Fergus Davidson

Fergus Davidson

Fergus Davidson is from haywards heath works at bellman media and has 309 posts and 588 karma points


David Nelson

Integrating with Salesforce

Reply by David Nelson Apr 24, 2020 @ 12:26

Jonathan Roberts

Listview - getPreValueAsString for radio button list column [and tickbox]

Reply by Jonathan Roberts May 09, 2019 @ 12:39


Umbraco Forms and GDPR

Reply by Nik Jul 19, 2018 @ 15:20

Fergus Davidson

Loop through child nodes and render partial dynamically

Reply by Fergus Davidson Feb 02, 2018 @ 12:51

Dan Diplo

umbracoRedirect in Umbraco v7.6

Reply by Dan Diplo May 05, 2017 @ 12:10

David Peck

Best way to detatch properties from compositions

Reply by David Peck Apr 26, 2017 @ 15:10

Jason Prothero

Error on install - cant find file

Reply by Jason Prothero Mar 28, 2017 @ 18:49

Marc Goodson


Reply by Marc Goodson Mar 28, 2017 @ 07:05

Jonathan Richards

any plans to integrate Places API?

Reply by Jonathan Richards Feb 17, 2017 @ 11:53

Fergus Davidson

problems in 7.5.3

Reply by Fergus Davidson Nov 10, 2016 @ 16:10

Jamie Attwood

How to display the TinyMCE StatusBar

Reply by Jamie Attwood Sep 27, 2016 @ 15:36


Error ...does not contain a definition for 'IncrementSession'*

Reply by Cimplex Sep 08, 2016 @ 11:32

Fergus Davidson

How to set dynamic values to java script two-dimensional array

Reply by Fergus Davidson Sep 06, 2016 @ 16:01

Fergus Davidson

Force pictures sizes (crop) in the RTE

Reply by Fergus Davidson Jul 27, 2016 @ 15:54

Fergus Davidson

Create a product list with paging

Reply by Fergus Davidson Jul 27, 2016 @ 13:36

Fergus Davidson

Change back end password page

Reply by Fergus Davidson Jun 28, 2016 @ 10:25

Dan Evans

Courier not working: The request failed with HTTP status 403: Forbidden

Reply by Dan Evans May 04, 2016 @ 10:17


Upgrade to 7.3.4 - problems in back-end

Reply by Leo Dec 16, 2015 @ 03:59


Set value of radiobuttonlist from querystring

Reply by Jay Jun 30, 2015 @ 14:59

Richard Barg

contour workflow '...or pick a static value' not working

Reply by Richard Barg Jul 24, 2014 @ 17:27

Fergus Davidson

Permanent Umbraco/web developer position. Sussex UK.

Reply by Fergus Davidson Jul 15, 2014 @ 13:43

Fergus Davidson

uHidesy Incompatible with uComponents DataType Grid

Reply by Fergus Davidson Jun 10, 2014 @ 17:49

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Packages voted up

Media protect

Mediaprotect helps you protect media in the same simple way as you protect documents.  A license can be purchased …

Updated: 04 June 2024

"Omit Segments" Url Provider

"Omit Segments" Url Provider

NOTE: For Umbraco v10/v13, use the Discipline package:  https://marketplace.umbraco.com/package/dotsee.discipline …

Updated: 15 January 2024



NOTE: For Umbraco v10/v13, use the Discipline package:  https://marketplace.umbraco.com/package/dotsee.disciplin…

Updated: 15 January 2024

Backoffice Themes

Backoffice Themes

Pick your own colours for the Umbraco back office.  With a dark theme, so you can remain cool and trendy, with all…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Image Selector Datatype

Image Selector Datatype

An image says more than a 1000 words. Allow the content-editor to select one or more options by selecting images. Conf…

Updated: 14 December 2023



Fluidity is a rapid Umbraco user interface builder for custom data structures configured via a fluent API. If you have …

Updated: 14 December 2023



Umbraco package that allows to restrict ip-based access to the backoffice.

Updated: 14 December 2023


Custom Examine indexer to index any umbraco media nodes. Under the hood it makes use of Apache Tika to extract…

Updated: 14 December 2023



Tinifier is a free Umbraco package for image compression that removes files size limits, supports Azure and is among top…

Updated: 14 December 2023



Adds a menu action to be able to move multiple content nodes at the same time.  

