kristian schneider

kristian schneider

kristian schneider is from london n7 9pw works at Thames consulting and has 190 posts and 351 karma points



Limit on size of tags

Reply by Lindow Aug 08, 2022 @ 13:17


Create imagecropper content via content management api

Reply by Lindow Jun 20, 2022 @ 07:42


'System.Web.WebPages.Html.HtmlHelper' does not contain a definition for 'BeginUmbracoForm'

Reply by Maxell Aug 02, 2017 @ 08:50

Jeroen Breuer

V5 - Html.BeginUmbracoForm does not render htmlattributes

Reply by Jeroen Breuer Mar 31, 2015 @ 09:21

kristian schneider

Looking for a danish .NET developer to assist on multiple projects (partnership)

Reply by kristian schneider Feb 02, 2015 @ 16:42

kristian schneider

Getting all items from an examine index

Reply by kristian schneider Oct 02, 2014 @ 16:13

kristian schneider

VAT is not calculated correctly

Reply by kristian schneider Sep 25, 2014 @ 18:12

Anders Burla

carts do not change to orders after payment

Reply by Anders Burla Jun 26, 2014 @ 11:08

kristian schneider

White label package required for theatre sites

Reply by kristian schneider May 27, 2014 @ 17:13

kristian schneider

TC.GetCurrentOrder(storeId, false) always returns an object

Reply by kristian schneider Mar 25, 2014 @ 14:48

kristian schneider

Feature requests

Reply by kristian schneider Jun 27, 2013 @ 23:09

kristian schneider

Nodes appear twice in content menu with the same id

Reply by kristian schneider Apr 23, 2013 @ 15:55


Selected nodes disapear after loading

Reply by Ivan Mar 03, 2013 @ 20:33

kristian schneider

Bug When Updating Existing Files to use DateFolders

Reply by kristian schneider Jan 28, 2013 @ 11:17

kristian schneider

DescendantsOrSelf is slow in media section

Reply by kristian schneider Dec 06, 2012 @ 12:26

Anthony Dang

Shared content multilanguage website best practices

Reply by Anthony Dang Nov 20, 2012 @ 13:40

kristian schneider

500.19 - Internal Server Error from one deployment location and not another

Reply by kristian schneider Nov 20, 2012 @ 11:31

Søren Spelling Lund

CreatePayment() does not redirect to payment provider

Reply by Søren Spelling Lund Sep 26, 2012 @ 10:11

kristian schneider

another soap expection

Reply by kristian schneider Sep 12, 2012 @ 13:02

kristian schneider

Critical System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException all of a sudden

Reply by kristian schneider Aug 31, 2012 @ 11:00

kristian schneider

autocomplete with members does not work

Reply by kristian schneider Aug 28, 2012 @ 19:37

kristian schneider

How to get datatype from node property

Reply by kristian schneider Aug 02, 2012 @ 08:44

kristian schneider

Courier has problems with links in production enviroment

Reply by kristian schneider Jul 10, 2012 @ 16:00

Henri Toivonen

Rendering usercontrols in nested macros

Reply by Henri Toivonen Jun 28, 2012 @ 11:14

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Packages voted up



Keep your Umbraco settings in sync - uSync in an Umbraco package that takes the bits of Umbraco that are stored in a…

Updated: 21 July 2024

RankOne - SEO Toolkit

RankOne - SEO Toolkit

RankOne is a collection of SEO tools for Umbraco that aim to optimize your content according to the latest SEO standards…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Umbraco Picture Helper

Our.Umbraco.Picture A extension library for generating HTML5 Picture element Installation PM > Install-Packa…

Updated: 14 December 2023



THIS PACKAGE HAS BEEN DEPRECATEDFor all your Map needs please use…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Diplo Trace Log Viewer

Diplo Trace Log Viewer

Diplo Trace Log Viewer is a Developer tree section (in Umbraco 7) or a dashboard plugin (in Umbraco 6) that allows you t…

Updated: 14 December 2023



This package creates a datatype dropdown of CssClass names, the list is populated, ahem, from the Css File itself. You…

Updated: 14 December 2023



Version 2.2 is for Umbraco 6 - 2.1 and earlier for Umbraco 4. Workflow for Umbraco allows you to author custom workflow…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Usergroup Permissions

Usergroup Permissions

Usergroup permissions helps you set node permissions on Usertypes instead of individual users. When you install the …

Updated: 14 December 2023

Digibiz Advanced Media Picker

Digibiz Advanced Media Picker

The Digibiz Advanced Media Picker 2.8 (DAMP 2.8) is a media picker with many awesome features. It can be used inst…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Examine Index admin

Simple dashboard control to list all examine indexes that have been configured, each index has rebuild button next to it…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Terabyte Elmah

Terabyte Elmah

This package add's Elmah exception logging to your site, and includes dashboard controls for viewing error logs. This me…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Desktop Media Uploader

Desktop Media Uploader

SUMMARY==============================================Desktop Media Uploader provides a small, cross-platform application…

Updated: 14 December 2023



uComponents is a collaborative project for creating components for Umbraco including data types, XSLT extensions, c…

Updated: 14 December 2023

XsltUpdater for Umbraco

XsltUpdater for Umbraco

Credits: This Package is made by Markus Klug, I only tested it and set it up on our. This Package provides an Update me…

Updated: 14 December 2023



With Taskscheduler you can schedule url's to be executed on a certain date and time. It’s a simplified version of …

Updated: 14 December 2023

Eksponent CropUp

Eksponent CropUp

About   v1.0β is now available. It is backwards compatible with 0.9, but your old croppings will be lost if you choose…

Updated: 14 December 2023

oEmbed macro - easy embed youtube, flickr, vimeo etc.

oEmbed macro - easy embed youtube, flickr, vimeo etc.

  This macro makes it realy easy for editors to embed youtube, flickr, vimeo etc. With this macro there is no n…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Optimize It

Optimize It

This package adds 6 buttons to the menu for stylesheets in the Settings section of Umbraco.Each button represents a feat…

Updated: 14 December 2023

FamFamFam Icons

FamFamFam Icons

FamFamFam icons have to be one of the most (if not the most) popular icon package on the net. So big thanks to Mark Jame…

Updated: 14 December 2023



2020 - ImageGen has been retired.  Use ImageGen for fast and easy resizing of photos, screenshots, and imag…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Cultiv Legacy Contact Form (pre-4.7!)

Cultiv Legacy Contact Form (pre-4.7!)

Not actively maintained, make sure to find the Cultiv Razor Contact Form package if you're using umbraco 4.7+ …

Updated: 14 December 2023

Content Maintenance Dashboard Package

Content Maintenance Dashboard Package

This project is continued as Bulkmanager and available via   Content Mai…

Updated: 14 December 2023



Note: uLoremsy is causing issues in Umbraco 7 installs. If you are seeing ghost nodes, please delete the dll.   u…

Updated: 14 December 2023