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    View/Razor Examples

    Lots of examples of using various techniques to render data in a view

    Rendering the raw value of a field from IPublishedContent


    Rendering the converted value of a field from IPublishedContent


    Rendering a macro


    Rendering a macro with parameters using an anonymous object

    @Umbraco.RenderMacro("myMacroAlias", new { name = "Ned", age = 28 })

    Rendering a macro with parameters using a dictionary

    @Umbraco.RenderMacro("myMacroAlias", new Dictionary<string, object> {{ "name", "Ned"}, { "age", 27}})

    Rendering some member data

        var profile = Members.GetCurrentMemberProfileModel();
        var umbracomember = Members.GetByUsername(profile.UserName);