Tim is from Leeds, United Kingdom and has 1193 posts and 2675 karma points

Freelance web ninja, C# developer, Level 2 Umbraco Dev, terrible snowboarder. :)

Packages created

Attackmonkey Grid Locker

Attackmonkey Grid Locker

Installing this packages will make ALL grids on your site locked down for everyone apart from Administrators. What does…

GNU Pratchett

GNU Pratchett

This is a simple package that inserts the X-Clacks-Overhead HTTP header to your site, containing the name of the author …

Epiphany SearchBoost

Epiphany SearchBoost

  SearchBoost is a project that will allow you to configure your Examine indexes to automatically boost certain Do…

Epiphany SearchBoost (1)

Epiphany SearchBoost (1)

SearchBoost is a project that will allow you to configure your Examine indexes to automatically boost certain DocTypes i…

Epiphany Custom Content Tree

Epiphany Custom Content Tree

This project allows you to set up custom content trees for the users of the back office. Out of the box, you can only se…



UPDATE: Screencast demoing the many awesome features of uBrokeIt available here: http://www.screenr.com/22Bs This …

AttackMonkey Media Copy

This is a simple package that adds a basic copy button to the Media Library. It works on 4.5+ ONLY. This is currently a…

AttackMonkey Custom Menus

New in Version 2.2: Updated the package so that it now workjs with newer vewrsions of 7. This fixes the issue where the…

Attackmonkey Contour Remove Duplicate Entries

This is a new workflow that allows you to delete duplicate entries in Contour. It works on a last in, first out basis (L…

AttackMonkey Security Helper

Update: this package DOES NOT work with 4.10+. Something was changed in the edit user page that has broken this package.…

Attackmonkey Tab Hider

New in Version 1.5: - fixes a bug where the wrong tab was selected on saving. New in Version 1.4: - added code so tha…

Contour Workflow - Save to Page Specified in Form Field

This is a simple Contour WorkFlowType, based on the save as page one that ships with Contour, but instead of saving to a…

Packages voted up

Umbraco Forms

Umbraco Forms

Everyone deserves a form creator that's as easy to use as Umbraco, so we built just that. Whether it's a simple contact …

Updated: 23 July 2024

Mr N Picker

Mr N Picker

Mr N Picker is a Multi-Root Node Picker for Umbraco 7, built as a part of Project Yoxo. Why would I want multiple root …

Updated: 14 December 2023

v7 Dialog Expander

v7 Dialog Expander

This package is a simple UI enhancement to the v7 right-side dialog flyours to allow a content editor to make the dialog…

Updated: 14 December 2023



Switcher is a simple property editor that works as an alternative to the core true/false datatype. It can be used for d…

Updated: 14 December 2023



This library allows you to set configuration values dependent upon which web server en…

Updated: 14 December 2023



What does this do? Ever wanted to throw something into the .net cache but worried about it containing stale data from U…

Updated: 14 December 2023

User Group Permissions

User Group Permissions

ADVISORY Umbraco 7.7+ now supports user groups. It is recommended that you upgrade to the latest version of Umbraco r…

Updated: 14 December 2023

BackOffice Power Scripts

BackOffice Power Scripts

BackOffice Power Scripts is an extension that allows users to install scripts that make on-the-fly changes to the Umbrac…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Mentor Web Blocks (Web Forms) for Umbraco v4

Mentor Web Blocks (Web Forms) for Umbraco v4

What is Mentor Web Blocks Mentor Web Blocks is a ground breaking free and open source Umbraco package that further …

Updated: 14 December 2023

Examine Inspector

Examine Inspector

This project is effectively a web based cut down LUKE. It allows you to query your examine indexes in the umbraco back o…

Updated: 14 December 2023

W3C Validator

W3C Validator

Validate a single node using validator.w3.org

Updated: 14 December 2023



Summary DocType creation done Ruby style! We have inheritance via nested DocTypes which are great but we st…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Axendo Uptime Report Dashboard

