

Remko works at SuperBold and has 118 posts and 283 karma points


Johan Runsten

Why does scheduled publishing not hit any of the publish notifications?

Reply by Johan Runsten Feb 05, 2024 @ 11:23


Scheduled publish with descendants in v8

Reply by Remko Sep 12, 2023 @ 08:58


After migration to umbraco 8, error after logging in: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source

Reply by progproger Sep 01, 2023 @ 17:05


Scheduled unpublish doesn't get item removed from external index (Or Published set to N in index) What to do?

Reply by Remko Mar 23, 2023 @ 08:28


How to rewrite urls and add trailing slash in dotnet core, Umbraco9+

Reply by Remko Mar 23, 2023 @ 08:19


Using RangeQuery on custom (string) fields (Umbraco 8)

Reply by ewuski Jan 10, 2023 @ 22:22

Francis Benyah

Custom listview template for column, how does it work?

Reply by Francis Benyah Nov 18, 2021 @ 07:25

Marc Goodson

ValueConverter doesn't seem to work for ContentPicker in Umbraco 8.15 ?

Reply by Marc Goodson Jul 30, 2021 @ 09:02

Ed Fraser

accessPolicy for Handlers in web.config file, Read, Write, Script, Execute

Reply by Ed Fraser Jul 06, 2021 @ 20:47


Bug? Properties without Vary by culture won't be stored to ExternalIndex when publishing node in non-default language

Reply by Remko Mar 10, 2021 @ 10:01

Dave Woestenborghs

Why isnt nested content property refreshed with new data after changing it on ContentService_Saving event?

Reply by Dave Woestenborghs Feb 25, 2021 @ 15:33

Malka Genzer

Exception when opening contentEditor from custom dashboard (mntps with xpath startnode inside node)

Reply by Malka Genzer Feb 18, 2021 @ 14:45

Bo Jacobsen

v8 - UmbracoHelper, easy way to create instance?

Reply by Bo Jacobsen Jan 07, 2021 @ 21:22

Alexander Gräf

V8 - IContent get Children?

Reply by Alexander Gräf Dec 10, 2020 @ 12:41

Stuart Neal

Url cannot be routed when node has "Allow varying by culture" but parent doesn't

Reply by Stuart Neal Sep 02, 2020 @ 06:58

elliot wyma

v8 - ExamineManager - GatheringNodeData how to, with latest Examine

Reply by elliot wyma Jun 01, 2020 @ 14:01


Examine events

Reply by Remko May 27, 2020 @ 14:18


How to enable infinite editing in listview? Is this even possible?

Reply by Remko May 12, 2020 @ 10:22


Custom layout for ListView, where to get itemproperties, by default not available, so only name column is shown

Reply by Remko May 12, 2020 @ 10:17

Alan Mitchell

How to get custom service injected into custom component?

Reply by Alan Mitchell Apr 22, 2020 @ 16:12

Tom Madden

How to call url (so not an (angular)view) with action in tree?

Reply by Tom Madden Mar 16, 2020 @ 14:09

Jonathan Roberts

v8 - How does umbracoHelper.Search work in v8 (with IQueryExecutor?) ?

Reply by Jonathan Roberts Dec 06, 2019 @ 13:35


All translations in backoffice gone after upgrading to 8.1

Reply by Daniel Dec 03, 2019 @ 11:34


Removing old versions of node results in SQL exception in log

Reply by Remko Sep 02, 2019 @ 07:39


No header toolbar with nodename, content/info tab and general actions if documenttype doesn't have properties

Reply by Remko Jul 10, 2019 @ 12:10

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