

syn-rg is from melbourne victoria australia works at syn-rg and has 282 posts and 425 karma points



Copying Media Nodes

Reply by syn-rg Jul 17, 2017 @ 04:31


Umbraco V 7.0.3 RelatedLinks

Reply by Ehsan Nov 28, 2014 @ 17:50


Exclude media items with property true/false

Reply by Harish Nov 20, 2014 @ 17:15

John A

ezSearch upgraded to 7.1.0 Content section not returned in results

Reply by John A May 17, 2014 @ 15:22


I need to add a new domain to my Contour license AWS dev site

Reply by syn-rg May 09, 2014 @ 09:19

Matt Linsenbardt

Can the form records and uploads be be saved to another database?

Reply by Matt Linsenbardt May 07, 2014 @ 17:47


v7.1 image cropper display cropped image based on radiobutton list selection

Reply by syn-rg Apr 11, 2014 @ 02:29


Check for custom properties on media item

Reply by syn-rg Mar 27, 2014 @ 23:04

Chriztian Steinmeier

Remove duplicates from for-each list

Reply by Chriztian Steinmeier Mar 26, 2014 @ 10:03


Create dropdown menu based on preValues and node properties

Reply by syn-rg Mar 26, 2014 @ 00:35


Send copy of form if checkbox value is true

Reply by syn-rg Mar 19, 2014 @ 07:27

Dennis Aaen

Display Media items with Date, File size, and Extension

Reply by Dennis Aaen Feb 27, 2014 @ 08:36


Umbraco RTE missing Image Max size?

Reply by syn-rg Feb 21, 2014 @ 00:23


Filter child nodes to checkbox value

Reply by Gary Sep 10, 2013 @ 13:24


What to do when the connection to Twitter fails

Reply by syn-rg Jul 05, 2013 @ 01:50

Chriztian Steinmeier

Media section: Display first published child node preview image

Reply by Chriztian Steinmeier Apr 11, 2013 @ 09:18

Douglas Robar

How to add the query string to the XSLTsearch results page URL

Reply by Douglas Robar Jan 18, 2013 @ 18:50


Umbraco library GetMedia parent node property

Reply by syn-rg Jan 14, 2013 @ 05:01

John C Scott

XSLT count media property of first value in multiple textstring

Reply by John C Scott Jan 10, 2013 @ 01:16

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