Allow a flexible currency format for users to i...
UmbSearch2 v1.3.1 UmbSearch2 is the successor...
This package installs a custom section within t...
The is the Khaaaantest!! package for Umbraco.&n...
A simple package that allows you to add a custo...
Add a dashboard to the settings section, from w...
There are many Umbraco systems for code-first a...
This property editor is heavily based on the Mu...
What does this do? Ever wanted to throw someth...
Package action tester makes it possible to test...
Contains model validation attributes to for you...
uVersionClientCache is a custom macro to always...
Need to have an RSS or Atom Feed for your n...
This package kicks out and prevents any Umbraco...
This data type (PMG Video Player) will allow an...
With uTreeFormat you can change the format of y...
About If you have Umbraco Forms set up in a fl...
This library provides an alternative way of pre...
Umbraco Code Generator C# code generator to ge...
This is an implementation of jquery knob for Um...
Our.Umbraco.Picture A extension library for...
The Golf Hole Editor package is an Umbraco data...
NOTE: This project is depreciated and will even...
Doc Type Grid Editor: Reusable Content Extensio...
uZero brings commerce to your content. It conn...
This project will install a simple gallery that...
Umbraco datatype that extends standard Media Pi...
astuanax.uLog4Js A client-side javascript lo...
The Dynamic Grid Data Type for Umbraco is an Um...
the RVContactForm package allows you to easily...
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