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    FileService Events

    The FileService class implements IFileService. It provides access to operations involving IFile objects like scripts, stylesheets and templates.

    Event Signature Description
    SavingTemplate (IFileService sender, SaveEventArgs<ITemplate> e) Raised when FileService.SaveTemplate is called in the API.
    "sender" will be the current IFileService object.
    "e" will provide:
    1. SavedEntities: Gets the collection of ITemplate objects being saved.
    SavedTemplate (IFileService sender, SaveEventArgs<ITemplate> e) Raised when FileService.SaveTemplate is called in the API and after data has been persisted.
    "sender" will be the current IFileService object.
    "e" will provide:
    NOTE: See here on how to determine if the entity is brand new
    1. SavedEntities: Gets the saved collection of ITemplate objects.
    SavingScript (IFileService sender, SaveEventArgs<Script> e) Raised when FileService.SaveScript is called in the API.
    "sender" will be the current IFileService object.
    "e" will provide:
    1. SavedEntities: Gets the collection of Script objects being saved.
    SavedScript (IFileService sender, SaveEventArgs<Script> e) Raised when FileService.SaveScript is called in the API and after data has been persisted.
    "sender" will be the current IFileService object.
    "e" will provide:
    1. SavedEntities: Gets the saved collection of Script objects.
    SavingStylesheet (IFileService sender, SaveEventArgs<Stylesheet> e) Raised when FileService.SaveStylesheet is called in the API.
    "sender" will be the current IFileService object.
    "e" will provide:
    1. SavedEntities: Gets the collection of Stylesheet objects being saved.
    SavedStylesheet (IFileService sender, SaveEventArgs<Stylesheet> e) Raised when FileService.SaveStylesheet is called in the API and after data has been persisted.
    "sender" will be the current IFileService object.
    "e" will provide:
    1. SavedEntities: Gets the saved collection of Stylesheet objects.
    DeletingTemplate (IFileService sender, DeleteEventArgs<ITemplate> e) Raised when FileService.DeleteTemplate is called in the API.
    "sender" will be the current IFileService object.
    "e" will provide:
    1. DeletedEntities: Gets the collection of ITemplate objects being deleted.
    DeletedTemplate (IFileService sender, DeleteEventArgs<ITemplate> e) Raised when FileService.DeleteTemplate is called in the API.
    "sender" will be the current IFileService object.
    "e" will provide:
    1. DeletedEntities: Gets the collection of deleted ITemplate objects.
    DeletingScript (IFileService sender, DeleteEventArgs<Script> e) Raised when FileService.DeleteScript is called in the API.
    "sender" will be the current IFileService object.
    "e" will provide:
    1. DeletedEntities: Gets the collection of Script objects being deleted.
    DeletedScript (IFileService sender, DeleteEventArgs<Script> e) Raised when FileService.DeleteScript is called in the API.
    "sender" will be the current IFileService object.
    "e" will provide:
    1. DeletedEntities: Gets the collection of deleted Script objects.
    DeletingStylesheet (IFileService sender, DeleteEventArgs<Stylesheet> e) Raised when FileService.DeleteStylesheet is called in the API.
    "sender" will be the current IFileService object.
    "e" will provide:
    1. DeletedEntities: Gets the collection of Stylesheet objects being deleted.
    DeletedStylesheet (IFileService sender, DeleteEventArgs<Stylesheet> e) Raised when FileService.DeleteStylesheet is called in the API.
    "sender" will be the current IFileService object.
    "e" will provide:
    1. DeletedEntities: Gets the collection of deleted Stylesheet objects.