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    Custom MVC controllers (Umbraco Route Hijacking)

    Use a custom MVC controller to handle and control incoming requests for content pages based on a specific Document Type

    What is Umbraco Route Hijacking?

    By default, all front end requests to an Umbraco site are auto-routed via the 'Index' action of a core MVC Controller: Umbraco.Web.Mvc.RenderMvcController. This core controller handles the incoming request, builds the associated PublishedContent model, and passes this to the appropriate Umbraco Template/MVC View.

    It is however possible to implement a custom MVC Controller to replace this default implementation to give complete control over this execution.

    For example:

    • to enrich the view model passed to the template with additional properties (from other published content items or outside Umbraco)
    • to implement serverside paging
    • to implement any custom/granular security
    • to return alternative templates depending on some custom business logic

    This replacement of the default controller can either be made 'globally' for all requests (see last example) or by 'hijacking' requests for types of pages based on their specific Document Type following a this controller naming convention: [DocumentTypeAlias]Controller.

    Creating a custom controller

    Example: Hijacking route requests to a 'product' page

    In the following example, imagine an Umbraco site with a set of 'product' pages created from a Document Type called 'Product Page' with an alias 'productPage'.

    Create a custom locally declared controller in the Umbraco MVC web application project (or App_Code folder for website projects) named 'ProductPageController'.

    Ensure that this controller inherits from the base controller Umbraco.Web.Mvc.RenderMvcController.


    public class ProductPageController : Umbraco.Web.Mvc.RenderMvcController
        public override ActionResult Index(ContentModel model)
            // you are in control here!
            // return a 'model' to the selected template/view for this page.
            return CurrentTemplate(model);

    ALL requests to ANY 'product' pages in the site will be'hijacked' and routed through the custom ProductPageController.

    This example shows the default behaviour that Umbraco's core RenderMvcController provides. The 'Index' action of the controller is executed, and the CurrentTemplate helper sends the model containing the details of the published content item related to the request to the relevant template/view.

    Routing via template

    A further convention is that if an action on the controller has a name that matches the template name, this action will be executed instead of the default 'Index' action.

    Example: Hijacking route requests to a 'product' for an alternative 'AMP' template

    In this example, the Product Page Document Type has two templates 'ProductPage' and 'ProductAmpPage'. We can hijack and handle the requests to the two templates differently.

    Create the Controller as before:

    public class ProductPageController : Umbraco.Web.Mvc.RenderMvcController
        // Any request for the 'ProductAmpPage' template will be handled by this Action
        public ActionResult ProductAmpPage(ContentModel model)
            // Create AMP specific content here...
            return CurrentTemplate(model);
        // All other request, eg the ProductPage template will be handled by the default 'Index' action
        public override ActionResult Index(ContentModel model)
            // you are in control here!
            // return a 'model' to the selected template/view for this page.
            return CurrentTemplate(model);

    How can a page be requested via two different templates?

    The page in Umbraco will have a single 'template' selected as it's default template, but it's possible to call this same page on a different template by adding ?altTemplate=othertemplatename to the Url QueryString eg:


    This would request the 'Super Fancy Product' page but force it to be loaded with the 'ProductAmpPage template'. This can be simplified further to use a convention:


    The final part of this url is assumed to be the 'altTemplate' querystring value.

    In Umbraco 8 this convention has been removed from the default configuration of Umbraco. You can reintroduce this behaviour by adding the ContentFinderByUrlAndTemplate ContentFinder back into the ContentFinderCollection, using an IUserComposer (see an example on the IContentFinder documentation page).

    Summary - How the route hijacking convention works

    • Document Type name = controller name
    • Template name = action name (if no action matches or is not specified - then the 'Index' action will be executed).
    • Controller Inherits from Umbraco.Web.Mvc.RenderMvcController

    Returning a view with a custom model

    The steps to achieve this will differ, depending if your template views are using IPublishedContent or Modelsbuilder generated Models.

    Changing the @inherits directive of your template

    By default, your Umbraco Template will be based on the ContentModel that the default RenderMvcController passes through to it.

    ContentModel has one property called 'Content' of type IPublishedContent, and the @Model syntax in V8 is wired up to use this IPublishedContent item, to save having to type @Model.Content.etc as in V7.

    The default inherits statement:

    @inherits Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoViewPage

    or if you are using modelsbuilder:

    @inherits Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoViewPage<ProductPage>

    <> contains a model generated for each document type to give strongly typed access to the Document Type properties in the template view.

    To use a specific custom view model, the @inherits directive will need to be updated to reference your custom model using the Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoViewPage<T> format where 'T' is the type of your custom model.

