Morten Christensen

Morten Christensen

Morten Christensen works at Umbraco HQ and has 596 posts and 2773 karma points

Working for Umbraco HQ - Employee #12 - check out my blog on


Morten Christensen

GraphQL Playground not working

Reply by Morten Christensen Sep 11, 2020 @ 16:44

Morten Christensen

No live workspace

Reply by Morten Christensen Sep 09, 2016 @ 10:04


Getting MemberType from Member

Reply by Gawein Dec 02, 2015 @ 18:13

Morten Christensen

Bug in Umbraco 7.2 and maybe before

Reply by Morten Christensen Jul 13, 2014 @ 13:50

Morten Christensen

Universal media picker does not have amazon s3 provider

Reply by Morten Christensen Feb 21, 2014 @ 19:35

Morten Christensen

v6 API Content Service doesn't trigger Umbraco notifications?

Reply by Morten Christensen Oct 08, 2013 @ 18:29

Morten Christensen

Issue with dbo.umbracoApp and dbo.umbracoAppTree

Reply by Morten Christensen Aug 31, 2013 @ 17:18

Morten Christensen

This is a bit dirty...but I need to mess with the database

Reply by Morten Christensen Aug 08, 2013 @ 09:56

Morten Christensen

How to use the ContentService from MacroPartial?

Reply by Morten Christensen Jul 07, 2013 @ 18:12

Morten Christensen

Custom Tree - Can't figure out how to add child nodes

Reply by Morten Christensen Jul 01, 2013 @ 10:24

Morten Christensen

Document types: class vs. interface

Reply by Morten Christensen Jun 19, 2013 @ 10:02

Morten Christensen

Creating a media object with the v6.0 API? HELP!!

Reply by Morten Christensen May 13, 2013 @ 20:07

Morten Christensen

Programmatically setting a template on a document in V6 API

Reply by Morten Christensen Apr 19, 2013 @ 11:28

Morten Christensen

Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_cmsContentTypeAllowedContentType'

Reply by Morten Christensen Apr 04, 2013 @ 10:16

Morten Christensen

Nodes with upper case letters shows 404 error

Reply by Morten Christensen Mar 10, 2013 @ 17:28

Morten Christensen

Umbraco 6 unhandled exception help needed with multi domain site

Reply by Morten Christensen Feb 10, 2013 @ 15:43

Morten Christensen

V6: How to subscribe to ContentService events?

Reply by Morten Christensen Jan 30, 2013 @ 15:55

Morten Christensen

Deleting items from umbracoLog

Reply by Morten Christensen Sep 22, 2012 @ 18:42

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Packages voted up



MemberExport helps you export members from your Umbraco installation to an Excel or  Csv file. You can download th…

Updated: 04 June 2024

Markdown PropertyEditor

Markdown PropertyEditor

  Description This package installs a Markdown Property Editor plugin into your Umbraco V5 website. What is Ma…

Updated: 20 December 2023



This package is designed for V7 & newer This package adds a new section to your Umbraco installation which allo…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Umbraco 7 Editors Manual

Umbraco 7 Editors Manual

The editors manual is a detailed yet easy to read user guide aimed at Umbraco editors for step-by-step instructions on p…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Umbraco Backoffice Translation

Umbraco Backoffice Translation

UI for translation of backoffice language files. Adds a tab on the developer dashboard. Features Edit existing languag…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Razor FB Like

I decided to make a package out of a simple razor demonstration i gave at CMSexpo this week in Chicago. I had a chance t…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Umbraco Core Property Value Converters

Umbraco Core Property Value Converters

This package implements property editor converters for the Umbraco Core property editors.  v3 Package is for Umbra…

Updated: 14 December 2023


The uQR package adds the ability to generate dynamic QR Codes to an Umbraco website. How to use Simply install and …

Updated: 14 December 2023

Media Icons

Media Icons

Summary The Media Icons package modifies the Media section trees to show file specific icons, rather than just the defa…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Examine Dashboard

Examine Dashboard

** V1.0 is for Umbraco 4.8 and later ** v0.1 is for Umbraco 4.7.0 - v0.2 is for Umbraco 4.7.1 ** This package gives yo…

Updated: 14 December 2023



This package contains a specialized datatype for working with opening hours / office hours. Installation Requirements …

Updated: 14 December 2023

RazorControl for Juno

  RazorControl is an experiment that lets you use the Razor ViewEngine from Microsoft directly in Umbraco tem…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Tea Commerce

