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    Applies to: Umbraco 4.10.0+

    A Resolver is a class that returns a plugin object or multiple plugin objects. There are 2 types of Resolvers: A single object resolver and a multiple object resolver.

    Single object resolver

    A resolver that returns a single object. The best way to explain this is by example:

    IContentStore routesCache = ContentStoreResolver.Current.ContentStore;

    In the example above we get the currently assigned IContentStore from the ContentStoreResolver. This is a single object registered resolver and therefore it only returns one object. Developers can register a custom object in single object resolvers so long as the resolver is created to allow this.

    As an example, to set a different IContentStore, we would execute this code:

    ContentStoreResolver.Current.SetContentStore(new CustomContentStore("12355"));

    All single object resolvers return an object that will exist as a singleton and one instance will exist for the lifetime of the application.

    Multiple object resolver

    A resolver that returns multiple objects of one type. Again, an example works best to explain:

    IEnumerable<ICacheRefresher> cacheRefreshers = CacheRefreshersResolver.Current.CacheResolvers;

    In the example above we get all ICacheRefresher object that have been found and/or registered. As this is a multiple object resolver, it returns many objects. Developers can modify the list of types in a multiple object resolver during application startup. For example to add a custom cache refresher of type 'CustomCacheRefresher' the following code can be executed:


    Some multiple object resolvers need to maintain a specific order of objects such as the DocumentLookupsResolver. Developers have full control over the order of registered objects since the base class Umbraco.Core.ObjectResolution.ManyObjectsResolverBase supports multiple methods like a list:

    • void RemoveType(Type value)
    • void RemoveType<T>()
    • void AddType(Type value)
    • void AddType<T>()
    • void Clear()
    • void InsertType(int index, Type value)
    • void InsertType<T>(int index)

    Multiple object resolvers can return instances based on different lifetime scopes. The lifetime scope of a resolver is determined by the developer of the resolver.