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    Backoffice tours

    Backoffice tours are a way to create helpful guides for how to work in the Umbraco backoffice.

    They are managed in a JSON format and stored in files on disk. The filenames should end with the .json extension.

    Enabling Tours

    You can enable or disable the tours from within the umbracoSettings.

        <tours enable="true"></tours>

    Tour file locations

    The tour functionality will load information from multiple locations.

    Core tours and custom tours

    The tour files that ship with Umbraco are stored in /Config/BackofficeTours. This is also the recommended location for storing your own tour files.

    Plugin tours

    When you want to include a tour with your custom plugin/package you can store the tour file in /App_Plugins/<YourPlugin>/backoffice/tours. It is recommended that you place the tour files in this location when you are creating a package.

    The JSON format

    A tour file contains an array of tour configuration JSON objects. It's possible to have multiple, (un)related tours in one file.

            // tour configuration object
            // tour configuration object

    The tour configuration object

    A tour configuration JSON object contains all the data related to a tour.

    Example tour configuration object:

        "name": "My Awesome tour",
        "alias": "myUniqueAlias",
        "group": "Get things done!!!",
        "groupOrder": 1,
        "allowDisable": true,
        "culture" : "en-US",
        "contentType" : "homePage",
        "requiredSections": ["content","media"],
        "steps": []

    Below is an explanation of each of the properties on the tour configuration object:


    This is the name that is displayed in the help drawer for the tour.

    Tour name highlighted


    The unique alias of your tour. This is used to track the progress a user has made while taking a tour. The progress information is stored in the TourData column of the UmbracoUsers table in the database.


    The group property is used to group related tours in the help drawer under a common subject (e.g. Getting started).

    Tour group highlighted


    This is used to control the order of the groups in the help drawer. This must be an integer value.


    A boolean value that indicates if the "Don't show this tour again" should be shown on the tour steps. If the user clicks this link the tour will no longer be shown in the help drawer.

    Tour allow disable link highlighted


    You can set a culture (e.g. nl-NL) and this tour will only be shown to users that have set this culture in their profile. If omitted or left empty the tour will be shown to all users.


    Use this property if you want to limit the tour to a specific content type. E.g. if you want to make a tour that's specific to content nodes using the Home Page Document Type, use the alias of the Document Type, homePage, to set the contentType property.

    The contentType property can also be used to limit the tours to content types that are using a specific composition. This will show the tour on all nodes that are using a specific composition.

    Content Type specific tours

    In the image above, two tours are avaibable on the Welcome node:

    1. "Setup the Welcome page" is available because the tour is limited to the homePage content type and
    2. "Setup the SEO" is available because the content type uses the SEO composition, which is associated with a specific tour.

    When the contentType property is set, the tour will not show as part of any groups.


    This is an array of section aliases that a user needs to have access to in order to see the tour. If the user does not have access to all the sections the tour will not be shown in the help drawer. E.g. if a tour requires Content, Media and Settings and the logged in user only has access to Content and Media, the tour will not be shown for this user.


    This is an array of tour step JSON objects that a user needs to take to complete the tour.

    The tour step object

    A tour step JSON object contains all the data related to a tour step.

    Example tour step object:

        "title": "A meaningful title",
        "content": "<p>Some text explaining the step</p>",
        "type": null,
        "element": "#section-avatar",
        "elementPreventClick": false,
        "backdropOpacity": 0.6,
        "event": "click",
        "view": null,
        "eventElement": "#section-avatar .umb-avatar",
        "customProperties": null

    Below is an explanation of each of the properties on the tour step object.


    This the title shown on the tour step.

    Tour step highlighted


    This text will be shown on the tour step, it can contain HTML markup.

    Tour content highlighted


    The type of step. Currently, only one type is supported : "intro". This will center the step and show a "Start tour" button.


    A CSS selector for the element you wish to highlight. The tour step will position itself near the element.

    A lot of elements in the Umbraco backoffice have a "data-element" attribute. It's recommended to use that, because "id" and "class" are subject to changes, e.g.:


    TIP: Use the developer tools from your browser to find the id, class and data-attribute.

    Step element example highlighting content section


    Setting this to true will prevent JavaScript events from being bound to the highlighted element. A "Next" button will be added to the tour step.

    As an example, it is very useful when you would like to highlight a button, but would like to prevent the user clicking it.


    A decimal value between 0 and 1 to indicate the transparency of the background overlay.


    The JavaScript event that is bound to the highlighted element that should trigger the next tour step e.g. click, hover, etc.

    If not set or omitted a "Next" button will be added to the tour.


    Here you can enter a path to your own custom angular view that will be used to display the tour step.

    This is useful if you would like to validate input from the user during the tour step.


    A CSS selector for the element you wish to attach the JavaScript event. This is useful for when you want to highlight a bigger portion of the backoffice but want to user to click on something inside the highlighted element. If not set, the selector in the element property will be used.

    The image below shows the entire tree highlighted, but requires the user to click on a specific tree element.

    Step eventElement highlighted


    A JSON object that is passed to the scope of a custom step view, so you can use this data in your view with $scope.model.currentStep.customProperties.

    How to filter/disable tours being shown

    It is possible to hide/disable tours using a C# composer by adding to the TourFilters collection.

    Here is an example of disabling all the CMS core tours based on the alias, along with examples on how you could filter out tours by its JSON filename and how to disable tours from specific packages.

    using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
    using Umbraco.Core.Composing;
    using Umbraco.Web;
    using Umbraco.Web.Tour;
    namespace Umbraco.Examples
        public class BackofficeComposer : IUserComposer
            public void Compose(Composition composition)
                // Filter out all the CMS core tours by alias with a Regex that start with the umbIntro alias
                    .AddFilter(new BackOfficeTourFilter(pluginName: null, tourFileName: null, tourAlias: new Regex("^umbIntro", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)));
                // Filter any tours in the file that is custom-tours.json
                // Found in App_plugins/MyAwesomePlugin/backoffice/tours/
                // OR at /config/backofficetours/
                    .AddFilterByFile("custom-tours"); //Without extension
                // Filter out one or more tour JSON files from a specific plugin/package
                // Found in App_plugins/MyAwesomePlugin/backoffice/tours/tour-two.json