Tea Commerce

Tea Commerce is a strong lightweight e-commerce system for Umbraco – it’s easy to implement and ships with a…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Razor Rocks

Razor Rocks

  Get what's missing from Xslt in Razor ( <xsl:template match="...">). Allows you to match .c…

Updated: 14 December 2023

uCommerce Contrib

uCommerce Contrib shares useful tools for use with the uCommerce package for Umbraco. uCommerce Contrib currently consi…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Umbraco Examine Config schemas

XSD files for Examine config. Gives you intellisense when editing examine configuration. Instructions: Copy .xsd fi…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Tab Icons

Tab Icons

Add an icon to any document or media tab (including properties tab) by adding an icon selector dropdown to the 'Tab' tab…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Related Pages By Tags

This package is used to generate a list of pages related to the current page by tags. So if a page has one or more of th…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Blackpoint Member Admin

Blackpoint Member Admin

  ======================================        Blackpoint MemberAdmin===================…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Active Directory and Umbraco Authentication

This is a membership provider that allows you to use Active Directory(AD) authentication. Before the AD users can l…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Examine Index admin

Simple dashboard control to list all examine indexes that have been configured, each index has rebuild button next to it…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Admin Sessions Manager

Admin Sessions Manager

Update: Added dropdown to filter by user, and option to look at sessions further into the past (up to 365 days) -- Umb…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Page Notifications

Page Notifications

SUMMARY Adds a simple visual indicator to edit pages, displaying notifications based upon the status of the page. Suppo…

Updated: 14 December 2023

CogWorks: Balsamiq Wireframe templates

CogWorks: Balsamiq Wireframe templates

This is a Balsmiq template allowing you to quickly create mockups for the Umbraco backend. You will need to have Balsam…

Updated: 14 December 2023



FacebookConnect package:A small and simple package, which you can use to connect to Facebook and authenticate and/or pos…

Updated: 14 December 2023



uComponents is a collaborative project for creating components for Umbraco including data types, XSLT extensions, c…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Editors Manual

SUMMARY This project provides a base Editors Manual to guide editors through the Umbraco interface and provides step by…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Dictionary Translator for Umbraco

Dictionary Translator for Umbraco

Introduction This package is to be used with the ASP.NET open source CMS Umbraco, which extends the umbraco admin us…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Doc Type Extensions

SUMMARY This package installs a series of additional Context Menu items to help when working with doc types. Swap Mast…

Updated: 14 December 2023

XsltUpdater for Umbraco

XsltUpdater for Umbraco

Credits: This Package is made by Markus Klug, I only tested it and set it up on our. This Package provides an Update me…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Cogworks CogPageReview

Cogworks CogPageReview

  This Umbraco package gives content editors the ability to setup review dates on content then be notified eithe…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Package Actions Contrib

Package Actions Contrib contains several package actions for Umbraco that are build by members of the community. Package…

Updated: 14 December 2023



Data Editing With DEWDDEWD (pronunciation: dood, [du:d]) is an Umbraco 4.0 extension used to edit sequential data such a…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Icon Picker

Icon Picker

DescriptionThe Icon Picker package makes it possible to have multiple icons to choose from in your documents.After insta…

Updated: 14 December 2023

TheFARM Media Link Checker

  Ever been trying to work out if a media item is used within your site? And if it is, where are all the places …

Updated: 14 December 2023

Import Media

Import Media

This package allows you to import large files that have been uploaded to the server via FTP or other means. A new media …

Updated: 14 December 2023

Axendo Disabled Properties

Axendo Disabled Properties

This project allows you to disable any property on a document.The settings can be made for each usertype. It works very…

Updated: 14 December 2023



Ucommerce for Umbraco Ucommerce is an e-commerce offering fully integrated with Umbraco for building online stores. Wit…

Updated: 14 December 2023



The Pixlr package makes it possible to edit your Media images with Pixlr, an online image editor. You can choose betwe…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Default Values for Umbraco

Default Values for Umbraco

After installing this package you will find one additional DocumentType called "Template Folder". All you need to do&nbs…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Diplo LinkChecker (Umbraco 4)

Diplo LinkChecker (Umbraco 4)

Note: This is an obsolete version for Umbraco 4. Please check out…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Broken Link Checker

Broken Link Checker

IMPORTANT: Dashboard RSS 1.01 *must be installed* prior to installing this package. Get it from…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Auto Link

