Petr Snobelt

Petr Snobelt

Petr Snobelt is from Czech Republic and has 923 posts and 1535 karma points


Petr Snobelt

Git for umbraco (something like versionpress for wordpress)

Reply by Petr Snobelt Nov 20, 2015 @ 14:39


Reverse sort in media section

Reply by mfeola Aug 11, 2015 @ 21:33

Rusty Swayne

Using content section as product catalog

Reply by Rusty Swayne Jan 23, 2015 @ 01:37

Adam Maidment


Reply by Adam Maidment Dec 08, 2014 @ 13:06

Petr Snobelt

Don't work in 7.03

Reply by Petr Snobelt Mar 12, 2014 @ 15:26

Anton Oosthuizen

about 50 items

Reply by Anton Oosthuizen Feb 11, 2014 @ 12:42

Petr Snobelt

Html entity - Textbox multiple

Reply by Petr Snobelt Jan 10, 2014 @ 17:10


Where and XPathCheckBoxList

Reply by Andy Sep 30, 2013 @ 15:22

Petr Snobelt

I can't post answer to forum from iPad

Reply by Petr Snobelt Mar 08, 2013 @ 20:50


Disable rendering page by it's id

Reply by Nonacc Feb 19, 2013 @ 13:59

Petr Snobelt

Errorat inserting image after upgrade from 4.5 to 4.11.4

Reply by Petr Snobelt Feb 15, 2013 @ 13:42

Petr Snobelt

connectionString null reference? [Error in danish]

Reply by Petr Snobelt Feb 06, 2013 @ 20:09


Default document trick no longer works in 4.6

Reply by mors3 Jan 09, 2013 @ 16:15

Petr Snobelt

System.Net.Mail in Umbraco

Reply by Petr Snobelt Dec 07, 2012 @ 10:58

Petr Snobelt

Using Redactor insteads of tinyMCE

Reply by Petr Snobelt Dec 07, 2012 @ 10:56

Petr Snobelt

Error after instalation

Reply by Petr Snobelt Dec 06, 2012 @ 21:20

Petr Snobelt

Default testing email address

Reply by Petr Snobelt Oct 22, 2012 @ 10:42

Petr Snobelt

Source code

Reply by Petr Snobelt Sep 12, 2012 @ 20:25

Lee Kelleher

Cannot upgrade uComponents from to 4

Reply by Lee Kelleher Sep 07, 2012 @ 11:24



Reply by gilad Jul 25, 2012 @ 16:37


Using datalayer

Reply by czy Jul 17, 2012 @ 12:12

Markus Johansson

Import subscribers strip first 5 characters

Reply by Markus Johansson Jun 17, 2012 @ 15:09

Markus Johansson

Support for SQLCE

Reply by Markus Johansson May 25, 2012 @ 09:15

Tom Fulton

Change parent in specified time

Reply by Tom Fulton Apr 27, 2012 @ 22:43

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Packages voted up



There are many Umbraco systems for code-first approachs for Umbraco entity management, but they tend to be more about CR…

Updated: 14 December 2023



A File Picker property editor for Umbraco 7 After installing the package you can add a new datatype with the property e…

Updated: 14 December 2023



Add page-state icons to content nodes in the backoffice. v2.0.1 - Adds appropriate hover styles to sort handle v2.0 -&…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Mr N Picker

Mr N Picker

Mr N Picker is a Multi-Root Node Picker for Umbraco 7, built as a part of Project Yoxo. Why would I want multiple root …

Updated: 14 December 2023

Nested Content

Nested Content

Nested Content is a new list editing property editor for Umbraco 7+, similar to likes of Embedded Content and Archetype,…

Updated: 14 December 2023



  LeBlender is an open source Umbraco backoffice extension which made the Grid Canvas Editors management easie…

Updated: 14 December 2023

CMS Environment Indicator

CMS Environment Indicator

When developing websites using Umbraco in multi-environment solution, you can often get confused which environment you a…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Domain Manager

Domain Manager

The Domain Manager package is a handy content dashboard item for viewing domains within an Umbraco application. It allow…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Media Content Usage

Media Content Usage

Media Content Usage is an Event Handler and Property Editor for Media items in Umbraco 7.x, to find which Content refere…

