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    Custom file systems (IFileSystem)


    By default, Umbraco uses an instance of PhysicalFileSystem to handle the storage location of the media archive (~/media).

    This can be configured during composition:

    using Umbraco.Core.Composing;
    using Umbraco.Core;
    using Umbraco.Core.IO;
    namespace Umbraco8Examples.Composition
        public class SetMediaFileSystemComposer : IUserComposer
            public void Compose(Umbraco.Core.Composing.Composition composition)
                composition.SetMediaFileSystem(() => new PhysicalFileSystem("~/custommediafolder"));

    The PhysicalFileSystem accepts the application path to the 'virtual Root' location of the Media folder. The ~ is therefore important!

    Alternatively you can combine these two:

    RootPath - the rooted, filesystem path, using directory separator chars, NOT ending with a separator // eg "c:" or "c:\path\to\site" or "\server\path" and RootUrl - the relative url, using url separator chars, NOT ending with a separator // eg "" or "/Views" or "/Media" or "//Media" in case of a virtual path

     composition.SetMediaFileSystem(() => new PhysicalFileSystem("Z:\Storage\UmbracoMedia","http://media.example.com/media" ));

    In Umbraco V7, this configuration was located a physical file: /config/FileSystemProviders.config.


    PhysicalFileSystem implements the IFileSystem interface, and it is possible to replace it with a custom class - eg. if you want your media files stored on Azure or something similar.

    If you configure Umbraco to use a custom file system provider for media, you most likely won't need to access the implementation directly. Umbraco uses a wrapper class called MediaFileSystem. You can get a reference to this wrapper class with the following code:

    IMediaFileSystem media = Current.MediaFileSystem;

    or via dependency injection in the constructor for your custom class or controller:

     public class ImagesController : UmbracoAuthorizedApiController
            private readonly IMediaFileSystem _mediaFileSystem;
            public ImagesController(IMediaFileSystem mediaFileSystem)
                _mediaFileSystem = mediaFileSystem;

    This will be enough in most cases and is the way Umbraco will access the file system provider. The wrapper class implements the same interface IFileSystem as any custom providers should do, so you will be able to call the same methods.

    MediaPath Scheme

    The MediaPath Scheme defines the current set of rules that decide the format of the Media Path when it is saved into the media archive wherever it is located.

    By default the MediaPath scheme used by Umbraco is the UniqueMediaPathScheme this generates a unique 'folder' to place the uploaded image in eg.


    /media is defined by the PhysicalFileSystem and 'dozdrg2f' is generated by the UniqueMediaPathScheme.

    In Umbraco 7 the integer ids were used in the path, and this approach is still possible using the 'OriginalMediaPathScheme'

    You can set the MediaPathScheme during composition, for example if you wanted to revert back to the V7 methodology in a migrated site:


    And you could create your own logic for the path by implementing IMediaPathScheme

    Other IFileSystems

    Umbraco also registers instances of PhysicalFileSystem for the following parts of Umbraco that persist to 'files':

    • MacroPartialsFileSystem
    • PartialViewsFileSystem
    • StylesheetsFileSystem
    • ScriptsFileSystem
    • MvcViewsFileSystem

    These are accessible via properties on the current registered IFileSystems implementation.

    IFileSystem macroPartialsFileSystem = Current.FileSystems.MacroPartialsFileSystem;

    or again via dependency injection

      public class FileSystemLocations 
            private readonly IFileSystems _fileSystems;
            public FileSystemLocations(IFileSystems fileSystems)
                _fileSystems = fileSystems;
                var macroPartialsFileSystem = _fileSystems.MacroPartialsFileSystem;

    Both IFileSystem and IMediaFileSystem are located in the Umbraco.Core.IO namespace.

    Custom providers

    There is an Azure Blob Storage provider:

    Creating your own FileSystem provider

    Create your filesystem class:

                public class MyFileSystem : FileSystemWrapper
                    public MyFileSystem(IFileSystem innerFileSystem)
                        : base(innerFileSystem)
                    { }

    The constructor can have more parameters, that will be resolved by the dependency injection container.

    Register your new filesystem implementation, in a component:


    Register the underlying filesystem:

      composition.RegisterUniqueFor<IFileSystem, MyFileSystem>(...);

    You can inject MyFileSystem wherever it's needed.

    Furthermore it's possible to declare a filesystem interface:

      public interface IMyFileSystem : IFileSystem
      { }

    Make the class implement the interface, then register your filesystem, in a component:

      composition.RegisterFileSystem<IMyFileSystem, MyFileSystem>();
      composition.RegisterUniqueFor<IFileSystem, IMyFileSystem>(...);

    You can inject IMyFileSystem wherever it's needed.