Auto Link

*** Note: 1.0.1 is a patch release. 1.0 must be installed first *** Automatically inject links into content based on co…

Updated: 14 December 2023 Url Shortener Url Shortener is a simple url shortening service that takes your long page URL and makes it much shorter.  This data-type …

Updated: 14 December 2023

Notifications Dashboard

Notifications Dashboard

Dashboard that lets users review and publish pending documents that were sent for publish approval.  Useful when y…

Updated: 14 December 2023


This is a Syntax Highlighter plugin for meant to be used with the new Blog4Umbraco package. It installs the javascripts…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Amazon S3 datatype

This is a project that will allow you to connect to your AmazonS3 via the Umbraco CMS and allow you to select your file…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Cultiv Razor Examples

Cultiv Razor Examples

I've seen this question many times in the past few months: "Help! How do I use datatype X with Razor?!". This package gi…

Updated: 14 December 2023

FamFamFam Icons

FamFamFam Icons

FamFamFam icons have to be one of the most (if not the most) popular icon package on the net. So big thanks to Mark Jame…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Dynamic Properties Datatype

Dynamic Properties Datatype

This project is no longer maintained. Allows content administrators to maintain properties for content nodes without ha…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Open Calais AutoTag

Open Calais AutoTag

A Custom datatype for use in Umbraco CMS. This usercontrol generates a list of keywords/tags using various providers; cu…

Updated: 14 December 2023


SUMMARY This free package auto creates folder structures for new pages. The folder structures can be date based (y…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Client Tools for Umbraco

This project offers a Client Tool for umbraco. It provides usefull additional features for webadministrators using umb…

Updated: 14 December 2023



*** Please use ezSearch instead of XSLTsearch (it's newer and better) *** XSLTsearch is the easy, quick, and free searc…

Updated: 14 December 2023



2020 - ImageGen has been retired.  Use ImageGen for fast and easy resizing of photos, screenshots, and imag…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Content Maintenance Dashboard Package

Content Maintenance Dashboard Package

This project is continued as Bulkmanager and available via   Content Mai…

Updated: 14 December 2023



Note: uLoremsy is causing issues in Umbraco 7 installs. If you are seeing ghost nodes, please delete the dll.   u…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Twitter for Umbraco

Twitter for Umbraco

This has been confirmed to work with version 4.5 of Umbraco Description This package allows you to display your recent…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Google Maps DataType

Google Maps DataType

Version 2.0 is a rewrite of the data-type to use the Google Map v3 API, you are no longer required to assign an API ke…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Feed Cache

Feed Cache

NOTE: The latest version 2.0 is built against .net 4 for Umbraco 4.5+ Please read important information below. This pa…

Updated: 14 December 2023


PLEASE NOTE: This package does NOT work with umbraco 4.5 or higher. This project is no longer under development because …

Updated: 14 December 2023

OpenId for Umbraco

OpenId for Umbraco adds OpenId authentication capabilities to Umbraco sites, allowing users to create new accounts based…

Updated: 14 December 2023

uForum basics

uForum basics is a fork of the uForum code used to run on Our Umbraco, but has been refactored to fit a more generic sce…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Standard Website MVC

Standard Website MVC

The Standard Website MVC package installs a complete website that can be adapted to most standard website designs. It ca…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Image Cropper

Image Cropper

An Image Cropper datatype that will let you crop images.

Updated: 14 December 2023

Commerce for Umbraco

Commerce for Umbraco is an ecommerce extension that runs entirely within an Umbraco instance. It is easliy extended to…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Razor Estate Agents Starter Site

Razor Estate Agents Starter Site

This is the home to the tutorial Razor Estate Agents Starter Site that has been published in the .NET Magazine (www.netm…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Umbraco Courier

Umbraco Courier

Umbraco Courier 3 redefines the Umbraco deployment process giving you the power to deploy your website changes using onl…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Creative Website Starter (CWS)

Creative Website Starter (CWS)

Version 3.0.2 Works with 4.7.1 and only as it uses razor and examine. Search uses the inbuilt search "Examine" t…

Updated: 14 December 2023



Contour makes creating contact forms, entry forms and questionnaires just as easy as using Word. You won’t need to…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Paypal IPN

Paypal IPN

*** .net Framework 3.5 required *** Handle Paypal IPN requests. Install the package and add [FM] Paypal IPN Macro to a…

Updated: 14 December 2023

WVD Media - TinyMCE Insert embed code

WVD Media - TinyMCE Insert embed code

  This package adds a "Insert embed code" button to the TinyMCE toolbar.  This button will allow you to inse…

Updated: 14 December 2023