Updated: 14 December 2023



Requires: Umbraco 7.2.3 or later nuPickers is a single dll distribution containing a collection of Umbraco v7 Property …

Updated: 14 December 2023



Vorto is a property editor wrapper (meaning it wraps any existing property editor) and converts it into a multilingual p…

Updated: 14 December 2023

LINQ To Examine

LINQ To Examine

What is Linq To Examine? This project allows you to query the Lucene indexes using LINQ based on your own classes. This…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Personalisation Groups

Personalisation Groups

Personalisation Groups is an Umbraco package intended to allow personalisation of content to different groups of site vi…

Updated: 14 December 2023



uContactor is Contact Us manager for your Umbraco Sites. It built within customizable auto responder message and notifi…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Simplest Store

Simplest Store

This is a simple start up package to give you the basis of building a E-commerce solution. This simply gives you the car…

Updated: 14 December 2023



This package is designed for V7 & newer This package adds a new section to your Umbraco installation which allo…

Updated: 14 December 2023



uSEO PRO With Focus Keyword The project is a property editor that will store information for SEO purposes. Such as Page…

Updated: 14 December 2023



Inspired by the new Container Document Type that is part of Umbraco 7, I created this package for v6. It offers some si…

Updated: 14 December 2023

GitHub Snippets

GitHub Snippets

This adds a button to the template & partial view editor allowing you to insert Razor snippets from a GitHub Repo. …

Updated: 14 December 2023

SQL BackUp

SQL BackUp

OVERVIEW: This package adds a tab to the developer section and provides simple functionality to allow the user to crea…

Updated: 14 December 2023



uMirror keeps your Umbraco instance’s published content structure in sync with any external datasource. It has been des…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Azure Blob Storage Provider

Azure Blob Storage Provider

Security UpdateThere is a new release of Microsoft.Data.OData (patching security issues) which is one of the this p…

Updated: 14 December 2023



Ditto is a lightweight view-model mapper for Umbraco. It offers a simple solution to the problem of using strongly-typed…

Updated: 14 December 2023



If you're writing Razor views without Visual Studio Intellisense to help you navigate the .Net framework, this one is fo…

Updated: 14 December 2023



Glimpse Extensions for umbraco 7 fixed Glimpse.Mvc4 Aspect cheatsheet: DynamicNode DynamicMedia Dynamic…

Updated: 14 December 2023



UMF UMF is a small and lightweight discussion board build for Umbraco 6 using MVC. It integrates into the Content tree …

Updated: 14 December 2023



Census makes it easy to see where and how certain Umbraco entities are being used. It helps you answer questions like: …

Updated: 14 December 2023

Umbraco Mapper

Umbraco Mapper

Umbraco Mapper has been developed to support a more pure MVC approach to building Umbraco applications.   It provid…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Epiphany SearchBoost (1)

Epiphany SearchBoost (1)

SearchBoost is a project that will allow you to configure your Examine indexes to automatically boost certain DocTypes i…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Doc Cart

Doc Cart

** This package is for Umbraco 4.7+ running on .net 4 only ** Doc cart allows you to create basic shopping cart funct…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Live Logger

Live Logger

This package adds a dashboard to your developer section in the umbraco backend. Once installed you can view real time um…

Updated: 14 December 2023



Summary DocType creation done Ruby style! We have inheritance via nested DocTypes which are great but we st…

Updated: 14 December 2023

MultiType DataType

MultiType DataType

The MultiType DataType was first created to make it easier for content editors to add options and values to a select l…

Updated: 14 December 2023



Please use the Umbraco 6 & 7 included partial view macro file template instead  ==============================…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Manage URL redirects

Manage URL redirects

- List of all 404 'page not found' errors - List of redirects for a 404 'page not found' to an existing page in your we…

Updated: 14 December 2023

XSLT Macro Engine

XSLT Macro Engine

XSLT Macro Engine is a custom macro engine used to render inline XSLT code snippets or external XSLT file locations. Sc…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Media Iterator

  Macro to displays a list of media folders and items in a the style of a directory listing. Clicking a folder li…

