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    BackOfficeUserManager and Events

    The BackOfficeUserManager is the ASP.NET Identity UserManager implementation in Umbraco. It exposes APIs for working with Umbraco Users via the ASP.NET Identity including password handling.


    The BackOfficeUserManager can be extended during OWIN startup in order to replace its implementation with your own. This may be required if you want to extend the functionality of the BackOfficeUserManager for things like supporting two-factor authentication(2FA).

    A 2FA implementation example is part of the community package "Umbraco 2FA" and the source code can be found here. In this case, it is required to extend the BackOfficeUserManager in order to implement the ASP.NET Identity SupportsUserTwoFactor property and the underlying User Store implementations: IUserTwoFactorStore, IUserPhoneNumberStore.


    You can create a custom OWIN startup class (or if you install the Identity Extensions package it will add a custom OWIN startup class for you to use) then you can override ConfigureUmbracoUserManager to create a custom implementation.

    public class UmbracoCustomOwinStartup : UmbracoDefaultOwinStartup
        /// Configures the BackOfficeUserManager for Umbraco
        protected override void ConfigureUmbracoUserManager(IAppBuilder app)
            // There are several overloads of this method that allow
            // you to customize the BackOfficeUserManager or even custom
            // BackOfficeUserStore (This is the default).

    The overloads of ConfigureUmbracoUserManager are listed here. One overload provides a callback in order for you to return a custom implementation of BackOfficeUserManager.


    There are several static events you can subscribe to on the BackOfficeUserManager. Internally these are mostly used for auditing but there are some that allow you to customize some workflows:

    • BackOfficeUserManager.SendingUserInvite
      • Allows you to take control over how a user in the backoffice is invited. This might be handy if you are using an External Login Provider that has the DenyLocalLogin option assigned and you still want to have the user invite functionality available. In this setup, all of your users are controlled by your external login provider so you would need to handle the user invite flow yourself by using this event and inviting the user via your external provider. If you are using this event to replace the default functionality you will need to tell Umbraco that you've handled the invite by setting the UserInviteEventArgs.InviteHandled property to true.
    • BackOfficeUserManager.LogoutSuccess
      • This is specifically used if you have an External Login Provider in use and you want to log out of that external provider when the user is logged out of the backoffice (i.e. Log out of everywhere). The event arg type is SignOutAuditEventArgs which has a property SignOutRedirectUrl. If this property is assigned then Umbraco will redirect to that URL upon successful backoffice sign out in order to sign the user out of the external login provider.