Damian Green

Damian Green

Damian Green is from Barnsley and has 452 posts and 1433 karma points


minesh shah

Examine GatheringNodeData not getting called on index rebuild

Reply by minesh shah Dec 19, 2018 @ 13:42

Markus Johansson

No node exists with id '0' when trying to add a document type

Reply by Markus Johansson Dec 15, 2017 @ 17:01

Conor Breen

Nodes with duplicate names and (1)

Reply by Conor Breen Sep 24, 2017 @ 17:28

Damian Green

Log scrubbing causing app restarts?

Reply by Damian Green Nov 04, 2015 @ 10:22

Damian Green

ImageCropper mapping with Ditto

Reply by Damian Green Oct 26, 2015 @ 10:56


How to get UmbrcoContext in application start handlers and wired up events

Reply by Bruno Oct 13, 2015 @ 10:51

Damian Green

Weird stuff after upgrade to 7.3

Reply by Damian Green Oct 12, 2015 @ 22:40

Damian Green

Umbraco 7 and virtual directory

Reply by Damian Green Jan 26, 2015 @ 13:33

Damian Green

4.9.0 Virtual Directory install problems w/ Media section view/upload

Reply by Damian Green Jan 26, 2015 @ 13:27

Dave Woestenborghs

Odd angular model binding going on

Reply by Dave Woestenborghs Dec 01, 2014 @ 15:20

Damian Green

help with content publishing

Reply by Damian Green Nov 07, 2014 @ 14:47

Doron Uziel

How to bind to a value on another model / controller (or html element)

Reply by Doron Uziel Oct 27, 2014 @ 12:05

Damian Green

How to make specific links on a onepager ?

Reply by Damian Green Oct 16, 2014 @ 12:56

Damian Green

Backend node editing caching

Reply by Damian Green Oct 13, 2014 @ 17:57

Damian Green

Umbraco 4.7 site stopped working: virtual pages/urlrewriting

Reply by Damian Green Oct 09, 2014 @ 22:45

Damian Green

Umbraco search not picking up items in index

Reply by Damian Green Oct 09, 2014 @ 13:09

Damian Green

Member search giving an error

Reply by Damian Green Oct 08, 2014 @ 18:55

Damian Green

Is there an extension point for the access checking on a page?

Reply by Damian Green Oct 03, 2014 @ 11:59

Damian Green

Is it possible to have Media permissions as Umbraco has in Content ?

Reply by Damian Green Sep 25, 2014 @ 17:59

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