine Inspector

This project is effectively a web based cut dow...

4.1.0 - 6.0.0
20 3.4K

DAMP Property Editor Value Converter

With this package it's easier to use DAMP in Ra...

4.1.0 - 4.9.0
20 6.5K

Skybrud Time

Small package that adds three new property edit...

8.1.0 - 9+
0 5.3K

Macro Service

Umbraco Macro Service exposes standard Umbraco...

4.1.0 - 7.0.0
17 2.6K

Edit Link

This will give you an edit link which takes you...

7.3.0 - 7.7.0
2 4.8K

IE9 Extensions

Summary ======================================...

4.0.0 - 4.5.0
18 3.1K

Cookiebot Consent Management Platform

Choose Cookiebot consent management platform (C...

7.9.0 - 8.9.0
0 6.8K



7.5.0 - 7.6.0
7 4.7K

Azure Blob Storage Provider

Security UpdateThere is a new release of M...

16 3.1K

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