Axendo Uptime Report Dashboard

Axendo Uptime Report Dashboard Credits: Stephen Maij - [email protected] The Axendo Uptimereport dashboard enable…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Umbraco Core Property Value Converters

Umbraco Core Property Value Converters

This package implements property editor converters for the Umbraco Core property editors.  v3 Package is for Umbra…

Updated: 14 December 2023


The uQR package adds the ability to generate dynamic QR Codes to an Umbraco website. How to use Simply install and …

Updated: 14 December 2023

Media Icons

Media Icons

Summary The Media Icons package modifies the Media section trees to show file specific icons, rather than just the defa…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Quixote tests with Razor

Quixote tests with Razor

Using Rob Conerys testing micro framework for WebMatrix in Umbraco Note that this is a very early version, I have been …

Updated: 14 December 2023



Shortcodes for Umbraco provides a filter that will parse your content pages for shortcodes, replacing them with the appr…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Digibiz Advanced Media Picker

Digibiz Advanced Media Picker

The Digibiz Advanced Media Picker 2.8 (DAMP 2.8) is a media picker with many awesome features. It can be used inst…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Embedded Content

Embedded Content

Are you looking for a way to create content on a node that uses the build-in Umbraco data types, yet let’s the con…

Updated: 14 December 2023

GNU Pratchett

GNU Pratchett

This is a simple package that inserts the X-Clacks-Overhead HTTP header to your site, containing the name of the author …

Updated: 14 December 2023



Summary=============================================== An Umbraco version of the quplog Backfire project (http://blog.q…

Updated: 14 December 2023



Due to the number of packages I now have to maintain, I am looking at dropping support for a number of older packa…

Updated: 14 December 2023


Summary=============================================== This package automatically expires the Client Dependency cache i…

Updated: 14 December 2023

CogWorks: Balsamiq Wireframe templates

CogWorks: Balsamiq Wireframe templates

This is a Balsmiq template allowing you to quickly create mockups for the Umbraco backend. You will need to have Balsam…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Editors Manual

SUMMARY This project provides a base Editors Manual to guide editors through the Umbraco interface and provides step by…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Cogworks CogCssPickerDataType

Simple data type to allow pick of css defined in css section of umbraco. Install the package and create new datatype bas…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Cogworks CogFilteredUpload

Custom fieldtype for contour that renders file upload however unlike out of box contour one this allows regex. The reg e…

Updated: 14 December 2023


SUMMARY This package allows you to automatically export your Linq to Umbraco classes to a library folder ever time a do…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Custom Section Tray Icon Template

Custom Section Tray Icon Template

The Custom Section Tray Icon Template is a PSD (Photoshop format) for developers who want to quickly create an icon…

Updated: 14 December 2023

HTTPS Redirect

HTTPS Redirect

HTTPS Redirect provides a simple mechanism to switch a URL from HTTP to HTTPS (SSL) based on the document-type (alias), …

Updated: 14 December 2023

Sniper Systems Tags Control

Sniper Systems Tags Control

  This package is a datatype to replace the built in Umbraco 4 Tags Control. It is based on the jquery.tagsinput.…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Structure Extensions

Structure Extensions

  Structure Extensions is a package that enables several enhancements to the Structure features of Document & …

Updated: 14 December 2023

Umbraco Active Directory Authentication

Umbraco Active Directory Authentication

Achieve authentication for your intranet without prompting the user for their username or password. With the supplied…

Updated: 14 December 2023



uGoLive is an Umbraco dashboard control which allows you to run a series of checks on your website in order to prep…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Document Type Dashboard

Document Type Dashboard

This package is a simple dashboard control that enables you to quickly view and edit your Document Types.  It allow…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Open Calais AutoTag

Open Calais AutoTag

A Custom datatype for use in Umbraco CMS. This usercontrol generates a list of keywords/tags using various providers; cu…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Feed Cache

Feed Cache

NOTE: The latest version 2.0 is built against .net 4 for Umbraco 4.5+ Please read important information below. This pa…

Updated: 14 December 2023