Updated: 14 December 2023

Rss Feed Url

Rss Feed Url

A custom property editor to assist editors in validating the URL of a particular RSS Feed and previewing the content of …

Updated: 14 December 2023


# README #   ### Purpose ### Map datatype for Umbraco V7    ### Why? ### Wish to give your content …

Updated: 14 December 2023

Tagliatelle Tag Editor

Tagliatelle Tag Editor

Tagliatelle is a tag property editor for Umbraco 7+. It allows you to use Umbraco pages as tags and is ideal for delive…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Mr N Picker

Mr N Picker

Mr N Picker is a Multi-Root Node Picker for Umbraco 7, built as a part of Project Yoxo. Why would I want multiple root …

Updated: 14 December 2023



A security package for Umbraco 7. Lock down an Umbraco website from viewers. Only users who are logged into the backoffi…

Updated: 14 December 2023



The easiest and best way to import emails from your mailbox to Umbraco. Download and buy at http://www.mail2cms.com. ma…

Updated: 14 December 2023



OpenAssociatedDoctype ===================== OpenAssociatedDoctype for Umbraco 7

Updated: 14 December 2023

Media Content Usage

Media Content Usage

Media Content Usage is an Event Handler and Property Editor for Media items in Umbraco 7.x, to find which Content refere…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Manao Form

Manao Form

Manao Form 6.0.0 is a package developed by Manao Software which can be used to setup and manage multiple …

Updated: 14 December 2023



This is a project for adding YouTube videos to your Umbraco site. Currently it only consists of a single property editor…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Umbraco admin reset

Simple project that allows reset of the admin user(user 0 by default) by adding the UmbracoAdminReset.dll to the ~/b…

Updated: 14 December 2023



uBooking is a booking system plugin for Umbraco. Just download, install and you got a full ended booking system up and r…

Updated: 14 December 2023



Requires: Umbraco 7.2.3 or later nuPickers is a single dll distribution containing a collection of Umbraco v7 Property …

Updated: 14 December 2023



THIS PACKAGE HAS BEEN DEPRECATEDFor all your Map needs please usehttps://our.umbraco.org/projects/backoffice-extensions/…

Updated: 14 December 2023



Vorto is a property editor wrapper (meaning it wraps any existing property editor) and converts it into a multilingual p…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Back Office Password Reset

Back Office Password Reset

Once installed users can browse to: /umbraco/Plugins/Moriyama/Password/Reset.aspx to reset their password. Requires t…

Updated: 14 December 2023

PDF Thumbnails

PDF Thumbnails

Don't you just find it annoying when you design a brand new website with some nice styling for your customers, and they …

Updated: 14 December 2023

BackOffice Power Scripts

BackOffice Power Scripts

BackOffice Power Scripts is an extension that allows users to install scripts that make on-the-fly changes to the Umbrac…

Updated: 14 December 2023



ezSearch is the easy search solution for your Umbraco MVC websites. It's fast, self contained and completely configurabl…

Updated: 14 December 2023


The uQR package adds the ability to generate dynamic QR Codes to an Umbraco website. How to use Simply install and …

Updated: 14 December 2023

uApe BackOffice Wiki

uApe BackOffice Wiki

This package was developed to enable content editors and Umbraco back office users to share private information and proc…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Blackpoint Member Admin

Blackpoint Member Admin

  ======================================        Blackpoint MemberAdmin===================…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Disable Delete

Disable Delete

DisableDelete prevents users from deleting folders you don't want them to delete. The process is simple. Create a new do…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Gecko Uploadify

Gecko Uploadify

Gecko Uploadify is a multiple file uploader for Umbraco using the Uploadify (http://www.uploadify.com/) jQuery Plugin. …

Updated: 14 December 2023



uComponents is a collaborative project for creating components for Umbraco including data types, XSLT extensions, c…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Google Maps Multilocation DataType

Google Maps Multilocation DataType

An umbraco extension that adds the possibility for the user to select multiple locations from a Google map in the backof…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Structured Import

In a project I faced the issue, that I have to import large amount of data into a complex structure. The data was provid…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Axendo Disabled Properties

Axendo Disabled Properties

This project allows you to disable any property on a document.The settings can be made for each usertype. It works very…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Path Fixup

Path Fixup

Please read the blog post that introduces this fix: http://umbraco.com/follow-us/blog-archive/2013/2/1/umbraco-4114-re…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Delete All Children Context Menu Item

Delete All Children Context Menu Item

Have you ever faced the task of deleting hundreds of child-nodes in Umbraco? Never again will you have to right click an…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Insert Video (flowplayer)

This package wraps up the free flowplayer (GPL licensed, license included in package) into an umbraco package that can b…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Axendo Ultimate Picker XPath

This project is based on the excellent work of Tim Geyssens. The datatype in this package works exactly like …

Updated: 14 December 2023



*** Please use ezSearch instead of XSLTsearch (it's newer and better) *** XSLTsearch is the easy, quick, and free searc…

Updated: 14 December 2023



A wonderful Blog engine built on Umbraco Minimum Umbraco version: 8.1.2 Supporting all the features you'd want in a bl…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Standard Website

Standard Website

If you are using 4.10 or above please use http://our.umbraco.org/projects/starter-kits/standard-website-mvc The St…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Context menu publish manager

This project adds an "Unpublish" and a "Publish manager" item functionality to the contents contex menu. Afte…

Updated: 14 December 2023

PDF Preview

PDF Preview

It allows users to easily select from the existing Media library, using uploaded PDF documents. Furthermore, the use…

Updated: 14 December 2023