Lars-Erik Aabech

Lars-Erik Aabech

Lars-Erik Aabech works at Aabech Consulting and has 349 posts and 1100 karma points

Experienced developer gone freelance


Lars-Erik Aabech

Publicize and/or make API for stubbing of published content

Reply by Lars-Erik Aabech Apr 06, 2021 @ 22:37

Wouter van der Beek

Custom property value converter apparently not called when UMS is installed

Reply by Wouter van der Beek Mar 12, 2021 @ 14:17

Lars-Erik Aabech

Timeframes for segmentation?

Reply by Lars-Erik Aabech Oct 09, 2020 @ 07:02

Lars-Erik Aabech

Misc. questions on segmentation and its roadmap

Reply by Lars-Erik Aabech Oct 05, 2020 @ 07:49

Lars-Erik Aabech

Logging views when using "virtual nodes"

Reply by Lars-Erik Aabech Oct 05, 2020 @ 07:42

Lars-Erik Aabech

Does GetCropUrl always throw exception if file is not existing on physical path?

Reply by Lars-Erik Aabech Jun 17, 2020 @ 06:48

Lars-Erik Aabech

How Examine Indexes HTML (Spacing issue)

Reply by Lars-Erik Aabech Apr 29, 2020 @ 18:41

Lars-Erik Aabech

DI fails to resolve IService<T>

Reply by Lars-Erik Aabech Dec 18, 2019 @ 13:18

Lars-Erik Aabech

Create a dropdown list from Examine

Reply by Lars-Erik Aabech Oct 29, 2019 @ 21:26

Lars-Erik Aabech

Adding relations between child list items

Reply by Lars-Erik Aabech Feb 25, 2019 @ 09:29

Lars-Erik Aabech

Replace UmbracoTemplatePage with UmbracoViewPage

Reply by Lars-Erik Aabech Nov 06, 2018 @ 09:29

Lars-Erik Aabech

it is possible to unit test a controller inheriting from UmbracoAuthorizedApiController?

Reply by Lars-Erik Aabech Aug 07, 2018 @ 13:32

Lars-Erik Aabech

Validation: The form contains a field with a duplicate alias

Reply by Lars-Erik Aabech Jan 17, 2018 @ 09:44

Geoff Beaumont

Zooming to bounding box and optionally accessing the map objects

Reply by Geoff Beaumont Jan 08, 2018 @ 09:33

Lars-Erik Aabech

Relate to inherit documenttype

Reply by Lars-Erik Aabech Oct 23, 2017 @ 12:20

Lars-Erik Aabech

Relation Editor works in 7.6, but needs a recompilation

Reply by Lars-Erik Aabech Jul 26, 2017 @ 13:35

Laurence Gillian

Adding default parameters to embedded YouTube videos

Reply by Laurence Gillian Jun 15, 2017 @ 08:17

Lars-Erik Aabech

Context & Property Value Converters

Reply by Lars-Erik Aabech Apr 21, 2017 @ 15:32

Lars-Erik Aabech

Refreshing cache when working out of process with the API

Reply by Lars-Erik Aabech Feb 27, 2017 @ 20:54

Lars-Erik Aabech

No more master doctypes in 7.4-beta. Is this really an improvement ?

Reply by Lars-Erik Aabech Nov 22, 2016 @ 23:17

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