Carlos Mosqueda

Carlos Mosqueda

Carlos Mosqueda works at Denver Museum of Nature & Science, Freelance and has 241 posts and 432 karma points

Certified Umbraco Level 1 and 2 developer. UI/UX Designer and Developer, artist, musician. Twitter: @closdesign Website:


Huw Reddick

Has anyone used a Multinode Tree picker inside a BlockGrid Editor type?

Reply by Huw Reddick Jun 26, 2024 @ 11:14

Carlos Mosqueda

Media file size reduction on upload, ALL versions of Umbraco

Reply by Carlos Mosqueda Sep 15, 2023 @ 23:02

Carlos Mosqueda

Get parent Url of added node

Reply by Carlos Mosqueda Apr 14, 2022 @ 16:38

Carlos Mosqueda

Umbraco 9, startup.cs compiled to a DLL? And which one? Security Headers

Reply by Carlos Mosqueda Mar 17, 2022 @ 17:20

Carlos Mosqueda

Filtering Umbraco documents prevalue source

Reply by Carlos Mosqueda Mar 09, 2022 @ 19:46

Carlos Mosqueda

How to create a JSON feed for your Umbraco site directly in a View ... just because you can

Reply by Carlos Mosqueda Mar 09, 2022 @ 19:11

Carlos Mosqueda

Umbraco 9 Connection string issue from rebuilt solution, making me go back to install, Why?

Reply by Carlos Mosqueda Mar 07, 2022 @ 22:54

Nel Prinsloo

Profile picture uploader not letting me change my avatar.

Reply by Nel Prinsloo Nov 23, 2021 @ 11:40

Carlos Mosqueda

Umbraco 9 on IIS, 403 Forbidden error

Reply by Carlos Mosqueda Nov 12, 2021 @ 17:23

Carlos Mosqueda

Umbraco 9 Nested Content not finding doctype group properties

Reply by Carlos Mosqueda Nov 09, 2021 @ 00:20

Carlos Mosqueda

Umbraco 9, umbracoSettings.config location? Multi Url Picker error (Update: U9 documentation error?)

Reply by Carlos Mosqueda Nov 08, 2021 @ 23:37

Carlos Mosqueda

Add additional address to the footer

Reply by Carlos Mosqueda Oct 26, 2021 @ 18:45

Carlos Mosqueda

Multi If Statement for Document Type Alias

Reply by Carlos Mosqueda Oct 26, 2021 @ 18:40

Carlos Mosqueda

Setting navigation "current" or "active" class when navigation is built with Multi Url Picker

Reply by Carlos Mosqueda Aug 27, 2021 @ 16:40

Carlos Mosqueda

Use Umbraco Source Code for Web App

Reply by Carlos Mosqueda Jun 28, 2021 @ 14:53

Carlos Mosqueda

Can't build Umbraco Source - dev-v7 branch

Reply by Carlos Mosqueda Jun 22, 2021 @ 21:12

Carlos Mosqueda

U7, building project from source???

Reply by Carlos Mosqueda Jun 22, 2021 @ 21:09

Carlos Mosqueda

Umbraco .7.15, MultiURLPicker, can I use .Where("Visible") for my list?

Reply by Carlos Mosqueda May 18, 2021 @ 17:53

Carlos Mosqueda

Umbraco 7.15.7 doesn't allow an editor (Save and Send for approval) to unpublish anymore? Update from 7.12.1

Reply by Carlos Mosqueda May 18, 2021 @ 17:50

Carlos Mosqueda

CSS Subdirectories in Umbraco 7.15.7 issue - Please help!

Reply by Carlos Mosqueda May 17, 2021 @ 18:49

Carlos Mosqueda

Upgrade from Umbraco 7.12.1 to 7.15.7 - MultiUrlPicker issue

Reply by Carlos Mosqueda May 07, 2021 @ 16:22

Carlos Mosqueda

Notifications in Umbraco 7.12 (soon to be 7.15) not working on all users with permissions set

Reply by Carlos Mosqueda May 05, 2021 @ 16:37

Carlos Mosqueda

Related Links not including properties

Reply by Carlos Mosqueda May 04, 2021 @ 17:55

Amir Khan

Related Links and Multi URL picker, what if a page becomes unpublished? Umbraco 7 and 8

Reply by Amir Khan Apr 26, 2021 @ 21:17

Carlos Mosqueda

Slimsy 2.0 - Set max height ? Keep width fluid

Reply by Carlos Mosqueda Mar 23, 2021 @ 19:09

Steve Morgan

Annoying problem. Using .Parent.Parent is there a better way?

Reply by Steve Morgan Jan 20, 2021 @ 09:23

Carlos Mosqueda

Is there a package that is something like the Tags, that is a dropdown

Reply by Carlos Mosqueda Oct 02, 2020 @ 18:46

Amir Khan

UmbracoUrlAlias and C# Query string builder, using Google UTM already in Query

Reply by Amir Khan Jun 09, 2020 @ 22:06

Steve Morgan

Umbraco 7, Razor, show featured thing of the day

Reply by Steve Morgan May 13, 2020 @ 08:48


Why am I getting a "Type Ahead" error in Umbraco 8.5 tags

Reply by Andrei May 04, 2020 @ 15:23

Carlos Mosqueda

AMP in existing project

Reply by Carlos Mosqueda Apr 07, 2020 @ 21:57

Marc Goodson

Paywall examples using Umbraco and Members?

Reply by Marc Goodson Apr 07, 2020 @ 17:01

Carlos Mosqueda

How do you get IPublishedElement URL?

Reply by Carlos Mosqueda Mar 17, 2020 @ 00:18

Carlos Mosqueda

How to get determine the type in Nested Content

Reply by Carlos Mosqueda Mar 16, 2020 @ 22:21

Carlos Mosqueda

Checkboxlist Umbraco 8

Reply by Carlos Mosqueda Mar 16, 2020 @ 04:30


Getting JS errors in the admin when trying to select Unpublish date - Umbraco 7.12.1

Reply by Craig100 Feb 03, 2020 @ 12:33

Carlos Mosqueda

Examine search not filtering out umbracoNaviHide

Reply by Carlos Mosqueda Jan 02, 2020 @ 21:04

Carlos Mosqueda

Umbraco 8, the default StarterKit and how to get the Blog categories as links???

Reply by Carlos Mosqueda Dec 02, 2019 @ 22:03

Matt Wanchap

Using Umbraco Forms as a quiz or survey with weighted questions

Reply by Matt Wanchap Oct 30, 2019 @ 04:02

Carlos Mosqueda

Failed site restart after package install

Reply by Carlos Mosqueda Apr 19, 2019 @ 18:25

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