Updated: 14 December 2023


uHidesy is a tab and property hider. It is a datatype, which when added, allows you to show and hide tabs and propertie…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Media Icons

Media Icons

Summary The Media Icons package modifies the Media section trees to show file specific icons, rather than just the defa…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Examine Dashboard

Examine Dashboard

** V1.0 is for Umbraco 4.8 and later ** v0.1 is for Umbraco 4.7.0 - v0.2 is for Umbraco 4.7.1 ** This package gives yo…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Pliable Ajax Contact Form

Pliable Ajax Contact Form

This package is now on Github! ( Pliable Form allows your content writers to creat…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Mass Uploader

Mass Uploader

Mass Content Uploader is a handy datatype which allows you to create umbraco trees out of a zip file. It works on both…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Nant backup and restore

** This is highly Beta ** This Project is just a nant build that you can use to archive instances of Umbraco to a zip f…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Digibiz Dictionary Section

Content editors usually only have access to the content and media section. Here they can manage everything they need to …

Updated: 14 December 2023

Auto Sort

Auto Sort

*** v 1.1 now in English, German, Dutch, Swedish, French, Dansk, Italiano and Spanish! *** The Auto Sort package helps …

Updated: 14 December 2023



Shortcodes for Umbraco provides a filter that will parse your content pages for shortcodes, replacing them with the appr…

Updated: 14 December 2023



Version 2.2 is for Umbraco 6 - 2.1 and earlier for Umbraco 4. Workflow for Umbraco allows you to author custom workflow…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Child Nodes Browser

Child Nodes Browser

Child Nodes Browser is a datatype and more. **** IF YOU LIKE, THEN PLEASE VOTE *** Use in place of the default "Folder…

Updated: 14 December 2023


uSiteBuilder is a framework made for .NET developers to simplify, speedup and take Umbraco development to the next leve…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Extended Content Picker

Extended Content Picker

An extended content picker which shows the path to the selected node. After installation: Go to the developer section a…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Usergroup Permissions

Usergroup Permissions

Usergroup permissions helps you set node permissions on Usertypes instead of individual users. When you install the …

Updated: 14 December 2023

Digibiz Advanced Media Picker

Digibiz Advanced Media Picker

The Digibiz Advanced Media Picker 2.8 (DAMP 2.8) is a media picker with many awesome features. It can be used inst…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Embedded Content

Embedded Content

Are you looking for a way to create content on a node that uses the build-in Umbraco data types, yet let’s the con…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Tab Icons

Tab Icons

Add an icon to any document or media tab (including properties tab) by adding an icon selector dropdown to the 'Tab' tab…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Blackpoint Member Admin

Blackpoint Member Admin

  ======================================        Blackpoint MemberAdmin===================…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Terabyte Elmah

Terabyte Elmah

This package add's Elmah exception logging to your site, and includes dashboard controls for viewing error logs. This me…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Admin Sessions Manager

Admin Sessions Manager

Update: Added dropdown to filter by user, and option to look at sessions further into the past (up to 365 days) -- Umb…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Cultiv PhotoMetaData

Cultiv PhotoMetaData

The PhotoMetaData package will extract meta data from images that you upload in your media section. This works in both&n…

Updated: 14 December 2023

F.A.L.M. Housekeeping

F.A.L.M. Housekeeping

The new version of our cleaning tool is now in a custom section and has been completely rewritten to take advantage of A…

Updated: 14 December 2023



SUMMARY This package automaticaly removes any previous versions for those times when a version history aren't important…

Updated: 14 December 2023



FacebookConnect package:A small and simple package, which you can use to connect to Facebook and authenticate and/or pos…

Updated: 14 December 2023



uComponents is a collaborative project for creating components for Umbraco including data types, XSLT extensions, c…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Dictionary Translator for Umbraco

Dictionary Translator for Umbraco

Introduction This package is to be used with the ASP.NET open source CMS Umbraco, which extends the umbraco admin us…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Attackmonkey Tab Hider

New in Version 1.5: - fixes a bug where the wrong tab was selected on saving. New in Version 1.4: - added code so tha…

Updated: 14 December 2023



Data Editing With DEWDDEWD (pronunciation: dood, [du:d]) is an Umbraco 4.0 extension used to edit sequential data such a…