    So for example, if your custom model is of type 'MyProductModel' then your @inherits directive will look like:

    @inherits Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoViewPage<MyProductModel>

    Views in MVC will likely specify a master view to use as the common layout for the site html. When using a custom view model it's necessary to make sure this doesn't conflict with any implementation in the master layout view. Eg. if your master layout view is inheriting from a specific model UmbracoViewPage<SpecificModel> and using a property from SpecificModel that isn't available in your custom model an exception will be thrown. To avoid this you could:

    • Keep your Master layout view 'generically typed', eg. only have @inherits UmbracoViewPage, and use Model.Value syntax to access properties. or
    • Break the dependency on Umbraco.Web.Models.ContentModel in your master layout by having it instead inherit from Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoViewPage<ISomeInterface>. This would be where ISomeInterface is implemented by all your models and contains the properties that the master layout view uses. or
    • Ensure your custom models inherit from whichever class is used to strongly type the master layout view.

    In most cases you will need your custom model to build upon the underlying existing PublishedContent model for the page. This can be achieved by making your custom model inherit from a special base class called PublishedContentWrapped:

    public class MyProductViewModel : PublishedContentWrapped
        // The PublishedContentWrapped accepts an IPublishedContent item as a constructor
        public MyProductViewModel(IPublishedContent content) : base(content) { }
        // Custom properties here...
        public int StockLevel { get; set; }
        public IEnumerable<Distributor> ProductDistributors { get; set; }

    PublishedContentWrapped will take care of populating all the usual underlying Umbraco properties and means the @Model. syntax will continue to work in the layouts used by your template.

    Using Modelsbuilder you will find that all the generated models have a constructor that takes an IPublishedContent item in a similar way:

    public class MyProductViewModel : ProductPage
        // The generated modelsbuilder model: ProductPage  accepts an IPublishedContent item as a constructor
        public MyProductViewModel(IPublishedContent content) : base(content) { }
        // Custom properties here...
        public int StockLevel { get; set; }
        public IEnumerable<Distributor> ProductDistributors { get; set; }

    The models generated by Modelsbuilder are created as partial classes so it's possible to extend them by adding your own partial classes with matching signature.

    We can now populate our custom view model in our controller and use the values from the custom model in our template view:

    public class ProductPageController : Umbraco.Web.Mvc.RenderMvcController
        public override ActionResult Index(ContentModel model)
            // you are in control here!
            // create our ViewModel based on the PublishedContent of the current request:
            var productViewModel = new MyProductViewModel(model.Content);
            // set our custom properties
            productViewModel.StockLevel = _madeUpExternalProductInfoService.GetStockLevel(productViewModel.Id)
            productViewModel.ProductDistributors = _madeUpExternalProductInfoService.GetDistributorsForProduct(productViewModel.Id)
            // return our custom ViewModel
            return CurrentTemplate(productViewModel);

    and in our template

    @inherits Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoViewPage<MyProductModel>
    Layout = "Master";
    // or using Modelsbuilder
    <dt>Stock Level</dt>
    @foreach (var distributor in Model.Distributors){

    Processing QueryString values in the controller

    You can also pass values directly into the controller action using the query string.


    The values in the querystring will be bound to the matching parameters defined in the controller's action:

    public class ProductListingPageController : Umbraco.Web.Mvc.RenderMvcController
    //notice how we are no longer overriding the Index action because the signature is now different to the base signature.
        public ActionResult Index(ContentModel model, int page, string andAnotherThing)
           var products = _madeUpProductService.GetProductsByPage(page);
           var productListingViewModel = new ProductListingViewModel(model.Content);
           productListingViewModel.Products = products;
           productListViewModel.Thing = andAnotherThing;
           return CurrentTemplate(productListViewModel);

    Controller Injection

    Injecting services into your controller constructors is possible with Umbraco's underlying dependency injection implementation. See Services and Helpers for more info on this.

    For example:

        public class ProductListingPageController : RenderMvcController
        private readonly IMadeUpProductService _madeUpProductService;
        public MyController(IMadeUpProductService madeUpProductService)
            _madeUpProductService = madeUpProductService;
        public override ActionResult Index(
        ContentModel model)
            var products = __madeUpProductService.GetProductsByPage(page);

    To wire up a concrete instance of IMadeUpProductService, use a composer:

        using Umbraco.Core;
        using Umbraco.Core.Logging;
        using Umbraco.Core.Composing;
        namespace MyWebsite.Composers
            public class RegisterSuperSiteServiceComposer : IUserComposer
                public void Compose(Composition composition)
                // Register your service with different Lifetime options: Singleton, Request, Transient, Scope
                composition.Register<IMadeUpProductService, MadeUpProductService>(Lifetime.Singleton);

    See Composing for further information.

    Replace Umbraco's default RenderMVCController

    You can replace Umbraco's default implementation of RenderMVCController with your own custom controller for all MVC requests. This is possible by assigning your own default controller during initialization using a composer and the SetDefaultRenderMvcController(T) method.

    public class SetDefaultRenderMvcControllerComposer : IUserComposer
        public void Compose(Composition composition)

    Your custom implementation of RenderMvcController should either inherit from the core RenderMvcController as in the examples above or implement the IRenderMvcController interface.

    public class MyRenderMvcController : IRenderMvcController
        public void Execute(RequestContext requestContext)
            throw new NotImplementedException();
        public ActionResult Index(ContentModel model)
            throw new NotImplementedException();