Jeffrey Weinstein

Jeffrey Weinstein

Jeffrey Weinstein and has 67 posts and 313 karma points



Output caching in .net 7 with Umbraco

Reply by Prashansa Oct 05, 2023 @ 23:02

Chris Van Oort

Turning all images to WebP

Reply by Chris Van Oort Aug 11, 2023 @ 14:54


After upgrade from v9 to v10 "An item with the same key has already been added. Key: XXXX"

Reply by Ponleur Dec 06, 2022 @ 10:45

Jeffrey Weinstein

passing PublishedContentModel into IContentService

Reply by Jeffrey Weinstein Oct 19, 2022 @ 03:50

Jeffrey Weinstein

Posting content into umbraco

Reply by Jeffrey Weinstein Oct 17, 2022 @ 16:50


Drop down with key + value

Reply by Fernando Jun 29, 2022 @ 14:46

Jeffrey Weinstein

publishedContentQuery.ContentAtRoot() does not return any items

Reply by Jeffrey Weinstein Jun 10, 2022 @ 17:31

Jeffrey Weinstein

When page have several cultures it is not returned by IPublishedContentQuery

Reply by Jeffrey Weinstein Jun 10, 2022 @ 17:29

Dave Woestenborghs

Shared and Embeded content, 1:Many relationship

Reply by Dave Woestenborghs Jun 01, 2022 @ 07:20

Dan Diplo

multiple urls for page even when multilingue is off

Reply by Dan Diplo Jun 20, 2021 @ 19:41

Søren Gregersen

When flicking switch "Allow varying by culture" content disapears

Reply by Søren Gregersen Jun 20, 2021 @ 14:22

Yakov Lebski

sitemap.xml generated on the fly

Reply by Yakov Lebski Jun 20, 2021 @ 12:07

Niels Swimberghe

keepalive/ping causes errors in application insights

Reply by Niels Swimberghe Sep 15, 2020 @ 15:57

Dhanesh Kumar MJ

Direct routes to Images are 404d, Image processor works fine

Reply by Dhanesh Kumar MJ Jul 02, 2020 @ 18:42


Umbraco V8 slow images with CDN and azure cache

Reply by Tito Feb 28, 2020 @ 18:59

Jeffrey Weinstein

PRE in my HTML in a preview

Reply by Jeffrey Weinstein Oct 10, 2019 @ 18:59

Marc Goodson

Umbraco V8 add text align justify button to tinyMce

Reply by Marc Goodson Sep 20, 2019 @ 17:28

Jeffrey Weinstein

Multi-language - labels

Reply by Jeffrey Weinstein Aug 29, 2019 @ 19:17

Jeffrey Weinstein

Compression of generated images via remote service

Reply by Jeffrey Weinstein Aug 03, 2019 @ 11:01

Jeffrey Weinstein

Use image cropper inside of Grid's Media editor

Reply by Jeffrey Weinstein Jul 21, 2019 @ 13:16

Jeavon Leopold

Saving Image Media Type causes an Exception

Reply by Jeavon Leopold Jul 19, 2019 @ 11:55

Jeffrey Weinstein

Umbraco wants to update to same version (7.12.3 to 7.12.3)

Reply by Jeffrey Weinstein Nov 13, 2018 @ 00:23

Jeffrey Weinstein

local Umbraco fails after obtaining database from the live site

Reply by Jeffrey Weinstein Jun 20, 2018 @ 11:26

Jeffrey Weinstein

System.InvalidOperationException: Timeout expired. Version Umbraco version 7.10.2 assembly: 1.0.6673.23513

Reply by Jeffrey Weinstein May 01, 2018 @ 11:49

Dan White

UmbracoFileSystemProviders.Azure set images url as relative to root

Reply by Dan White Mar 07, 2018 @ 00:49

Jeffrey Weinstein

Creating new Content Type

Reply by Jeffrey Weinstein Aug 09, 2017 @ 10:52

Jeffrey Weinstein

Casting IPublishedContent to Image (PublishedContentModels) type cases app to crash

Reply by Jeffrey Weinstein Aug 08, 2017 @ 15:18

Jeffrey Weinstein

Changing parent Document type

Reply by Jeffrey Weinstein Jul 06, 2017 @ 08:38

Jeffrey Weinstein

Changing document type inheritance

Reply by Jeffrey Weinstein Jul 06, 2017 @ 07:52

Jeffrey Weinstein

Umraco angular2

Reply by Jeffrey Weinstein Jun 16, 2017 @ 04:31

Jeffrey Weinstein

N to N connection of instances of content.

Reply by Jeffrey Weinstein Jun 05, 2017 @ 03:20

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