Updated: 14 December 2023

File Manager

File Manager

Dascoba's Umbraco File Manager VERSION 2.0 IS IN DEVELOPMENT AND WILL BE RELEASED SOON!! Version 1.01 is FREE and …

Updated: 14 December 2023

OData For Umbraco

OData for Umbraco, is a OData provider built on WCF Data Services 4. It allows the content xml tree inside of Umbraco to…

Updated: 14 December 2023

ASP.NET System Information

ASP.NET System Information

This package integrates the ASP.NET System Information Prober into the Umbraco back-office. The ASP.NET System Informat…

Updated: 14 December 2023

301 URL Tracker

301 URL Tracker

Find out where your users get lost and guide them to where they need to go. NOTE: the latest version can be found o…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Categorisation for Umbraco

Categorisation for Umbraco

The Categorisation package contains the functionality that allows you to categorise content with your own bespoke and hi…

Updated: 14 December 2023

DAMP Property Editor Value Converter

DAMP Property Editor Value Converter

With this package it's easier to use DAMP in Razor. It can work with the xml or id's that DAMP saves. If you do Mod…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Visual Validator

Visual Validator

See demo screencast at: This is a simple package which highlights textstring inputs in Umbraco whe…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Track Media

Track Media

With Track Media you can see information about your media items in Google Analytics. This package requires that your we…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Flodeble data type

Flodeble data type

Flodeble is custom data type that allows to store number in diferent decimal format. it supports float, decimal and doub…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Google Maps Multilocation DataType

Google Maps Multilocation DataType

An umbraco extension that adds the possibility for the user to select multiple locations from a Google map in the backof…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Icon Picker

Icon Picker

DescriptionThe Icon Picker package makes it possible to have multiple icons to choose from in your documents.After insta…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Macro Service

Macro Service

Umbraco Macro Service exposes standard Umbraco Macros directly to the web for use in scripts or to provide direct data a…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Page State Icons

Page State Icons

Pimp up your back-office with this addition of some state icons for your content nodes! A must have addition to every Um…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Document Type Fieldsets

Document Type Fieldsets

This package adds a layer of grouping beneath tabs, allowing you to group sets of properties into "fieldsets".  Thi…

Updated: 14 December 2023

TheFARM Media Link Checker

  Ever been trying to work out if a media item is used within your site? And if it is, where are all the places …

Updated: 14 December 2023

Import Media

Import Media

This package allows you to import large files that have been uploaded to the server via FTP or other means. A new media …

Updated: 14 December 2023

Export SQL Server Compact

Export SQL Server Compact

When starting off (prototyping) an Umbraco project, it is becoming common to use SQL Server Compact (SQLCE) as your defa…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Latest Edits Dashboard

Latest Edits Dashboard

This is a simple dashboard for the Developer section, which shows you the latest edited content & media, specificall…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Edit Umbraco User Dashboard

Edit Umbraco User Dashboard

This is a simple Umbraco V5 plugin that is a dashboard that allows the current logged in user to edit their name, emai…

Updated: 14 December 2023



The Pixlr package makes it possible to edit your Media images with Pixlr, an online image editor. You can choose betwe…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Standard Values in Umbraco

Standard Values in Umbraco

This package adds a Standard Values folder in the Settings section of Umbraco, which allows you to add standard values t…

Updated: 14 December 2023



uLess Are you interested in using LESS to speed up development in your umbraco projects? uLess brings support for L…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Cogworks CogItemUsage

Cogworks CogItemUsage

v2 docs: This package does two things: - It provides a datatype that will list all the other documents where the docum…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Structure Extensions

Structure Extensions

  Structure Extensions is a package that enables several enhancements to the Structure features of Document & …

Updated: 14 December 2023



uGoLive is an Umbraco dashboard control which allows you to run a series of checks on your website in order to prep…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Tabular Data

Tabular Data

This data type allows you to create tabular data including inserting or deleting rows or columns. See screencast at …

Updated: 14 December 2023


This is a simple datatype that allows you to see document relationships and easily jump between related documents. For …

Updated: 14 December 2023

Document Type Dashboard

Document Type Dashboard

This package is a simple dashboard control that enables you to quickly view and edit your Document Types.  It allow…

