We have moved!

You are currently looking at documentation for Umbraco 8 and older versions.
Go to docs.umbraco.com/umbraco-cms/reference/configuration for documentation for Umbraco 9 and newer versions.

    Configuration Files

    The release of V8 has moved many of the previous configuration options from XML configuration files in the usual /config folder to be configurable through code.

    The following Configuration Files remain in Umbraco 8


    The heart of your web application that hosts many configuration settings required for your application.

    This file can be found at the following path: /web.config


    The 'tinyMceConfig.config' contains configuration options for the TinyMce editors in the Umbraco Backoffice.

    This file can be found at the following path: /config/tinyMceConfig.config


    Contains many Umbraco options. Generally the default values work well in most installs; however, in some cases some of these options may need adjusting depending on each installation.

    This file can be found at the following path: /config/umbracoSettings.config


    The ClientDependency configuration options can be found on the ClientDependency website.

    This file can be found at the following path: /config/ClientDependency.config


    The configuration for backoffice healthcheck notifications.

    This file can be found at the following path: /config/HealthChecks.config

    Image Processor

    The configuration for Image Processor, the library responsible for "on the fly processing" of images in Umbraco.

    There are three configuration files /imageprocessor/cache.config /imageprocessor/security.config /imageprocessor/processing.config

    Replaced by code


    Configuration file for legacy NotFoundHandlers


    Configuration options for setting up sections within the Umbraco Backoffice.


    The 'BaseRestExtension.config' contains the data necessary for the /Base system when exposing methods in your class library.


    Configuration options for controlling which dashboards appear in which sections of the backoffice and who has the permissions to see them.


    This configuration file lists the Embedded Media Providers configured for use in your Umbraco site.


    The 'ExamineIndex.config' file contains the configuration for the Examine IndexSets used for storing indexed content in an Umbraco installation.


    The 'ExamineSettings.config' file shows all the configuration options for Examine.


    The 'fileSystemProviders.config' file contains the configuration for the file system providers used by Umbraco to interact with file systems.


    The 'sections.config' file contains the configuration for custom sections loaded in the Umbraco Backoffice.


    The 'trees.config' file contains the configuration for trees that are loaded within each section of the Umbraco Backoffice.


    This is now obsolete and there are better ways to do UrlRewriting, such as within IIS. However, the UrlRewriting documentation can be downloaded in PDF format for legacy projects.

    New to Umbraco 8


    In v8 Serilog is used for logging, use these files to configure this:

    • /config/serilog.config is used to modify the main Umbraco logging pipeline
    • /config/serilog.user.config a sublogger that allows you to make modifications without affecting the main Umbraco logger


    We have moved away from the traditional large XML file (umbraco.config file) and instead using a key value store (NuCache.Content) for caching. Content is now stored in a binary cache called NuCache. You can find the file at /App_Data/TEMP/NuCache/NuCache.Content.db.