Updated: 14 December 2023

ImageMap - Plugin

ImageMap - Plugin

This is a plugin for TinyMCE to allow content editors to use a WISYWIG Imagemap tool to create imagemaps. The original p…

Updated: 14 December 2023



uBackChat is an instant messaging chat for the Umbraco back-office. The functionality is limited to the Umbraco back-of…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Multiple File Upload

Multiple File Upload

This package enables you to upload multiple files in one go. A new tab called “Upload” will be added to the…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Dictionary Dashboard

Dictionary Dashboard

Import, export and edit dictionary items directly from the dashboard Edit dictionary itemsEdit existing dictionar…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Razor Scaffold

Razor Scaffold

Razor Scaffold provides an analog of XSLT apply-templates in Razor by dynamic binding in a developer conscious manner.…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Razor DynamicNode Cheat Sheet

Razor DynamicNode Cheat Sheet

With the release of the updated Razor and DynamicNode features in 4.7.1 I thought it was high time that we had a che…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Cultiv Razor Examples

Cultiv Razor Examples

I've seen this question many times in the past few months: "Help! How do I use datatype X with Razor?!". This package gi…

Updated: 14 December 2023

SQL for XSLT (

Version 2.0 released - this version contains a new method "SQLExecuteScalar" to use for sqlstatements like INSERT and UP…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Repeatable Custom Content

Repeatable Custom Content

A datatype which allows adding repeatable custom contents/child nodes. Support for most of umbraco datatypes, configura…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Tree Multi Picker

Tree Multi Picker

TreeMultiPicker is a datatype for Umbraco 4 that allows the selection of multiple content or media nodes from a tree. I…

Updated: 14 December 2023


UPDATE 6th Sept 09 Version 1.1 Released. The control now contains CacheXslt and CacheHtml properties. N.B. Caching is b…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Media Picker with Preview

Umbraco datatype that extends standard Media Picker with image preview. More info is here…

Updated: 14 December 2023



A wonderful Blog engine built on Umbraco Minimum Umbraco version: 8.1.2 Supporting all the features you'd want in a bl…

Updated: 14 December 2023

CWS Start

CWS Start

This is a reboot of the old CWS Starter Website project, rebuilt from scratch for Umbraco 6 MVC mode, so you can pull it…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Content Maintenance Dashboard Package

Content Maintenance Dashboard Package

This project is continued as Bulkmanager and available via   Content Mai…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Document Centre

Document Centre

This package contains funcitonality to enable a Document Centre within a secure client area. Users can browse document …

Updated: 14 December 2023

Back Office Notes

Back Office Notes

Post sticky notes to all users of the backoffice - Add notes to any Content node- Add notes to any Media node- Add no…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Standard Website

Standard Website

If you are using 4.10 or above please use The St…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Google Maps DataType

Google Maps DataType

Version 2.0 is a rewrite of the data-type to use the Google Map v3 API, you are no longer required to assign an API ke…

Updated: 14 December 2023


ClientArea is a free package for creating Client Area's within Umbraco. This package installs a sample site that con…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Business Website Starter Pack

The Business Website Starter Pack is an early release of a starter kit for business-oriented umbraco sites, aiming to ki…

Updated: 14 December 2023

OpenId for Umbraco

OpenId for Umbraco adds OpenId authentication capabilities to Umbraco sites, allowing users to create new accounts based…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Google Analytics for Umbraco

Google Analytics for Umbraco

This package is discontinued This package hasn't been updated to the newest Google Analytics Data API and will ther…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Standard Website MVC

Standard Website MVC

The Standard Website MVC package installs a complete website that can be adapted to most standard website designs. It ca…

Updated: 14 December 2023

Easy Values (

The main goal is to help your webmaster with updating the content in a consistent manner.  Of course anyone ca…

Updated: 14 December 2023

PDF Preview

PDF Preview

It allows users to easily select from the existing Media library, using uploaded PDF documents. Furthermore, the use…

Updated: 14 December 2023


UmbSearch2 v1.3.1 UmbSearch2 is the successor of the well-known umbSearch package that was available for Umbraco v3. Ho…

Updated: 14 December 2023